Slicer  4.11
Slicer is a multi-platform, free and open source software package for visualization and medical image computing
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qMRMLAnnotationTreeView Class Reference

#include <Modules/Loadable/Annotations/Widgets/qMRMLAnnotationTreeView.h>

Inheritance diagram for qMRMLAnnotationTreeView:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for qMRMLAnnotationTreeView:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

typedef qMRMLTreeView Superclass
- Public Types inherited from qMRMLTreeView
typedef QTreeView Superclass


void onPropertyEditButtonClicked (QString id)
- Signals inherited from qMRMLTreeView
void currentNodeChanged (vtkMRMLNode *node)
void currentNodeDeleted (const QModelIndex &index)
void currentNodeRenamed (const QString &newName)
void decorationClicked (const QModelIndex &)
void editNodeRequested (vtkMRMLNode *node)

Public Member Functions

qMRMLSceneAnnotationModelannotationModel () const
void deleteSelected ()
const char * firstSelectedNode ()
void hideScene ()
 qMRMLAnnotationTreeView (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
void selectedAsCollection (vtkCollection *collection)
void setLogic (vtkSlicerAnnotationModuleLogic *logic)
void toggleLockForSelected ()
void toggleVisibilityForSelected ()
 ~qMRMLAnnotationTreeView () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from qMRMLTreeView
void appendNodeMenuAction (QAction *action)
void appendSceneMenuAction (QAction *action)
virtual bool clickDecoration (const QModelIndex &index)
vtkMRMLNodecurrentNode () const
bool eventFilter (QObject *object, QEvent *e) override
bool fitSizeToVisibleIndexes () const
bool isDeleteMenuActionVisible () const
bool isEditMenuActionVisible () const
bool isRenameMenuActionVisible () const
qMRMLSceneModel::NodeTypes listenNodeModifiedEvent () const
QSize minimumSizeHint () const override
QSize minSizeHint () const
vtkMRMLScenemrmlScene () const
QStringList nodeTypes () const
void prependNodeMenuAction (QAction *action)
void prependSceneMenuAction (QAction *action)
 qMRMLTreeView (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
void removeNodeMenuAction (QAction *action)
 Remove action from the "NodeMenu". More...
vtkMRMLNoderootNode () const
Q_INVOKABLE qMRMLSceneModelsceneModel () const
QString sceneModelType () const
void setDeleteMenuActionVisible (bool show)
void setEditMenuActionVisible (bool show)
void setFitSizeToVisibleIndexes (bool)
void setListenNodeModifiedEvent (qMRMLSceneModel::NodeTypes listen)
void setMinSizeHint (QSize min)
void setNodeTypes (const QStringList &nodeTypes)
void setRenameMenuActionVisible (bool show)
void setSceneModel (qMRMLSceneModel *newSceneModel, const QString &modelType)
 Customize the model. More...
void setShowHidden (bool)
void setShowRootNode (bool show)
void setShowScene (bool show)
void setSortFilterProxyModel (qMRMLSortFilterProxyModel *newFilterModel)
 Customize the filter model. More...
void showEvent (QShowEvent *show) override
bool showHidden () const
bool showRootNode () const
bool showScene () const
QSize sizeHint () const override
Q_INVOKABLE qMRMLSortFilterProxyModelsortFilterProxyModel () const
 ~qMRMLTreeView () override

Protected Slots

void onClicked (const QModelIndex &index)
- Protected Slots inherited from qMRMLTreeView
void loadTreeExpandState ()
void onCustomContextMenu (const QPoint &point)
void onNumberOfVisibleIndexChanged ()
void saveTreeExpandState ()
void updateRootNode (vtkObject *modifiedRootNode)

Protected Member Functions

void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *e) override
void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event) override
void onSelectionChanged (const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &deselected) override
void toggleVisibility (const QModelIndex &index) override
bool viewportEvent (QEvent *e) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from qMRMLTreeView
void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event) override
void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event) override
void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event) override
 qMRMLTreeView (qMRMLTreeViewPrivate *pimpl, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
void updateGeometries () override

Protected Attributes

QScopedPointer< qMRMLAnnotationTreeViewPrivate > d_ptr
- Protected Attributes inherited from qMRMLTreeView
QScopedPointer< qMRMLTreeViewPrivate > d_ptr

Additional Inherited Members

- Properties inherited from qMRMLTreeView
bool deleteMenuActionVisible
bool editMenuActionVisible
bool fitSizeToVisibleIndexes
qMRMLSceneModel::NodeTypes listenNodeModifiedEvent
QSize minSizeHint
QStringList nodeTypes
bool renameMenuActionVisible
QString sceneModelType
bool showHidden
bool showRootNode
bool showScene
- Public Slots inherited from qMRMLTreeView
void deleteCurrentNode ()
void editCurrentNode ()
void renameCurrentNode ()
void scrollTo (const QString &displayName)
void scrollToNext ()
void setCurrentNode (vtkMRMLNode *node)
void setDontHideAll (bool)
void setHideAll (bool)
virtual void setMRMLScene (vtkMRMLScene *scene)
void setRootNode (vtkMRMLNode *root)
void setSceneModelType (const QString &modelType)
void setShowAll (bool)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from qMRMLTreeView
static QModelIndex findAncestor (const QModelIndex &index, const QModelIndexList &potentialAncestors)
static bool isAncestor (const QModelIndex &index, const QModelIndex &potentialAncestor)
static QModelIndexList removeChildren (const QModelIndexList &indexes)
 Remove indexes that have at least one ancestor in the list. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 43 of file qMRMLAnnotationTreeView.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Superclass

Definition at line 49 of file qMRMLAnnotationTreeView.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ qMRMLAnnotationTreeView()

qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::qMRMLAnnotationTreeView ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

◆ ~qMRMLAnnotationTreeView()

qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::~qMRMLAnnotationTreeView ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ annotationModel()

qMRMLSceneAnnotationModel* qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::annotationModel ( ) const

◆ deleteSelected()

void qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::deleteSelected ( )

◆ firstSelectedNode()

const char* qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::firstSelectedNode ( )

◆ hideScene()

void qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::hideScene ( )

◆ mouseMoveEvent()

void qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent *  e)

◆ mousePressEvent()

void qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent *  event)

◆ onClicked

void qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::onClicked ( const QModelIndex &  index)

◆ onPropertyEditButtonClicked

void qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::onPropertyEditButtonClicked ( QString  id)

◆ onSelectionChanged()

void qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::onSelectionChanged ( const QItemSelection &  selected,
const QItemSelection &  deselected 

Reimplemented to also set the active hierarchy node when the current index changes.

See also
qMRMLTreeView::onSelectionChanged(), vtkSlicerAnnotationModuleLogic::SetActiveHierarchyNodeID()

Reimplemented from qMRMLTreeView.

◆ selectedAsCollection()

void qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::selectedAsCollection ( vtkCollection *  collection)

◆ setLogic()

void qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::setLogic ( vtkSlicerAnnotationModuleLogic logic)

◆ toggleLockForSelected()

void qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::toggleLockForSelected ( )

◆ toggleVisibility()

void qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::toggleVisibility ( const QModelIndex &  index)

Reimplemented from qMRMLTreeView.

◆ toggleVisibilityForSelected()

void qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::toggleVisibilityForSelected ( )

◆ viewportEvent()

bool qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::viewportEvent ( QEvent *  e)

Member Data Documentation

◆ d_ptr

QScopedPointer<qMRMLAnnotationTreeViewPrivate> qMRMLAnnotationTreeView::d_ptr

Definition at line 78 of file qMRMLAnnotationTreeView.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: