▶CAbstractScriptedSegmentEditorAutoCompleteEffect | |
CSegmentEditorFillBetweenSlicesEffect.SegmentEditorFillBetweenSlicesEffect | |
CSegmentEditorGrowFromSeedsEffect.SegmentEditorGrowFromSeedsEffect | |
▶CAbstractScriptedSegmentEditorEffect | |
CSegmentEditorHollowEffect.SegmentEditorHollowEffect | |
CSegmentEditorIslandsEffect.SegmentEditorIslandsEffect | |
CSegmentEditorLogicalEffect.SegmentEditorLogicalEffect | |
CSegmentEditorMarginEffect.SegmentEditorMarginEffect | |
CSegmentEditorMaskVolumeEffect.SegmentEditorMaskVolumeEffect | |
CSegmentEditorThresholdEffect.SegmentEditorThresholdEffect | |
▶CAbstractScriptedSegmentEditorLabelEffect | |
CSegmentEditorDrawEffect.SegmentEditorDrawEffect | |
CSegmentEditorLevelTracingEffect.SegmentEditorLevelTracingEffect | |
▶CAbstractScriptedSegmentEditorPaintEffect | |
CSegmentEditorSmoothingEffect.SegmentEditorSmoothingEffect | |
▶CAbstractScriptedSubjectHierarchyPlugin | |
CAnnotationsSubjectHierarchyPlugin.AnnotationsSubjectHierarchyPlugin | |
CArchetypeVolumeNodeSet | |
▶CBinaryFunctorImageFilter | |
Citk::ConstrainedValueMultiplicationImageFilter< TInputImage1, TInputImage2, TOutputImage > | Implements pixel-wise the computation of constrained value addition |
▶CBSplineDeformableTransform | |
Citk::InverseBSplineDeformableTransform< TScalar, NDimensions, VSplineOrder > | |
▶CBSplineTransform | |
Citk::InverseBSplineTransform< TScalar, NDimensions, VSplineOrder > | |
Citk::TimeSeriesDatabase< TPixel >::CacheBlock | Our cache |
CvtkObservation::CallType | |
CvtkSlicerTerminologiesModuleLogic::CodeIdentifier | Information needed to uniquely identify a terminology code |
CvtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode::ComponentInfo | |
CvtkMRMLStorageNode::CompressionPreset | |
Citk::Functor::ConstrainedValueMultiplication< TInput1, TInput2, TOutput > | |
CvtkMRMLMarkupsNode::ControlPoint | |
▶CControlPointsPipeline | |
CvtkSlicerMarkupsWidgetRepresentation2D::ControlPointsPipeline2D | |
CvtkSlicerMarkupsWidgetRepresentation3D::ControlPointsPipeline3D | |
CvtkSlicerMarkupsWidgetRepresentation::ControlPointsPipeline | |
CCoord3d | |
CCoord3f | |
CCoord3i | |
Citk::TimeSeriesDatabaseHelper::counted_ptr< ElementType > | Some useful classes |
▶CCSFLSSegmentor3D< TPixel > | |
CCSFLSRobustStatSegmentor3DLabelMap< TPixel > | |
▶CctkAbstractFactoryFileBasedItem | |
CctkFactoryScriptedItem | |
CqSlicerCLIExecutableModuleFactoryItem | |
▶CctkAbstractFileBasedFactory | |
CqSlicerCLIExecutableModuleFactory | |
CqSlicerScriptedLoadableModuleFactory | |
▶CctkAbstractLibraryFactory | |
CqSlicerCLILoadableModuleFactory | |
▶CctkAbstractPluginFactory | |
CqSlicerLoadableModuleFactory | |
▶CctkAbstractPythonManager | |
▶CqSlicerCorePythonManager | |
CqSlicerPythonManager | |
▶CctkAbstractQObjectFactory | |
CqSlicerCoreModuleFactory | |
▶CctkCollapsibleButton | |
CqMRMLCollapsibleButton | |
▶CctkComboBox | |
CqMRMLSubjectHierarchyComboBox | |
▶CctkCommandLineParser | |
▶CqSlicerCoreCommandOptions | |
CqSlicerCommandOptions | |
▶CctkCoordinatesWidget | |
CqMRMLCoordinatesWidget | Extend the ctkCoordinatesWidget to integrate units support |
▶CctkDoubleRangeSlider | |
CqMRMLDoubleRangeSlider | QMRMLDoubleRangeSlider is a wrapper around a ctkDoubleRangeSlider |
▶CctkDoubleSpinBox | |
CqMRMLSpinBox | Extend the ctkDoubleSpinBox to integrate units support |
▶CctkFactoryLibraryItem | |
CqSlicerCLILoadableModuleFactoryItem | |
▶CctkFactoryPluginItem | |
CqSlicerLoadableModuleFactoryItem | |
▶CctkIconEnginePlugin | |
CqSlicerIconEnginePlugin | |
▶CctkLayoutFactory | |
▶CqMRMLLayoutManager | |
CqSlicerLayoutManager | |
▶CctkLayoutViewFactory | |
CqMRMLLayoutViewFactory | |
CqSlicerSingletonViewFactory | |
▶CctkProxyStyle | |
▶CqSlicerStyle | |
CqSlicerDarkStyle | |
CqSlicerLightStyle | |
▶CctkRangeSlider | |
CqMRMLRangeSlider | QMRMLRangeSlider is a wrapper around a ctkRangeSlider |
▶CctkRangeWidget | |
CqMRMLRangeWidget | |
▶CctkSettingsPanel | |
CqSlicerMarkupsSettingsPanel | |
CqSlicerSegmentationsSettingsPanel | |
CqSlicerSettingsCachePanel | |
CqSlicerSettingsDeveloperPanel | |
CqSlicerSettingsExtensionsPanel | |
CqSlicerSettingsGeneralPanel | |
CqSlicerSettingsInternationalizationPanel | |
CqSlicerSettingsModulesPanel | |
CqSlicerSettingsPythonPanel | |
CqSlicerSettingsStylesPanel | |
CqSlicerSettingsUserInformationPanel | |
CqSlicerSettingsViewsPanel | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchySettingsPanel | |
CqSlicerUnitsSettingsPanel | |
CqSlicerVolumeRenderingSettingsPanel | |
▶CctkSliderWidget | |
▶CqMRMLSliderWidget | Extend the ctkSliderWidget to integrate units support |
CqMRMLLinearTransformSlider | |
▶CctkVTKAbstractMatrixWidget | |
CqMRMLMatrixWidget | |
▶CctkVTKChartView | |
CqMRMLPlotView | QMRMLPlotView is the display canvas for a Plot |
▶CctkVTKConnection | |
CqMRMLEventBrokerConnection | |
▶CctkVTKConnectionFactory | |
CqMRMLConnectionFactory | |
▶CctkVTKRenderView | |
CqMRMLThreeDView | 3D view for view nodes. For performance reasons, the view block refreshs when the scene is in batch process state |
▶CctkVTKSliceView | |
CqMRMLSliceView | 2D view for slice nodes. For performance reasons, the view block refreshs when the scene is in batch process state |
▶CctkVTKThumbnailView | |
CqMRMLNavigationView | |
▶CDataRequest | |
CReadDataRequestAddNodeReference | |
CReadDataRequestFile | |
CReadDataRequestScene | |
CReadDataRequestUpdateParentTransform | |
CReadDataRequestUpdateSubjectHierarchyLocation | |
CWriteDataRequestFile | |
CWriteDataRequestScene | |
Citk::DCMTKFileReader | |
Citk::DCMTKSequence | |
▶CDiffusionTensor3D | |
Citk::DiffusionTensor3DExtended< T > | |
Citk::Functor::DiffusionTensor3DAbs< TInput, TOutput > | |
Citk::Functor::DiffusionTensor3DNearest< TInput, TOutput > | |
CDiffusionTensor3DSplineInterpolateImageFunction | |
Citk::Functor::DiffusionTensor3DZero< TInput, TOutput > | |
▶CDirective | |
Cworkaround_recommonmark_issue_191.MdInclude | |
▶Citk::LevelTracingImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::DispatchBase | To control overloaded versions of ComputeThreshold |
Citk::LevelTracingImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::Dispatch< VDimension > | |
▶CDisplacementFieldTransform | |
Citk::InverseDisplacementFieldTransform< TScalar, NDimensions > | |
CFibHeap | |
CFibHeapNode | |
CFiducialListSwappedIndicesStruct | |
CGrowCutSegmentationFilter | Segmentation or multiple objects based on a set of gestures |
CvtkSlicerMarkupsWidgetRepresentation::MarkupsInteractionPipeline::HandleInfo | |
▶CImageFunction | |
▶Citk::DiffusionTensor3DInterpolateImageFunction< TData, TCoordRep > | |
▶Citk::DiffusionTensor3DInterpolateImageFunctionReimplementation< TData, TCoordRep > | |
Citk::DiffusionTensor3DBSplineInterpolateImageFunction< TData, TCoordRep > | |
Citk::DiffusionTensor3DLinearInterpolateFunction< TData, TCoordRep > | |
Citk::DiffusionTensor3DWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TData, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep > | |
Citk::DiffusionTensor3DNearestNeighborInterpolateFunction< TData, TCoordRep > | |
▶CImageIOBase | |
Citk::MRMLIDImageIO | ImageIO object for reading and writing imaegs from a MRML scene |
▶CImageSource | |
Citk::TimeSeriesDatabase< TPixel > | TimeSeriesDatabase transforms a series of images stored on disk into a high performance database |
▶CImageToImageFilter | |
Citk::DiffusionTensor3DResample< TInput, TOutput > | |
Citk::GrowCutSegmentationImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TWeightPixelType > | |
Citk::HFieldToDeformationFieldImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage > | Computes the Mean Diffusivity for every pixel of a input tensor image |
Citk::LevelTracingImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage > | Trace a level curve/surface given a seed point on the level curve/surface |
Citk::MorphologicalContourInterpolator< TImage > | Interpolates contours between slices. Based on a paper by Albu et al |
Citk::NewOtsuThresholdImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage > | Threshold an image using the Otsu Threshold |
Citk::SeparateComponentsOfADiffusionTensorImage< TInput, TOutput > | |
Citk::TransformDeformationFieldFilter< TInput, TOutput, NDimensions > | |
Citk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod > | |
CvtkMRMLSequenceNode::IndexEntryType | |
CvtkMRMLApplicationLogic::InvokeRequest | Structure passed as calldata pointer in the RequestEvent invoked event |
CipDataUnion | |
CITKImageFileFormatStruct | |
CitkSeparateComponentsOfADiffusionTensorImage | |
Citk::TimeSeriesDatabaseHelper::LRUCache< KeyType, ValueType > | |
Citk::TimeSeriesDatabaseHelper::LRUCache< unsigned long, itk::TimeSeriesDatabase::CacheBlock > | |
CvtkSlicerMarkupsWidgetRepresentation::MarkupsInteractionPipeline | |
▶CMarkupsInteractionPipeline | |
CvtkSlicerMarkupsWidgetRepresentation2D::MarkupsInteractionPipeline2D | |
▶CvtkSlicerROIRepresentation3D::MarkupsInteractionPipelineROI | |
CvtkSlicerROIRepresentation2D::MarkupsInteractionPipelineROI2D | |
▶CMatrix | |
Citk::MatrixExtended< T, NRows, NColumns > | |
Citk::MatrixExtended< TransformType, 3, 3 > | |
CvtkMRMLMessageCollection::Message |
A helper class that describes a single message |
CMRMLNodeModifyBlocker | Safe replacement of MRML node start/end modify |
▶CObject | |
Citk::AnisotropicSimilarityLandmarkBasedTransformInitializer< TTransform, TFixedImage, TMovingImage > | AnisotropicSimilarityLandmarkBasedTransformInitializer is a helper class intended to The class computes the transform that aligns the fixed and moving images given a set of landmarks. The class is templated over the Transform type. The transform computed gives the best fit transform that maps the fixed and moving images in a least squares sense. The indices are taken to correspond, so point 1 in the first set will get mapped close to point 1 in the second set, etc. An equal number of fixed and moving landmarks need to be specified using SetFixedLandmarks() SetMovingLandmarks(). Any number of landmarks may be specified. Call InitializeTransform() to initialize the transform |
Citk::DiffusionTensor3DRead< TData > | |
▶Citk::DiffusionTensor3DTransform< TData > | |
▶Citk::DiffusionTensor3DMatrix3x3Transform< TData > | |
▶Citk::DiffusionTensor3DAffineTransform< TData > | |
Citk::DiffusionTensor3DFSAffineTransform< TData > | |
Citk::DiffusionTensor3DPPDAffineTransform< TData > | |
Citk::DiffusionTensor3DRigidTransform< TData > | |
Citk::DiffusionTensor3DNonRigidTransform< TData > | |
Citk::DiffusionTensor3DWrite< TData > | |
Citk::ImageRegionMomentsCalculator< TImage > | Compute moments of an n-dimensional image |
Citk::ImageToImageRegistrationHelper< TImage > | |
Citk::NewOtsuThresholdImageCalculator< TInputImage > | Computes the Otsu's threshold for an image |
▶Cobject | |
▶CAbstractScriptedSegmentEditorEffect.AbstractScriptedSegmentEditorEffect | |
CAbstractScriptedSegmentEditorAutoCompleteEffect.AbstractScriptedSegmentEditorAutoCompleteEffect | |
CAbstractScriptedSegmentEditorLabelEffect.AbstractScriptedSegmentEditorLabelEffect | |
CAbstractScriptedSegmentEditorPaintEffect.AbstractScriptedSegmentEditorPaintEffect | |
CPython.AbstractScriptedSubjectHierarchyPlugin.AbstractScriptedSubjectHierarchyPlugin | |
CSegmentEditorDrawEffect.DrawPipeline | |
CSegmentEditorLevelTracingEffect.LevelTracingPipeline | |
CSegmentEditorThresholdEffect.HistogramPipeline | |
CSegmentEditorThresholdEffect.PreviewPipeline | |
CvtkScriptedExampleDisplayableManager.vtkScriptedExampleDisplayableManager | |
▶CObjectFactoryBase | |
Citk::MRMLIDImageIOFactory | Create instances of MRMLIDImageIO objects using an object factory |
▶CpqTreeViewEventPlayer | |
CqMRMLTreeViewEventPlayer | |
▶CpqTreeViewEventTranslator | |
CqMRMLTreeViewEventTranslator | |
▶CpqWidgetEventPlayer | |
CqMRMLCheckableNodeComboBoxEventPlayer | |
CqMRMLNodeComboBoxEventPlayer | |
CqSlicerCLIModuleWidgetEventPlayer | |
▶CpqWidgetEventTranslator | |
CqMRMLNodeComboBoxEventTranslator | |
▶CProcessObject | |
▶Citk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethod< TImage > | |
Citk::InitialImageToImageRegistrationMethod< TImage > | |
▶Citk::OptimizedImageToImageRegistrationMethod< TImage > | |
Citk::AffineImageToImageRegistrationMethod< TImage > | |
Citk::BSplineImageToImageRegistrationMethod< TImage > | |
Citk::RigidImageToImageRegistrationMethod< TImage > | |
▶CQAbstractItemDelegate | |
CqMRMLNodeComboBoxMenuDelegate | Abstract Item delegate to show unselectable items highlighed when the mouse is over them to give a feeling of selectable item |
▶CQApplication | |
▶CqSlicerCoreApplication | |
CqSlicerApplication | |
▶CQComboBox | |
CqSlicerGPUMemoryComboBox | |
▶CQDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface | |
CqMRMLWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerAnnotationModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerMarkupsModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerModelsWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerPlotsModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerQTCLIPlugins | |
CqSlicerQTGUIPlugins | |
CqSlicerSegmentationsModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerSequenceBrowserModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerTablesModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerTablesModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerTerminologiesModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerTextModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerTransformsModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerUnitsModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerVolumeRenderingModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
▶CQDesignerCustomWidgetInterface | |
▶CqMRMLWidgetsAbstractPlugin | |
CqMRMLCaptureToolBarPlugin | |
CqMRMLCheckableNodeComboBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLClipNodeWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLCollapsibleButtonPlugin | |
CqMRMLColorListViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLColorTableComboBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLColorTableViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLCoordinatesWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLDisplayNodeViewComboBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLDisplayNodeWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLEventBrokerWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLExpandingWebViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLLabelComboBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLLayoutWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLLinearTransformSliderPlugin | |
CqMRMLListWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLMatrixWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLModelInfoWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLNavigationViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLNodeAttributeTableViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLNodeAttributeTableWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLNodeComboBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLPlotViewControllerWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLPlotWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLRangeWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLROIWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLScalarInvariantComboBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLScalarsDisplayWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSceneFactoryWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSliceControllerWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSliceInformationWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSliceWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSliderWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSpinBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLTableViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLThreeDViewInformationWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLThreeDViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLTransformSlidersPlugin | |
CqMRMLTreeViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLVolumeInfoWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLVolumeThresholdWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLWindowLevelWidgetPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerAnnotationModuleWidgetsAbstractPlugin | |
CqMRMLAnnotationFiducialProjectionPropertyWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLAnnotationROIWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLAnnotationRulerProjectionPropertyWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLAnnotationTreeViewPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerMarkupsModuleWidgetsAbstractPlugin | |
CqMRMLMarkupsDisplayNodeWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLMarkupsFiducialProjectionPropertyWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLMarkupsInteractionHandleWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLMarkupsROIWidgetPlugin | |
CqSlicerMarkupsPlaceWidgetPlugin | |
CqSlicerSimpleMarkupsWidgetPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerModelsWidgetsAbstractPlugin | |
CqMRMLModelDisplayNodeWidgetPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerPlotsModuleWidgetsAbstractPlugin | |
CqMRMLPlotChartPropertiesWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLPlotSeriesPropertiesWidgetPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerQTCLIAbstractPlugin | |
CqSlicerCLIProgressBarPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerQTGUIAbstractPlugin | |
CqSlicerDirectoryListViewPlugin | |
CqSlicerModulePanelPlugin | |
CqSlicerModulesListViewPlugin | |
CqSlicerMouseModeToolBarPlugin | |
CqSlicerWidgetPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerSegmentationsModuleWidgetsAbstractPlugin | |
CqMRMLSegmentationConversionParametersWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSegmentationDisplayNodeWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSegmentationFileExportWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSegmentationRepresentationsListViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLSegmentEditorWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSegmentSelectorWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSegmentsTableViewPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerSequencesModuleWidgetsAbstractPlugin | |
CqMRMLSequenceBrowserPlayWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSequenceBrowserSeekWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSequenceBrowserToolBarPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyModuleWidgetsAbstractPlugin | |
CqMRMLSubjectHierarchyComboBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLSubjectHierarchyTreeViewPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerTablesModuleWidgetsAbstractPlugin | |
CqSlicerTableColumnPropertiesWidgetPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerTerminologiesModuleWidgetsAbstractPlugin | |
CqSlicerTerminologyNavigatorWidgetPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerTextsModuleWidgetsAbstractPlugin | |
CqMRMLTextWidgetPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerTransformsModuleWidgetsAbstractPlugin | |
CqMRMLTransformDisplayNodeWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLTransformInfoWidgetPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerUnitsModuleWidgetsAbstractPlugin | |
CqMRMLUnitWidgetPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerVolumeRenderingModuleWidgetsAbstractPlugin | |
CqMRMLVolumePropertyNodeWidgetPlugin | |
CqSlicerGPUMemoryComboBoxPlugin | |
CqSlicerPresetComboBoxPlugin | |
CqSlicerVolumeRenderingPresetComboBoxPlugin | |
▶CQDialog | |
▶CqMRMLScreenShotDialog | |
CqSlicerAnnotationModuleSnapShotDialog | |
CqSlicerSceneViewsModuleDialog | |
CqSlicerAboutDialog | Pre-request that a qSlicerApplication has been instanced |
CqSlicerActionsDialog | |
CqSlicerAnnotationModulePropertyDialog | |
CqSlicerAnnotationModulePropertyDialog | |
CqSlicerAnnotationModuleReportDialog | |
CqSlicerErrorReportDialog | Pre-request that a qSlicerApplication has been instanced |
CqSlicerExtensionsManagerDialog | |
CqSlicerModuleFinderDialog | |
CqSlicerWebDownloadWidget | |
▶CQItemDelegate | |
CqMRMLNodeComboBoxDelegate | |
CQList< T > | |
CQList< qSlicerSegmentEditorAbstractEffect *> | |
CQList< qSlicerSubjectHierarchyAbstractPlugin *> | |
CQList< vtkIdType > | |
▶CQListView | |
CqMRMLColorListView | |
CqMRMLListWidget | |
CqSlicerModulesListView | |
▶CQListWidget | |
CqSlicerExtensionsManageWidget | |
▶CQMainWindow | |
▶CqSlicerMainWindow | |
CqSlicerAppMainWindow | |
CQMap< Key, T > | |
▶CQMenu | |
CqMRMLSceneViewMenu | |
CqSlicerModulesMenu | |
CqMRMLColors | |
▶CQNetworkCookieJar | |
CqSlicerPersistentCookieJar | |
▶CQObject | |
CSegmentEditorThresholdEffect.HistogramEventFilter | |
▶CQObject | |
CqMRMLAnnotationFiducialProjectionPropertyWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLAnnotationROIWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLAnnotationRulerProjectionPropertyWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLAnnotationTreeViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLCaptureToolBarPlugin | |
CqMRMLCheckableNodeComboBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLClipNodeWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLCollapsibleButtonPlugin | |
CqMRMLColorListViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLColorTableComboBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLColorTableViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLCoordinatesWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLDisplayNodeViewComboBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLDisplayNodeWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLEventBrokerWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLEventLogger | |
CqMRMLExpandingWebViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLLabelComboBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLLayoutWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLLinearTransformSliderPlugin | |
CqMRMLListWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLMarkupsDisplayNodeWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLMarkupsFiducialProjectionPropertyWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLMarkupsInteractionHandleWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLMarkupsROIWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLMatrixWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLModelDisplayNodeWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLModelInfoWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLNavigationViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLNodeAttributeTableViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLNodeAttributeTableWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLNodeComboBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLNodeFactory | |
CqMRMLPlotChartPropertiesWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLPlotSeriesPropertiesWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLPlotViewControllerWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLPlotWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLRangeWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLROIWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLScalarInvariantComboBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLScalarsDisplayWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSceneFactoryWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSegmentationConversionParametersWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSegmentationDisplayNodeWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSegmentationFileExportWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSegmentationGeometryDialog | Qt dialog for changing segmentation labelmap geometry |
CqMRMLSegmentationRepresentationsListViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLSegmentEditorWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSegmentSelectorWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSegmentsTableViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLSequenceBrowserPlayWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSequenceBrowserSeekWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSequenceBrowserToolBarPlugin | |
CqMRMLSliceControllerWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSliceInformationWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSliceWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSliderWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLSpinBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLSubjectHierarchyComboBoxPlugin | |
CqMRMLSubjectHierarchyTreeViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLTableViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLTextWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLThreeDViewInformationWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLThreeDViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLTransformDisplayNodeWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLTransformInfoWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLTransformSlidersPlugin | |
CqMRMLTreeViewPlugin | |
CqMRMLUnitWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLUtils | |
CqMRMLVolumeInfoWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLVolumePropertyNodeWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLVolumeThresholdWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLWidgetPlugin | |
CqMRMLWidgetsPlugin | |
CqMRMLWindowLevelWidgetPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerAbstractCoreModule | QSlicerAbstractCoreModule is the base class of any module in Slicer |
▶CqSlicerAbstractModule | |
CqSlicerCLIModule | |
▶CqSlicerCoreModule | |
CqSlicerEventBrokerModule | |
▶CqSlicerLoadableModule | |
CqSlicerAnnotationsModule | |
CqSlicerCamerasModule | |
CqSlicerColorsModule | |
CqSlicerCropVolumeModule | |
CqSlicerDataModule | |
CqSlicerDoubleArraysModule | |
CqSlicerMarkupsModule | |
CqSlicerModelsModule | |
CqSlicerPlotsModule | |
CqSlicerReformatModule | |
CqSlicerSceneViewsModule | |
CqSlicerScriptedLoadableModule | |
CqSlicerSegmentationsModule | |
CqSlicerSequencesModule | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyModule | |
CqSlicerTablesModule | |
CqSlicerTerminologiesModule | |
CqSlicerTextsModule | |
CqSlicerTransformsModule | |
CqSlicerUnitsModule | |
CqSlicerViewControllersModule | |
CqSlicerVolumeRenderingModule | |
CqSlicerVolumesModule | |
CqSlicerWelcomeModule | |
▶CqSlicerAbstractModuleFactoryManager | |
CqSlicerModuleFactoryManager | |
CqSlicerAnnotationModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerApplicationHelper | |
CqSlicerBaseQTAppPythonQtDecorators | |
CqSlicerBaseQTBasePythonQtDecorators | |
CqSlicerBaseQTGUIPythonQtDecorators | |
CqSlicerCLIModuleUIHelper | |
CqSlicerCLIProgressBarPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerCoreIOManager | |
CqSlicerIOManager | |
CqSlicerDirectoryListViewPlugin | |
CqSlicerExtensionDownloadTask | |
CqSlicerExtensionsManagerModel | |
▶CqSlicerFileDialog | |
CqSlicerDataDialog | |
CqSlicerModelsDialog | |
CqSlicerSaveDataDialog | |
▶CqSlicerStandardFileDialog | |
CqSlicerScriptedFileDialog | |
CqSlicerGPUMemoryComboBoxPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerIO | Base class for qSlicerFileReader and qSlicerFileWriter |
▶CqSlicerFileReader | |
CqSlicerAnnotationsReader | |
CqSlicerColorsReader | |
CqSlicerDoubleArraysReader | |
CqSlicerFiducialsReader | |
CqSlicerMarkupsReader | |
CqSlicerModelsReader | |
CqSlicerSceneBundleReader | |
CqSlicerSceneReader | |
CqSlicerScriptedFileReader | |
CqSlicerSegmentationsReader | |
CqSlicerSequencesReader | |
CqSlicerShaderPropertyReader | |
CqSlicerSlicer2SceneReader | |
CqSlicerTablesReader | |
CqSlicerTerminologiesReader | |
CqSlicerTextsReader | |
CqSlicerTransformsReader | |
CqSlicerVolumeRenderingReader | |
CqSlicerVolumesReader | |
▶CqSlicerFileWriter | |
▶CqSlicerNodeWriter | Utility class that is ready to use for most of the nodes |
CqSlicerMarkupsWriter | Utility class that offers writing of markups in both json format, regardless of the current storage node |
CqSlicerSegmentationsNodeWriter | Utility class that is ready to use for most of the nodes |
CqSlicerSceneWriter | |
CqSlicerScriptedFileWriter | |
CqSlicerMarkupsModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerMarkupsPlaceWidgetPlugin | |
CqSlicerModelsWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerModuleManager | |
CqSlicerModulePanelPlugin | |
CqSlicerModulesListViewPlugin | |
CqSlicerMouseModeToolBarPlugin | |
CqSlicerPlotsModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerPresetComboBoxPlugin | |
CqSlicerQTCLIPlugins | |
CqSlicerQTGUIPlugins | |
CqSlicerRelativePathMapper | |
CqSlicerSegmentationsModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerSegmentEditorAbstractEffect | Abstract class for segment editor effects |
▶CqSlicerSegmentEditorAbstractLabelEffect | Base class for all "label" effects |
▶CqSlicerSegmentEditorPaintEffect | |
CqSlicerSegmentEditorEraseEffect | |
CqSlicerSegmentEditorScriptedPaintEffect | Scripted abstract effect for implementing paint effects in python |
CqSlicerSegmentEditorScissorsEffect | |
CqSlicerSegmentEditorScriptedLabelEffect | Scripted abstract effect for implementing label effects in python |
CqSlicerSegmentEditorScriptedEffect | Scripted abstract effect for implementing segment editor effects in python |
CqSlicerSegmentEditorEffectFactory | Singleton class managing segment editor effect plugins |
CqSlicerSequenceBrowserModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerSimpleMarkupsWidgetPlugin | |
▶CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyAbstractPlugin | Abstract plugin for handling Subject Hierarchy items |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyChartsPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyCloneNodePlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyDefaultPlugin | Default Subject Hierarchy plugin to exercise features of the abstract plugin. This plugin must not be registered as this is the fall back plugin called when there is none found |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyDiffusionTensorVolumesPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyFolderPlugin | Subject hierarchy folder plugin |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyLabelMapsPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyMarkupsPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyModelsPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyOpacityPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyParseLocalDataPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyPlotsPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyRegisterPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchySceneViewsPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyScriptedPlugin | Scripted abstract plugin for handling subject hierarchy items or providing actions for items |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchySegmentationsPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchySegmentsPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyTablesPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyTextsPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyTransformsPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyVisibilityPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyVolumeRenderingPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyVolumesPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyModuleWidgetsPythonQtDecorators | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyPluginHandler | Singleton class managing Subject Hierarchy plugins |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyPluginLogic | Qt-based logic class to exercise Qt-related logic functions. The Subject hierarchy plugin mechanism and those are Qt classes |
CqSlicerTableColumnPropertiesWidgetPlugin | |
CqSlicerTablesModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerTablesModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerTerminologiesModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerTerminologyNavigatorWidgetPlugin | |
CqSlicerTerminologySelectorDialog | Qt dialog for selecting a terminology entry |
CqSlicerTextModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerTransformsModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerUnitsModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerVolumeRenderingModuleWidgetsPlugin | |
CqSlicerVolumeRenderingPresetComboBoxPlugin | |
CqSlicerWebPythonProxy | |
CqSlicerWidgetPlugin | |
CqSlicerWidgetValueWrapper | |
▶CQPushButton | |
CqSlicerTerminologySelectorButton | Button that opens terminology selector dialog |
CqSlicerCLIModuleFactoryHelper | Qt includes |
▶CqSlicerIOOptions | |
▶CqSlicerIOOptionsWidget | |
CqSlicerAnnotationsIOOptionsWidget | |
▶CqSlicerFileWriterOptionsWidget | Base class for all the Writer Options widget |
▶CqSlicerNodeWriterOptionsWidget | |
CqSlicerSegmentationsNodeWriterOptionsWidget | |
CqSlicerModelsIOOptionsWidget | |
CqSlicerSceneIOOptionsWidget | |
CqSlicerSegmentationsIOOptionsWidget | |
CqSlicerVolumesIOOptionsWidget | |
▶CqSlicerObject | |
▶CqSlicerAbstractModuleRepresentation | |
▶CqSlicerAbstractModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerAnnotationModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerCamerasModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerCLIModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerColorsModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerCropVolumeModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerDataModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerEventBrokerModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerMarkupsModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerModelsModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerPlotsModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerReformatModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerSceneViewsModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerScriptedLoadableModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerSegmentationsModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerSequencesModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerTablesModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerTerminologiesModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerTextsModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerTransformsModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerViewControllersModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerVolumeRenderingModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerVolumesModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerWelcomeModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerIO | Base class for qSlicerFileReader and qSlicerFileWriter |
CqSlicerSubjectHierarchyPluginLogic | Qt-based logic class to exercise Qt-related logic functions. The Subject hierarchy plugin mechanism and those are Qt classes |
▶CqSlicerWidget | |
CqMRMLTextWidget | |
▶CqSlicerAbstractModulePanel | |
CqSlicerModulePanel | |
CqSlicerAbstractModuleWidget | |
CqSlicerDiffusionTensorVolumeDisplayWidget | |
CqSlicerDiffusionWeightedVolumeDisplayWidget | |
CqSlicerDTISliceDisplayWidget | |
CqSlicerIOOptionsWidget | |
CqSlicerLabelMapVolumeDisplayWidget | |
CqSlicerMarkupsPlaceWidget | |
CqSlicerScalarVolumeDisplayWidget | |
CqSlicerSimpleMarkupsWidget | |
CqSlicerTableColumnPropertiesWidget | |
CqSlicerVolumeRenderingPresetComboBox | |
CqSlicerUtils | |
▶CQSortFilterProxyModel | |
▶CqMRMLSortFilterProxyModel | |
CqMRMLSortFilterHierarchyProxyModel | |
CqMRMLSortFilterSegmentsProxyModel | |
CqMRMLSortFilterSubjectHierarchyProxyModel | |
CqSlicerModuleFactoryFilterModel | |
▶CQStackedWidget | |
CqSlicerVolumeDisplayWidget | |
▶CQStandardItemModel | |
CqMRMLColorModel | |
▶CqMRMLSceneModel | |
▶CqMRMLSceneCategoryModel | |
CqMRMLSceneColorTableModel | |
▶CqMRMLSceneHierarchyModel | |
▶CqMRMLSceneDisplayableModel | The Visibility icon is in the same column than the name by default |
CqMRMLSceneAnnotationModel | |
CqMRMLSceneTransformModel | |
CqMRMLSegmentsModel | Item model for segments |
CqMRMLSubjectHierarchyModel | Item model for subject hierarchy |
CqMRMLTableModel | |
▶CQStyledItemDelegate | |
CqMRMLDoubleSpinBoxDelegate | |
CqMRMLItemDelegate | Item Delegate for MRML properties Use custom widgets for properties such as colors, opacities... If an index has Qt::DecorationRole set to a QColor, its editor will then be a ctkColorPickerButton linked to a color picker dialog on click If an index has a Qt::EditRole set to a QString that exactly is on the form X.YY where X is 0 or 1 and Y is a digit (0 to 9), then the editor will be a ctkDoubleSpinBox with a slider popping up on mouse hover |
CqSlicerTerminologyItemDelegate | |
▶CQStylePlugin | |
CqSlicerStylePlugin | |
▶CQTableView | |
CqMRMLColorTableView | Table view for color table nodes. Edition of color (opening dialog) and opacity (slider popup) is handled by qMRMLItemDelegate |
CqMRMLTableView | Spreadsheet view for table nodes. Allow view/edit of a vtkMRMLTableNode |
▶CQToolBar | |
CqMRMLCaptureToolBar | |
CqMRMLSequenceBrowserToolBar | |
CqSlicerModuleSelectorToolBar | |
CqSlicerMouseModeToolBar | |
CqSlicerViewersToolBar | |
▶CQTreeView | |
CqMRMLSubjectHierarchyTreeView | |
▶CqMRMLTreeView | |
CqMRMLAnnotationTreeView | |
▶CQWebEngineView | |
CqMRMLChartView | QMRMLChartView is the display canvas for a Chart |
CqMRMLExpandingWebView | QMRMLExpandingWebView is the display canvas for some or all of a MRML scene |
▶CQWidget | |
CButtonGroupWidgetWrapper | |
CqMRMLAnnotationROIWidget | |
CqMRMLClipNodeWidget | |
CqMRMLDisplayNodeWidget | |
CqMRMLEventBrokerWidget | |
CqMRMLEventLoggerWidget | |
CqMRMLLayoutWidget | |
CqMRMLMarkupsROIWidget | |
CqMRMLModelInfoWidget | |
CqMRMLNodeAttributeTableView | |
CqMRMLNodeAttributeTableWidget | |
▶CqMRMLNodeComboBox | Combobox that automatically displays all the nodes of the scene that match filtering criteria |
▶CqMRMLCheckableNodeComboBox | |
CqMRMLDisplayNodeViewComboBox | Combobox of display node view nodes. Observe the view nodes of a display node and mark them as checked in the scene view node list. View nodes can be vtkMRMLViewNode for the 3D view or vtkMRMLSliceNode for the 2d case, or vtkMRMLChartViewNodes for charts |
CqMRMLColorTableComboBox | |
CqSlicerPresetComboBox | |
CqMRMLROIWidget | |
CqMRMLScalarInvariantComboBox | |
CqMRMLSceneFactoryWidget | |
CqMRMLSegmentationConversionParametersWidget | |
CqMRMLSegmentationRepresentationsListView | |
CqMRMLSettingsUnitWidget | |
CqMRMLVolumePropertyNodeWidget | |
▶CqMRMLVolumeWidget | Abstract widget to represent and control the properties of a scalar volume node |
CqMRMLVolumeThresholdWidget | |
CqMRMLWindowLevelWidget | |
▶CqMRMLWidget | Base class for any widget that requires a MRML Scene |
▶CqMRMLAnnotationDisplayNodePropertyWidget | |
CqMRMLAnnotationDisplayNodePointPropertyWidget | |
CqMRMLAnnotationFiducialProjectionPropertyWidget | |
CqMRMLAnnotationRulerProjectionPropertyWidget | |
CqMRMLChartWidget | QMRMLChartWidget is the toplevel charting widget that can be packed in a layout |
CqMRMLColorPickerWidget | |
CqMRMLLabelComboBox | |
CqMRMLMarkupsDisplayNodeWidget | |
CqMRMLMarkupsFiducialProjectionPropertyWidget | |
CqMRMLMarkupsInteractionHandleWidget | |
CqMRMLModelDisplayNodeWidget | |
CqMRMLPlotChartPropertiesWidget | |
CqMRMLPlotSeriesPropertiesWidget | |
CqMRMLPlotWidget | QMRMLPlotWidget is the toplevel Plotting widget that can be packed in a layout |
CqMRMLScalarsDisplayWidget | |
CqMRMLSegmentationDisplayNodeWidget | Qt widget for selecting a single segment from a segmentation. If multiple segments are needed, then use |
CqMRMLSegmentationFileExportWidget | Qt widget for selecting a single segment from a segmentation. If multiple segments are needed, then use |
CqMRMLSegmentationGeometryWidget | |
CqMRMLSegmentEditorWidget | Qt widget for editing a segment from a segmentation using Editor effects.Widget for editing segmentations that can be re-used in any module |
CqMRMLSegmentSelectorWidget | Qt widget for selecting a single segment from a segmentation. If multiple segments are needed, then use |
CqMRMLSegmentsTableView | |
CqMRMLSequenceBrowserPlayWidget | |
CqMRMLSequenceBrowserSeekWidget | |
CqMRMLSliceInformationWidget | |
CqMRMLSliceWidget | |
CqMRMLTableWidget | QMRMLTableWidget is the toplevel table widget that can be packed in a layout |
CqMRMLThreeDViewInformationWidget | |
CqMRMLThreeDWidget | |
CqMRMLTransformDisplayNodeWidget | |
CqMRMLTransformInfoWidget | |
CqMRMLTransformSliders | |
CqMRMLUnitWidget | |
▶CqMRMLViewControllerBar | |
CqMRMLChartViewControllerWidget | |
CqMRMLPlotViewControllerWidget | |
CqMRMLSliceControllerWidget | |
CqMRMLTableViewControllerWidget | |
CqMRMLThreeDViewControllerWidget | |
CqMRMLVolumeInfoWidget | |
CqSlicerTerminologyNavigatorWidget | Qt widget for browsing a terminology dictionary. DICOM properties of the selected entry can also be set if enabled |
CqSlicerCLIProgressBar | |
CqSlicerDirectoryListView | |
CqSlicerExtensionsManagerWidget | |
CqSlicerExtensionsRestoreWidget | |
▶CqSlicerVolumeRenderingPropertiesWidget | |
CqSlicerCPURayCastVolumeRenderingPropertiesWidget | |
CqSlicerGPURayCastVolumeRenderingPropertiesWidget | |
CqSlicerMultiVolumeRenderingPropertiesWidget | |
▶CqSlicerWebWidget | |
CqSlicerExtensionsInstallWidget | |
CqSlicerWidget | |
CvtkMRMLRulerDisplayableManager::RulerScalePreset | |
CvtkSegmentationHistory::SegmentationState | |
CvtkMRMLSegmentationDisplayNode::SegmentDisplayProperties | Display properties per segment |
▶CSimpleFilterWatcher | |
Citk::PluginFilterWatcher | Simple mechanism for monitoring the pipeline events of a filter and reporting these events to std::cout. Formats reports with xml |
Cskel_branch | |
CSkelGraph | |
CvtkMRMLTableStorageNode::StructColumnInfo | |
CvtkMRMLSubjectHierarchyNode::SubjectHierarchyItemsShowInViewRequestedEventData | |
CqSlicerTerminologyNavigatorWidget::TerminologyInfoBundle | |
▶CThinPlateSplineKernelTransform | |
Citk::InverseThinPlateSplineKernelTransform< TScalar, NDimensions > | |
▶CTransform | |
Citk::WarpTransform3D< FieldData > | |
▶CUnaryFunctorImageFilter | |
Citk::DiffusionTensor3DAbsCorrectionFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage > | Computes pixel-wise the absolute value of the diffusion tensor eigenvalues |
Citk::DiffusionTensor3DNearestCorrectionFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage > | |
Citk::DiffusionTensor3DZeroCorrectionFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage > | |
▶CVersorRigid3DTransform | |
Citk::AnisotropicSimilarity3DTransform< TScalarType > | AnisotropicSimilarity3DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
▶CvtkAbstractWidget | |
▶CvtkAnnotationROIWidget | |
CvtkAnnotationROIWidget2D | |
▶CvtkBiDimensionalRepresentation2D | |
CvtkAnnotationBidimensionalRepresentation | |
▶CvtkBiDimensionalWidget | |
CvtkAnnotationBidimensionalWidget | |
▶CvtkCallbackCommand | |
CvtkMRMLCoreTestingUtilities::vtkMRMLNodeCallback | |
▶CvtkCollection | |
CvtkTagTableCollection | |
▶CvtkDijkstraGraphGeodesicPath | |
CvtkSlicerDijkstraGraphGeodesicPath | Filter that generates curves between points of an input polydata |
▶CvtkDistanceRepresentation2D | |
CvtkAnnotationRulerRepresentation | |
▶CvtkDistanceRepresentation3D | |
CvtkAnnotationRulerRepresentation3D | |
▶CvtkDistanceWidget | |
CvtkAnnotationRulerWidget | |
CvtkEventBrokerInitialize | Utility class to make sure qSlicerModuleManager is initialized before it is used |
▶CvtkEventDataDevice3D | |
CvtkMRMLInteractionEventData | |
▶CvtkGlyph3D | |
CvtkTransformVisualizerGlyph3D | Specialized glyph3d filter optimized for visualizing transforms |
▶CvtkImageAlgorithm | |
CvtkImageFillROI | |
CvtkImageGrowCutSegment | |
CvtkImageRectangularSource | |
▶CvtkITKArchetypeImageSeriesReader | Read a series of files that have a common naming convention |
CvtkITKArchetypeDiffusionTensorImageReaderFile | |
CvtkITKArchetypeImageSeriesScalarReader | |
CvtkITKArchetypeImageSeriesVectorReaderFile | |
CvtkITKArchetypeImageSeriesVectorReaderSeries | |
CvtkITKGrowCutSegmentationImageFilter |
CvtkITKImageThresholdCalculator | |
▶CvtkITKImageToImageFilter | Abstract base class for connecting ITK and VTK |
CvtkITKImageToImageFilter2DFF | |
CvtkITKImageToImageFilterF2F | |
CvtkITKImageToImageFilterF2F2 | |
CvtkITKImageToImageFilterF3F3 | |
▶CvtkITKImageToImageFilterFF | |
CvtkITKGradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::GradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilterImageFilter |
CvtkITKImageToImageFilterFUL | |
▶CvtkITKImageToImageFilterSS | |
CvtkITKNewOtsuThresholdImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::NewOtsuThresholdImageFilter |
CvtkITKImageToImageFilterULUL | |
CvtkITKImageToImageFilterUSF | |
CvtkITKImageToImageFilterUSUL | |
CvtkITKImageToImageFilterUSUS | |
CvtkITKImageWriter | |
CvtkITKLevelTracing3DImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::LevelTracingImageFilterImageFilter |
CvtkITKTimeSeriesDatabase | Efficiently process large datasets in small memory |
▶CvtkImageData | |
CvtkOrientedImageData | Image data containing orientation information |
▶CvtkImageSpatialAlgorithm | |
▶CvtkImageNeighborhoodFilter | Augments vtkImageSpatialFilter with a mask to allow neighborhoods of any shape |
CvtkImageLabelOutline | Display labelmap outlines |
▶CvtkInteractorStyle3D | |
▶CvtkMRMLViewInteractorStyle | Common base class for processing interaction events in MRML views |
CvtkMRMLSliceViewInteractorStyle | Provides customizable interaction routines |
CvtkMRMLThreeDViewInteractorStyle | Interactive manipulation of the camera |
CvtkITKTransformConverter | |
▶CvtkMedicalImageReader2 | |
CvtkTeemNRRDReader | Reads Nearly Raw Raster Data files |
CvtkMRMLColors | |
CvtkMRMLSubjectHierarchyConstants | |
▶CvtkObject | |
CvtkArchive | Simple class for manipulating archive files |
CvtkCacheManager | |
CvtkCalculateOversamplingFactor | Calculate oversampling factor based on model properties using fuzzy logics |
▶CvtkCodedEntry | Simple class for storing standard coded entries (coding scheme, value, meaning triplets) |
CvtkSlicerTerminologyCategory | Terminology property category object |
CvtkSlicerTerminologyType | Terminology property type object |
CvtkDataFileFormatHelper | |
CvtkDataIOManager | |
CvtkDataTransfer | |
CvtkEventBroker | Class that manages adding and deleting of observers with events |
▶CvtkMRMLAbstractLogic | Superclass for MRML logic classes |
▶CvtkMRMLAbstractDisplayableManager | Superclass for displayable manager classes |
▶CvtkMRMLAbstractSliceViewDisplayableManager | Superclass for displayable manager classes |
CvtkMRMLCrosshairDisplayableManager | Displayable manager for the crosshair on slice (2D) views |
CvtkMRMLModelSliceDisplayableManager | Displayable manager for slice (2D) views |
CvtkMRMLScalarBarDisplayableManager | Displayable manager for the scalar bars and window/level adjustment |
CvtkMRMLSegmentationsDisplayableManager2D | Displayable manager for showing segmentations in slice (2D) views |
CvtkMRMLTransformsDisplayableManager2D | Displayable manager for showing transforms in slice (2D) views |
CvtkMRMLVolumeGlyphSliceDisplayableManager | Displayable manager for slice (2D) views |
▶CvtkMRMLAbstractThreeDViewDisplayableManager | Superclass for displayable manager classes |
CvtkMRMLCameraDisplayableManager | |
CvtkMRMLCrosshairDisplayableManager3D | Displayable manager for the crosshair on 3D views |
CvtkMRMLLinearTransformsDisplayableManager3D | Display transforms in 3D views |
CvtkMRMLModelDisplayableManager | Manage display nodes with polydata in 3D views |
CvtkMRMLSegmentationsDisplayableManager3D | Display segmentations in 3D views |
CvtkMRMLThreeDReformatDisplayableManager | Displayable manager for ImplicitPlaneWidget2 in 3D views |
CvtkMRMLTransformsDisplayableManager3D | Display transforms in 3D views |
CvtkMRMLViewDisplayableManager | Displayable manager that configures a vtkRenderer from a vtkMRMLViewNode and its associated active vtkMRMLCameraNode. It essentially configures: |
CvtkMRMLVolumeRenderingDisplayableManager | |
▶CvtkMRMLAnnotationDisplayableManager | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationAngleDisplayableManager | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationBidimensionalDisplayableManager | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationFiducialDisplayableManager | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationROIDisplayableManager | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationRulerDisplayableManager | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationSplineDisplayableManager | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationStickyDisplayableManager | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationTextDisplayableManager | |
CvtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayableManager | |
CvtkMRMLOrientationMarkerDisplayableManager | Displayable manager that displays orienatation marker in a slice or 3D view |
CvtkMRMLRulerDisplayableManager | Displayable manager that displays orienatation marker in a slice or 3D view |
CvtkMRMLScriptedDisplayableManager | |
▶CvtkMRMLApplicationLogic | |
CvtkSlicerApplicationLogic | |
▶CvtkMRMLColorLogic | MRML logic class for color manipulation |
CvtkSlicerColorLogic | |
CvtkMRMLDisplayableHierarchyLogic | Slicer logic class for hierarchy manipulation |
CvtkMRMLLayoutLogic | MRML logic class for layout manipulation |
CvtkMRMLLightBoxRendererManagerProxy | Proxy class to provide mechanisms for a displayable manager to communicate with 3rd party renderer managers (like CTK) |
CvtkMRMLRemoteIOLogic | |
CvtkMRMLSliceLayerLogic | |
CvtkMRMLSliceLinkLogic | |
CvtkMRMLSliceLogic | Slicer logic class for slice manipulation |
CvtkMRMLViewLinkLogic | |
CvtkMRMLViewLogic | Slicer logic class for view manipulation |
CvtkSlicerFiducialsLogic | |
▶CvtkSlicerModuleLogic | |
CvtkDataIOManagerLogic | |
CvtkSlicerAnnotationModuleLogic | |
CvtkSlicerCamerasModuleLogic | |
CvtkSlicerCLIModuleLogic | Logic for running CLI |
CvtkSlicerCropVolumeLogic | Crop a volume to the specified region of interest |
CvtkSlicerDataModuleLogic | |
CvtkSlicerDoubleArraysLogic | Slicer logic class for double array manipulation This class manages the logic associated with reading, saving, and changing propertied of the double array nodes |
CvtkSlicerMarkupsLogic | |
CvtkSlicerModelsLogic | |
CvtkSlicerPlotsLogic | Slicer logic class for double array manipulation This class manages the logic associated with reading, saving, and changing propertied of the double array nodes |
CvtkSlicerReformatLogic | |
CvtkSlicerSceneViewsModuleLogic | |
CvtkSlicerScriptedLoadableModuleLogic | |
CvtkSlicerSegmentationsModuleLogic | |
CvtkSlicerSequencesLogic | |
CvtkSlicerSubjectHierarchyModuleLogic | |
CvtkSlicerTablesLogic | Slicer logic class for double array manipulation This class manages the logic associated with reading, saving, and changing propertied of the double array nodes |
CvtkSlicerTerminologiesModuleLogic | |
CvtkSlicerViewControllersLogic | |
CvtkSlicerVolumeRenderingLogic | |
CvtkSlicerVolumesLogic | |
CvtkSlicerTextsLogic | |
CvtkSlicerTransformLogic | |
CvtkSlicerUnitsLogic | Slicer logic for unit manipulation |
▶CvtkMRMLAbstractWidget | Process interaction events to update state of MRML widget nodes |
CvtkMRMLCameraWidget | Process camera manipulation events |
CvtkMRMLSliceIntersectionWidget | Show slice intersection lines |
CvtkMRMLWindowLevelWidget | Show slice intersection lines |
▶CvtkSlicerMarkupsWidget | Process interaction events to update state of markup widget nodes |
CvtkSlicerAngleWidget | Create an angle with a set of 3 points |
CvtkSlicerClosedCurveWidget | Create a curve with a set of N points |
CvtkSlicerCurveWidget | Create a curve with a set of N points |
CvtkSlicerLineWidget | Create a line with a set of 2 points |
CvtkSlicerPlaneWidget | Create a plane with a set of 3 points |
CvtkSlicerPointsWidget | Widget to display a set of interactive points |
CvtkSlicerROIWidget | Create an ROI representation |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationClickCounter | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationDisplayableManagerHelper | |
▶CvtkMRMLDisplayableManagerFactory | Factory where displayable manager classes are registered |
CvtkMRMLSliceViewDisplayableManagerFactory | Factory where displayable manager are registered |
CvtkMRMLThreeDViewDisplayableManagerFactory | Factory where displayable manager classes are registered |
CvtkMRMLDisplayableManagerGroup | DisplayableManagerGroup is a collection of DisplayableManager |
CvtkMRMLFiducial | MRML object to represent a 3D point |
CvtkMRMLLogic | Class that manages adding and deleting of observers with events |
CvtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayableManagerHelper | |
▶CvtkMRMLMeasurement | Class for storing well-defined measurement results, using coded entries |
CvtkMRMLMeasurementAngle | Measurement class calculating angle |
CvtkMRMLMeasurementArea | Measurement class calculating area of a plane or enclosed by a closed curve |
CvtkMRMLMeasurementLength | Measurement class calculating curve length |
CvtkMRMLMeasurementVolume | Measurement class calculating Volume enclosed in a ROI |
CvtkMRMLStaticMeasurement | Measurement class storing a constant measurement |
CvtkMRMLMessageCollection | |
▶CvtkMRMLNode | Abstract Superclass for all specific types of MRML nodes |
▶CvtkMRMLAbstractLayoutNode | Node that describes the view layout of the application |
CvtkMRMLLayoutNode | Node that describes the view layout of the application |
▶CvtkMRMLAbstractViewNode | Abstract MRML node to represent a view. The class holds the properties common to any view type (3D, slice, chart..) Views are not hidden from editors by default (HideFromEditor is 0) |
CvtkMRMLChartViewNode | MRML node to represent chart view parameters |
CvtkMRMLPlotViewNode | MRML node to represent Plot view parameters |
CvtkMRMLSliceNode | MRML node for storing a slice through RAS space |
CvtkMRMLTableViewNode | MRML node to represent table view parameters |
CvtkMRMLViewNode | MRML node to represent a 3D view |
CvtkMRMLChartNode | MRML node for referencing a collection of data to plot |
CvtkMRMLClipModelsNode | MRML node to represent three clipping planes |
CvtkMRMLCommandLineModuleNode | MRML node for representing the parameters allowing to run a command line interface module (CLI). The CLI parameters are defined with SetModuleDescription(). The parameters can be changed with SetParameterAsXXX(). It is possible to automatically run the CLI each time the parameters are changed, see SetAutoRun() |
CvtkMRMLCropVolumeParametersNode | |
CvtkMRMLCrosshairNode | MRML node for storing a crosshair through RAS space |
▶CvtkMRMLDisplayNode | Abstract class that contains graphical display properties for displayable nodes |
CvtkMRMLFolderDisplayNode | MRML node to represent a display property for child nodes of a subject hierarchy folder |
▶CvtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode | |
CvtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialDisplayNode | |
CvtkMRMLMarkupsROIDisplayNode | |
▶CvtkMRMLModelDisplayNode | MRML node to represent a display property of 3D surface model |
▶CvtkMRMLAnnotationDisplayNode | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationLineDisplayNode | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationPointDisplayNode | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationTextDisplayNode | |
▶CvtkMRMLGlyphableVolumeSliceDisplayNode | MRML node to represent display properties for tractography |
CvtkMRMLDiffusionTensorVolumeSliceDisplayNode | MRML node to represent display properties for tractography |
CvtkMRMLSegmentationDisplayNode | MRML node for representing segmentation display attributes |
CvtkMRMLTransformDisplayNode | MRML node to represent display properties for transforms visualization in the slice and 3D viewers |
▶CvtkMRMLVolumeDisplayNode | MRML node for representing a volume display attributes |
CvtkMRMLLabelMapVolumeDisplayNode | MRML node for representing a volume display attributes |
▶CvtkMRMLScalarVolumeDisplayNode | MRML node for representing a volume display attributes |
CvtkMRMLDiffusionWeightedVolumeDisplayNode | MRML node for representing a volume (image stack) |
▶CvtkMRMLGlyphableVolumeDisplayNode | MRML node for representing a volume display attributes |
CvtkMRMLDiffusionTensorVolumeDisplayNode | MRML node for representing a volume (image stack) |
CvtkMRMLVectorVolumeDisplayNode | MRML node for representing a volume (image stack) |
▶CvtkMRMLVolumeRenderingDisplayNode | |
CvtkMRMLCPURayCastVolumeRenderingDisplayNode | |
CvtkMRMLGPURayCastVolumeRenderingDisplayNode | |
CvtkMRMLMultiVolumeRenderingDisplayNode | |
▶CvtkMRMLHierarchyNode | Abstract class representing a hierarchy member |
▶CvtkMRMLDisplayableHierarchyNode | MRML node to represent a hierarchy of displayable nodes |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationHierarchyNode | |
CvtkMRMLModelHierarchyNode | MRML node to represent a hierarchyu of models |
CvtkMRMLSubjectHierarchyLegacyNode | Legacy subject hierarchy node to allow loading older MRML scenes |
CvtkMRMLInteractionNode | |
CvtkMRMLPlotChartNode | MRML node for referencing a collection of data to plot |
CvtkMRMLPlotSeriesNode | MRML node to represent a vtkPlot object |
CvtkMRMLROIListNode | MRML list node to represent a list of ROINODE |
CvtkMRMLScriptedModuleNode | |
CvtkMRMLSegmentEditorNode | Parameter set node for the segment editor widget |
CvtkMRMLSelectionNode | MRML node for storing information about the active nodes in the scene |
CvtkMRMLSequenceBrowserNode | |
CvtkMRMLSliceCompositeNode | MRML node for storing a slice through RAS space |
CvtkMRMLSnapshotClipNode | Abstract class representing a hierarchy member |
▶CvtkMRMLStorableNode | MRML node to represent a 3D surface model |
▶CvtkMRMLColorNode | Abstract MRML node to represent color information |
▶CvtkMRMLColorTableNode | MRML node to represent discrete color information |
CvtkMRMLDiffusionTensorDisplayPropertiesNode | MRML node for display of a diffusion tensor |
▶CvtkMRMLProceduralColorNode | MRML node to represent procedurally defined color information |
CvtkMRMLdGEMRICProceduralColorNode | MRML node to represent procedurally defined color information |
CvtkMRMLPETProceduralColorNode | |
CvtkMRMLDoubleArrayNode | |
CvtkMRMLSceneViewNode | |
CvtkMRMLSequenceNode | MRML node for representing a sequence of MRML nodes |
CvtkMRMLShaderPropertyNode | VtkMRMLShaderPropertyNode volume shader custom code and custom uniform variables defined by users or specialized rendering modules |
CvtkMRMLTableNode | MRML node to represent a table object |
CvtkMRMLTextNode | |
▶CvtkMRMLTransformableNode | MRML node for representing a node with a transform |
CvtkMRMLCameraNode | MRML node to represent camera node |
▶CvtkMRMLDisplayableNode | |
▶CvtkMRMLMarkupsNode | |
CvtkMRMLMarkupsAngleNode | MRML node to represent an angle markup Angle Markups nodes contain three control points. Visualization parameters are set in the vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode class |
▶CvtkMRMLMarkupsCurveNode | MRML node to represent a curve markup Curve Markups nodes contain N control points. Visualization parameters are set in the vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode class |
CvtkMRMLMarkupsClosedCurveNode | MRML node to represent a closed curve markup Closed Curve Markups nodes contain N control points. Visualization parameters are set in the vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode class |
CvtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode | MRML node to represent a fiducial markup Fiducial Markups nodes contain a list of control points. Visualization parameters are set in the vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode class |
CvtkMRMLMarkupsLineNode | MRML node to represent a line markup Line Markups nodes contain two control points. Visualization parameters are set in the vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode class |
CvtkMRMLMarkupsPlaneNode | MRML node to represent a plane markup Plane Markups nodes contain three control points. Visualization parameters are set in the vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode class |
CvtkMRMLMarkupsROINode | MRML node to represent an ROI markup |
▶CvtkMRMLModelNode | MRML node to represent a 3D surface model |
▶CvtkMRMLAnnotationNode | |
▶CvtkMRMLAnnotationControlPointsNode | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationFiducialNode | MRML node to represent a fiducial in the Annotations module - deprecated |
▶CvtkMRMLAnnotationLinesNode | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationAngleNode | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationBidimensionalNode | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationROINode | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationRulerNode | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationSplineNode | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationStickyNode | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationTextNode | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationSnapshotNode | |
CvtkMRMLSegmentationNode | MRML node containing segmentationsSegmentation node stores a set of segments (also known as contours or segmented regions). Segments may overlap and may be stored in various representations (binary labelmap image, closed surface mesh, fractional labelmap image, etc). Segments can be stored in multiple data representations to facilitate visualization and processing |
▶CvtkMRMLTransformNode | MRML node for representing a transformation between this node space and a parent node space |
CvtkMRMLBSplineTransformNode | MRML node for representing a nonlinear transformation to the parent node using a bspline transform |
CvtkMRMLGridTransformNode | MRML node for representing a nonlinear transformation to the parent node using a grid transform |
CvtkMRMLLinearTransformNode | MRML node for representing a linear transformation |
▶CvtkMRMLVolumeNode | MRML node for representing a volume (image stack) |
▶CvtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode | MRML node for representing a volume (image stack) |
CvtkMRMLDiffusionWeightedVolumeNode | MRML node for representing diffusion weighted MRI volume |
CvtkMRMLLabelMapVolumeNode | MRML node for representing a label map volume |
▶CvtkMRMLTensorVolumeNode | MRML node for representing diffusion weighted MRI volume |
▶CvtkMRMLDiffusionImageVolumeNode | MRML node for representing diffusion weighted MRI volume |
CvtkMRMLDiffusionTensorVolumeNode | MRML node for representing diffusion weighted MRI volume |
▶CvtkMRMLVectorVolumeNode | MRML node for representing a vector volume (image stack) |
CvtkMRMLStreamingVolumeNode | MRML node for representing a single compressed video frame that can be decoded to an image representation In this context, a frame is considered to be a compressed image that may require additional frames to decode to an image, and an image is the uncompressed pixel based representation. A video codec can be used to decode and encode between frame and image representations |
CvtkMRMLFiducialListNode | MRML node to represent a list of points in 3D |
CvtkMRMLROINode | MRML node to represent a 3D ROI |
CvtkMRMLVolumePropertyNode | VtkMRMLVolumePropertyNode contains the transfer functions (scalar opacity, color and gradient opacity) for the volume rendering |
▶CvtkMRMLStorageNode | A superclass for other storage nodes |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationSnapshotStorageNode | |
▶CvtkMRMLAnnotationStorageNode | |
▶CvtkMRMLAnnotationControlPointsStorageNode | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationFiducialsStorageNode | |
▶CvtkMRMLAnnotationLinesStorageNode | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationAngleStorageNode | |
CvtkMRMLAnnotationRulerStorageNode | |
CvtkMRMLColorTableStorageNode | MRML node for representing a volume storage |
CvtkMRMLDoubleArrayStorageNode | MRML node for representing a volume storage |
CvtkMRMLFiducialListStorageNode | MRML node for handling fiducial list storage |
CvtkMRMLHierarchyStorageNode | MRML node for representing a no-op hierarchy storage |
▶CvtkMRMLMarkupsStorageNode | |
CvtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialStorageNode | |
▶CvtkMRMLMarkupsJsonStorageNode | |
CvtkMRMLMarkupsROIJsonStorageNode | |
CvtkMRMLModelStorageNode | MRML node for model storage on disk |
▶CvtkMRMLNRRDStorageNode | MRML node for representing a volume storage |
CvtkMRMLLinearTransformSequenceStorageNode | |
CvtkMRMLVolumeSequenceStorageNode | |
CvtkMRMLProceduralColorStorageNode | MRML node for procedural color node storage |
CvtkMRMLSceneViewStorageNode | MRML node for model storage on disk |
CvtkMRMLSegmentationStorageNode | MRML node for segmentation storage on disk |
CvtkMRMLSequenceStorageNode | MRML node for storing a sequence node on disk |
CvtkMRMLShaderPropertyStorageNode | |
CvtkMRMLTableSQLiteStorageNode | |
CvtkMRMLTableStorageNode | MRML node for handling Table node storage |
CvtkMRMLTextStorageNode | |
CvtkMRMLTransformStorageNode | MRML node for transform storage on disk |
CvtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode | MRML node for representing a volume storage |
CvtkMRMLVolumeHeaderlessStorageNode | MRML node for representing a volume storage |
CvtkMRMLVolumePropertyStorageNode | |
CvtkMRMLSubjectHierarchyNode | MRML node to represent a complete subject hierarchy tree |
CvtkMRMLUnitNode | Node that holds the information about a unit |
CvtkMRMLNode::vtkMRMLNodeReference | Class to hold information about a node reference |
CvtkMRMLScene | A set of MRML Nodes that supports serialization and undo/redo |
CvtkObservation | Stores information about the relationship between a Subject and an Observer |
CvtkObserverManager | Manages adding and deleting of obserevers with events |
CvtkOrientedImageDataResample | Utility functions for resampling oriented image data |
CvtkPermissionPrompter | |
CvtkSegment | This class encapsulates a segment that is part of a segmentation |
CvtkSegmentation | This class encapsulates a segmentation that can contain multiple segments and multiple representations for each segment |
CvtkSegmentationConverter | Class that can convert between different representations of a segment |
CvtkSegmentationConverterFactory | Class that can create vtkSegmentationConverter instances |
▶CvtkSegmentationConverterRule | Abstract converter rule class. Subclasses perform conversions between specific representation types. They define source and target type and provide ways to create those types of objects |
▶CvtkBinaryLabelmapToClosedSurfaceConversionRule | Convert binary labelmap representation (vtkOrientedImageData type) to closed surface representation (vtkPolyData type). The conversion algorithm performs a marching cubes operation on the image data followed by an optional decimation step |
CvtkFractionalLabelmapToClosedSurfaceConversionRule | Convert Fractional labelmap representation (vtkOrientedImageData type) to closed surface representation (vtkPolyData type). The conversion algorithm performs a marching cubes operation on the image data followed by an optional decimation step |
▶CvtkClosedSurfaceToBinaryLabelmapConversionRule | Convert closed surface representation (vtkPolyData type) to binary labelmap representation (vtkOrientedImageData type). The conversion algorithm is based on image stencil |
CvtkClosedSurfaceToFractionalLabelmapConversionRule | Convert closed surface representation (vtkPolyData type) to fractional labelmap representation (vtkOrientedImageData type). The conversion algorithm is based on image stencil |
CvtkSegmentationHistory | |
CvtkSegmentationModifier | Utility functions for resampling oriented image data |
CvtkSlicerSegmentationGeometryLogic | |
CvtkSlicerTask | |
CvtkSlicerTerminologyEntry | VTK implementation of |
CvtkSystemInformation | |
CvtkTagTable | |
CvtkTopologicalHierarchy | Algorithm class for computing topological hierarchy of multiple poly data models. The levels of the models are determined according to the models they contain, an outer model always having larger level value than the inner ones. To determine whether a model contains another, their bounding boxes are considered. It is possible to constrain a gap or allow the inner model to protrude the surface of the outer one. The size of this gap or allowance is defined as a factor /sa ContainConstraintFactor of the outer model size. This algorithm can be used to automatically determine optimal opacities in complex scenes |
▶CvtkURIHandler | |
CvtkHTTPHandler | |
▶CvtkParametricFunction | |
CvtkParametricPolynomialApproximation | Parametric function for 1D polynomials |
CvtkPluginFilterWatcher | Simple mechanism for monitoring the pipeline events of a filter and reporting these events to std::cout |
▶CvtkPolyDataAlgorithm | |
CvtkAnnotationGlyphSource2D | |
CvtkCurveGenerator | Filter that generates curves between points of an input polydata |
CvtkCurveMeasurementsCalculator | Filter that generates curves between points of an input polydata |
CvtkITKLevelTracingImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::LevelTracingImageFilterImageFilter |
CvtkMarkupsGlyphSource2D | |
CvtkPrincipalAxesAlign | |
CvtkSlicerGlyphSource2D | |
▶CvtkPolyDataToImageStencil | |
CvtkPolyDataToFractionalLabelmapFilter | |
▶CvtkProp | |
▶CvtkMRMLAbstractWidgetRepresentation | Class for rendering a markups node |
CvtkMRMLRubberBandWidgetRepresentation | Represent intersections of other slice views in the current slice view |
CvtkMRMLSliceIntersectionRepresentation2D | Represent intersections of other slice views in the current slice view |
▶CvtkSlicerMarkupsWidgetRepresentation | Class for rendering a markups node |
▶CvtkSlicerMarkupsWidgetRepresentation2D | Default representation for the slicer markups widget |
CvtkSlicerAngleRepresentation2D | Default representation for the line widget |
CvtkSlicerCurveRepresentation2D | Default representation for the line widget |
CvtkSlicerLineRepresentation2D | Default representation for the line widget |
CvtkSlicerPlaneRepresentation2D | Default representation for the plane widget |
CvtkSlicerPointsRepresentation2D | Default representation for the points widget |
CvtkSlicerROIRepresentation2D | Default representation for the plane widget |
▶CvtkSlicerMarkupsWidgetRepresentation3D | Default representation for the markups widget in 3D views |
CvtkSlicerAngleRepresentation3D | Default representation for the angle widget |
CvtkSlicerCurveRepresentation3D | Default representation for the curve widget |
CvtkSlicerLineRepresentation3D | Default representation for the line widget |
CvtkSlicerPlaneRepresentation3D | Default representation for the plane widget |
CvtkSlicerPointsRepresentation3D | Default representation for the points widget |
CvtkSlicerROIRepresentation3D | Default representation for the plane widget |
▶CvtkScalarBarActor | |
CvtkSlicerScalarBarActor | |
CvtkSegmentationConverterFactoryInitialize | Utility class to make sure qSlicerModuleManager is initialized before it is used |
▶CvtkSharedModuleLogic | |
CRegisterImagesModuleLogic | |
▶CvtkSimpleImageToImageFilter | |
CvtkITKDistanceTransform | Wrapper class around itk::SignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter |
CvtkITKImageMargin | ITK-based utilities for manipulating connected regions in label maps. Limitation: The filter does not work correctly with input volume that has unsigned long scalar type on Linux and macOS |
CvtkITKIslandMath | ITK-based utilities for manipulating connected regions in label maps. Limitation: The filter does not work correctly with input volume that has unsigned long scalar type on Linux and macOS |
CvtkITKMorphologicalContourInterpolator | Wrapper class around itk::MorphologicalContourInterpolator |
CvtkITKWandImageFilter | Wand tool implemented using connected threshold |
▶CvtkSpline | |
CvtkLinearSpline | Computes an interpolating spline with piecewise linear segments |
▶CvtkTable | |
CvtkUserTagTable | |
▶CvtkTableAlgorithm | |
CvtkITKLabelShapeStatistics | ITK-based utilities for calculating label statistics. Utilizes itk::LabelImageToShapeLabelMapFilter to calcualte label shape statistics (https://itk.org/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1LabelImageToShapeLabelMapFilter.html) Label centroid and flatness are the only statistics calculated by default. For a list of availiable parameters, see: vtkITKLabelShapeStatistics::ShapeStatistic Calculated statistics can be changed using the SetComputeShapeStatistic/ComputeShapeStatisticOn/ComputeShapeStatisticOff methods. Output statistics are represented in a vtkTable where each column represents a statistic and each row is a different label value |
▶CvtkTensorGlyph | |
CvtkDiffusionTensorGlyph | Scale and orient glyph(s) according to tensor eigenvalues and eigenvectors |
▶CvtkThreadedImageAlgorithm | |
CvtkDiffusionTensorMathematics | |
CvtkImageLabelCombine | Add, subtract, multiply, divide, invert, sin, cos, exp, log |
▶CvtkWidgetRepresentation | |
▶CvtkAnnotationROIRepresentation | |
CvtkAnnotationROIRepresentation2D | |
▶CvtkWriter | |
CvtkTeemNRRDWriter | Writes PNG files |
▶CvtkXMLParser | |
CvtkMRMLParser | Parse XML scene file |
CvtkMRMLScalarVolumeDisplayNode::WindowLevelPreset | |