Slicer  4.11
Slicer is a multi-platform, free and open source software package for visualization and medical image computing
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vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic Class Reference

#include <Modules/Loadable/Markups/Logic/vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

typedef vtkSlicerModuleLogic Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkSlicerModuleLogic
typedef vtkMRMLAbstractLogic Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkMRMLAbstractLogic
typedef vtkObject Superclass
typedef void(vtkMRMLAbstractLogic::* TaskFunctionPointer) (void *clientdata)

Public Member Functions

int AddFiducial (double r=0.0, double a=0.0, double s=0.0)
std::string AddNewDisplayNodeForMarkupsNode (vtkMRMLNode *mrmlNode)
std::string AddNewFiducialNode (const char *name="F", vtkMRMLScene *scene=nullptr)
vtkMRMLMarkupsJsonStorageNodeAddNewJsonStorageNodeForMarkupsType (std::string markupsType)
virtual void AutoCreateDisplayNodesOff ()
virtual void AutoCreateDisplayNodesOn ()
void ConvertAnnotationFiducialsToMarkups ()
void CopyBasicDisplayProperties (vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode *sourceDisplayNode, vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode *targetDisplayNode)
bool CopyNthControlPointToNewList (int n, vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *markupsNode, vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *newMarkupsNode)
bool CopyNthMarkupToNewList (int n, vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *markupsNode, vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *newMarkupsNode)
void FocusCameraOnNthPointInMarkup (const char *cameraNodeID, const char *markupNodeID, int n)
void FocusCamerasOnNthPointInMarkup (const char *id, int n)
std::string GetActiveListID ()
virtual bool GetAutoCreateDisplayNodes ()
virtual const char * GetClassName ()
vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNodeGetDefaultMarkupsDisplayNode ()
std::string GetJsonStorageNodeClassNameForMarkupsType (std::string markupsType)
std::string GetSelectionNodeID ()
int GetSliceIntersectionsVisibility ()
virtual int IsA (const char *type)
void JumpSlicesToLocation (double x, double y, double z, bool centered, int viewGroup=-1, vtkMRMLSliceNode *exclude=nullptr)
void JumpSlicesToNthPointInMarkup (const char *id, int n, bool centered=false, int viewGroup=-1, vtkMRMLSliceNode *exclude=nullptr)
char * LoadMarkups (const char *fileName, const char *fidsName=nullptr)
char * LoadMarkupsFiducials (const char *fileName, const char *fidsName=nullptr)
 This method is deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility only, it does the same as LoadMarkups method. More...
char * LoadMarkupsFromFcsv (const char *fileName, const char *nodeName)
char * LoadMarkupsFromJson (const char *fileName, const char *nodeName)
bool MoveNthControlPointToNewListAtIndex (int n, vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *markupsNode, vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *newMarkupsNode, int newIndex)
bool MoveNthMarkupToNewList (int n, vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *markupsNode, vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *newMarkupsNode, int newIndex)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
void ProcessMRMLNodesEvents (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long event, void *callData) override
void RegisterJsonStorageNodeForMarkupsType (std::string markupsType, std::string storageNodeClassName)
void RenameAllMarkupsFromCurrentFormat (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *markupsNode)
void SetActiveListID (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *markupsNode)
void SetAllMarkupsLocked (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *node, bool flag)
void SetAllMarkupsSelected (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *node, bool flag)
void SetAllMarkupsVisibility (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *node, bool flag)
 Utility methods to operate on all markups in a markups node. More...
virtual void SetAutoCreateDisplayNodes (bool)
void SetDisplayDefaultsFromNode (vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode *displayNode)
 utility method to set defaults from display node More...
void SetDisplayNodeToDefaults (vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode *displayNode)
 utility method to set up a display node from the defaults More...
void SetSliceIntersectionsVisibility (bool flag)
bool StartPlaceMode (bool persistent, vtkMRMLInteractionNode *interactionNode=nullptr)
void ToggleAllMarkupsLocked (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *node)
void ToggleAllMarkupsSelected (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *node)
void ToggleAllMarkupsVisibility (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *node)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkSlicerModuleLogic
virtual vtkSlicerApplicationLogicGetApplicationLogic ()
 Get access to overall application state. More...
virtual vtkMRMLAbstractLogicGetModuleLogic (const char *moduleName)
 Convenience method for getting another module's logic from the application logic. More...
std::string GetModuleShareDirectory () const
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
void SetModuleShareDirectory (const std::string &shareDirectory)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLAbstractLogic
virtual vtkMRMLApplicationLogicGetMRMLApplicationLogic () const
 Get access to overall application state. More...
vtkMRMLSceneGetMRMLScene () const
 Return a reference to the current MRML scene. More...
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
virtual void SetMRMLApplicationLogic (vtkMRMLApplicationLogic *logic)
void SetMRMLScene (vtkMRMLScene *newScene)
 Set and observe the MRMLScene. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool FitSurfaceDiskWarp (vtkPoints *curvePoints, vtkPolyData *surface, double radiusScalingFactor=1.0)
static bool FitSurfaceProjectWarp (vtkPoints *curvePoints, vtkPolyData *surface, double radiusScalingFactor=1.0)
static bool GetBestFitPlane (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *curveNode, vtkPlane *plane)
 Get best fit plane for a markup. More...
static double GetClosedCurveSurfaceArea (vtkMRMLMarkupsClosedCurveNode *curveNode, vtkPolyData *surface=nullptr, bool projectWarp=true)
static bool IsPolygonClockwise (vtkPoints *points)
 Return tru if the polygon points are oriented clockwise. More...
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkSlicerMarkupsLogicNew ()
static vtkSlicerMarkupsLogicSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkSlicerModuleLogic
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkSlicerModuleLogicNew ()
 The Usual vtk class functions. More...
static vtkSlicerModuleLogicSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLAbstractLogic
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkMRMLAbstractLogicNew ()
static vtkMRMLAbstractLogicSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)

Protected Member Functions

void ObserveMRMLScene () override
void OnMRMLSceneNodeAdded (vtkMRMLNode *node) override
void OnMRMLSceneNodeRemoved (vtkMRMLNode *node) override
void RegisterNodes () override
 Register MRML Node classes to Scene. Gets called automatically when the MRMLScene is attached to this logic class. More...
void SetAndObserveSelectionNode (vtkMRMLSelectionNode *selectionNode)
void SetMRMLSceneInternal (vtkMRMLScene *newScene) override
 Initialize listening to MRML events. More...
void UpdateFromMRMLScene () override
 vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic ()
 ~vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkSlicerModuleLogic
 vtkSlicerModuleLogic ()
 ~vtkSlicerModuleLogic () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLAbstractLogic
int EndModify (bool wasModifying)
virtual bool EnterMRMLLogicsCallback () const
virtual bool EnterMRMLNodesCallback () const
virtual bool EnterMRMLSceneCallback () const
bool GetDisableModifiedEvent () const
int GetInMRMLLogicsCallbackFlag () const
int GetInMRMLNodesCallbackFlag () const
int GetInMRMLSceneCallbackFlag () const
vtkCallbackCommand * GetMRMLLogicsCallbackCommand ()
vtkObserverManagerGetMRMLLogicsObserverManager () const
vtkCallbackCommand * GetMRMLNodesCallbackCommand ()
vtkObserverManagerGetMRMLNodesObserverManager () const
vtkCallbackCommand * GetMRMLSceneCallbackCommand ()
vtkObserverManagerGetMRMLSceneObserverManager () const
int GetPendingModifiedEventCount () const
int GetProcessingMRMLSceneEvent () const
 Return the event id currently processed or 0 if any. More...
int InvokePendingModifiedEvent ()
void Modified () override
virtual void OnMRMLNodeModified (vtkMRMLNode *)
virtual void OnMRMLSceneEndBatchProcess ()
virtual void OnMRMLSceneEndClose ()
virtual void OnMRMLSceneEndImport ()
virtual void OnMRMLSceneEndRestore ()
virtual void OnMRMLSceneNew ()
virtual void OnMRMLSceneStartBatchProcess ()
virtual void OnMRMLSceneStartClose ()
virtual void OnMRMLSceneStartImport ()
virtual void OnMRMLSceneStartRestore ()
virtual void ProcessMRMLLogicsEvents (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long event, void *callData)
virtual void ProcessMRMLSceneEvents (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long event, void *callData)
void SetAndObserveMRMLSceneEventsInternal (vtkMRMLScene *newScene, vtkIntArray *events, vtkFloatArray *priorities=nullptr)
void SetDisableModifiedEvent (bool onOff)
void SetInMRMLLogicsCallbackFlag (int flag)
void SetInMRMLNodesCallbackFlag (int flag)
void SetInMRMLSceneCallbackFlag (int flag)
void SetProcessingMRMLSceneEvent (int event)
bool StartModify ()
virtual void UnobserveMRMLScene ()
 vtkMRMLAbstractLogic ()
 ~vtkMRMLAbstractLogic () override

Protected Attributes

std::map< std::string, std::string > MarkupsTypeStorageNodes
vtkMRMLSelectionNodeSelectionNode {nullptr}

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLAbstractLogic
static void MRMLLogicsCallback (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eid, void *clientData, void *callData)
 MRMLLogicCallback is a static function to relay modified events from the logics. More...
static void MRMLNodesCallback (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eid, void *clientData, void *callData)
 MRMLNodesCallback is a static function to relay modified events from the nodes. More...
static void MRMLSceneCallback (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eid, void *clientData, void *callData)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 48 of file vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Superclass

Definition at line 54 of file vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic()

vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic ( )

◆ ~vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic()

vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::~vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddFiducial()

int vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::AddFiducial ( double  r = 0.0,
double  a = 0.0,
double  s = 0.0 

Add a new fiducial to the currently active list at the given RAS coordinates (default 0,0,0). Will create a list is one is not active. Returns -1 on failure, index of the added fiducial on success.

◆ AddNewDisplayNodeForMarkupsNode()

std::string vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::AddNewDisplayNodeForMarkupsNode ( vtkMRMLNode mrmlNode)

Create a new display node and observe it on the markups node. On success, return the id, on failure return an empty string. If a display node already exists for this node, return the id of that node.

◆ AddNewFiducialNode()

std::string vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::AddNewFiducialNode ( const char *  name = "F",
vtkMRMLScene scene = nullptr 

Create a new markups fiducial node and associated display node, adding both to the scene. If the scene argument is null use the scene set on the logic class, and also make it the active on on the selection node, otherwise add to the passed scene. On success, return the id, on failure return an empty string.

◆ AddNewJsonStorageNodeForMarkupsType()

vtkMRMLMarkupsJsonStorageNode* vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::AddNewJsonStorageNodeForMarkupsType ( std::string  markupsType)

◆ AutoCreateDisplayNodesOff()

virtual void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::AutoCreateDisplayNodesOff ( )

◆ AutoCreateDisplayNodesOn()

virtual void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::AutoCreateDisplayNodesOn ( )

◆ ConvertAnnotationFiducialsToMarkups()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::ConvertAnnotationFiducialsToMarkups ( )

Searches the scene for annotation fidicual nodes, collecting a list of annotation hierarchy nodes. Then iterates through those hierarchy nodes and moves the fiducials that are under them into new markups nodes. Leaves the top level hierarchy nodes intact as they may be parents to ruler or ROIs but deletes the 1:1 hierarchy nodes.

◆ CopyBasicDisplayProperties()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::CopyBasicDisplayProperties ( vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode sourceDisplayNode,
vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode targetDisplayNode 

Copies basic display properties between markups display nodes. This is used for updating a display node to defaults.

◆ CopyNthControlPointToNewList()

bool vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::CopyNthControlPointToNewList ( int  n,
vtkMRMLMarkupsNode markupsNode,
vtkMRMLMarkupsNode newMarkupsNode 

utility method to copy a control point from one list to another, adding it to the end of the new list

See also
vtkMRMLMarkupsNode::AddControlPoint Returns true on success, false on failure

◆ CopyNthMarkupToNewList()

bool vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::CopyNthMarkupToNewList ( int  n,
vtkMRMLMarkupsNode markupsNode,
vtkMRMLMarkupsNode newMarkupsNode 
Use CopyNthControlPointToNewList instead.

Definition at line 146 of file vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic.h.

◆ FitSurfaceDiskWarp()

static bool vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::FitSurfaceDiskWarp ( vtkPoints *  curvePoints,
vtkPolyData *  surface,
double  radiusScalingFactor = 1.0 

Create a "soap bubble" surface that fits on the provided point list. A triangulated disk is warped so that its boundary matches the provided curve points using thin-plate spline transform. The generated surface may go beyond the boundary of the input points if the boundary is highly concave or curved.

curvePointspoints to fit the surface to
radiusScalingFactorsize of the surface.Value of 1.0 (default) means the surface edge fits on the points. Larger values increase the generated soap bubble outer radius, which may be useful to avoid coincident points when using this surface for cutting another surface.

◆ FitSurfaceProjectWarp()

static bool vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::FitSurfaceProjectWarp ( vtkPoints *  curvePoints,
vtkPolyData *  surface,
double  radiusScalingFactor = 1.0 

Create a "soap bubble" surface that fits on the provided point list. First the contour points projected to best fit plane, triangulated in 2D, and warped to the non-planar shape. Convex surfaces are triangulated correctly. If the contour is self-intersecting after projected to best fit plane then the surface will be invalid.

curvePointspoints to fit the surface to
radiusScalingFactorsize of the surface. Value of 1.0 (default) means the surface edge fits on the points. Larger values increase the generated soap bubble outer radius, which may be useful to avoid coincident points when using this surface for cutting another surface.
Specifying radiusScalingFactor has no effect. Associated feature is not yet implemented.

◆ FocusCameraOnNthPointInMarkup()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::FocusCameraOnNthPointInMarkup ( const char *  cameraNodeID,
const char *  markupNodeID,
int  n 

refocus the camera with the given cameraNodeID on the nth markup in the markups node with id markupNodeID

See also

◆ FocusCamerasOnNthPointInMarkup()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::FocusCamerasOnNthPointInMarkup ( const char *  id,
int  n 

refocus all of the 3D cameras to the nth markup with the mrml id id

See also

◆ GetActiveListID()

std::string vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::GetActiveListID ( )

Utility method to return the id of the active place node. Returns an empty string on failure.

See also

◆ GetAutoCreateDisplayNodes()

virtual bool vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::GetAutoCreateDisplayNodes ( )

◆ GetBestFitPlane()

static bool vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::GetBestFitPlane ( vtkMRMLMarkupsNode curveNode,
vtkPlane *  plane 

Get best fit plane for a markup.

◆ GetClassName()

virtual const char* vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::GetClassName ( )

Reimplemented from vtkSlicerModuleLogic.

◆ GetClosedCurveSurfaceArea()

static double vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::GetClosedCurveSurfaceArea ( vtkMRMLMarkupsClosedCurveNode curveNode,
vtkPolyData *  surface = nullptr,
bool  projectWarp = true 

Measure surface area of the smooth surface that fits on the closed curve in world coordinate system. If projectWarp option is enabled then FitSurfaceProjectWarp method is used otherwise FitSurfaceDiskWarp is used. FitSurfaceProjectWarp produces accurate results for all quasi-planar curves (while FitSurfaceDiskWarp may significantly overestimate surface area for planar convex curves). FitSurfaceDiskWarp is kept for compatison only and may be removed in the future.

curveNodepoints to fit the surface to
surfaceif not nullptr then the generated surface is saved into that

◆ GetDefaultMarkupsDisplayNode()

vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode* vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::GetDefaultMarkupsDisplayNode ( )

◆ GetJsonStorageNodeClassNameForMarkupsType()

std::string vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::GetJsonStorageNodeClassNameForMarkupsType ( std::string  markupsType)

◆ GetSelectionNodeID()

std::string vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::GetSelectionNodeID ( )

Utility method to return the id of the selection node. Checks the mrml application logic if set, otherwise checks the scene for a singleton selection node. Returns an empty string on failure.

◆ GetSliceIntersectionsVisibility()

int vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::GetSliceIntersectionsVisibility ( )

Inspect all the slice composite nodes in the scene. Return 1 if all have SliceIntersectionVisibility set to true, 0 if all have it set to false, 2 if it's a combination of true and false, -1 on error

◆ IsA()

virtual int vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::IsA ( const char *  type)

Reimplemented from vtkSlicerModuleLogic.

◆ IsPolygonClockwise()

static bool vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::IsPolygonClockwise ( vtkPoints *  points)

Return tru if the polygon points are oriented clockwise.

◆ IsTypeOf()

static int vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type)

◆ JumpSlicesToLocation()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::JumpSlicesToLocation ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
bool  centered,
int  viewGroup = -1,
vtkMRMLSliceNode exclude = nullptr 

jump the slice windows to the given coordinate If viewGroup is -1 then all all slice views are updated, otherwise only those views that are in the specified group.

◆ JumpSlicesToNthPointInMarkup()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::JumpSlicesToNthPointInMarkup ( const char *  id,
int  n,
bool  centered = false,
int  viewGroup = -1,
vtkMRMLSliceNode exclude = nullptr 

jump the slice windows to the nth markup with the mrml id id

See also

◆ LoadMarkups()

char* vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::LoadMarkups ( const char *  fileName,
const char *  fidsName = nullptr 

Load a markups fiducial list from fileName, return nullptr on error, node ID string otherwise. Adds the appropriate storage and display nodes to the scene as well.

◆ LoadMarkupsFiducials()

char* vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::LoadMarkupsFiducials ( const char *  fileName,
const char *  fidsName = nullptr 

This method is deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility only, it does the same as LoadMarkups method.

◆ LoadMarkupsFromFcsv()

char* vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::LoadMarkupsFromFcsv ( const char *  fileName,
const char *  nodeName 

◆ LoadMarkupsFromJson()

char* vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::LoadMarkupsFromJson ( const char *  fileName,
const char *  nodeName 

◆ MoveNthControlPointToNewListAtIndex()

bool vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::MoveNthControlPointToNewListAtIndex ( int  n,
vtkMRMLMarkupsNode markupsNode,
vtkMRMLMarkupsNode newMarkupsNode,
int  newIndex 

utility method to move a control point from one list to another, trying to insert it at the given new index. If the new index is larger than the number of control points in the list, adds it to the end. If new index is smaller than 0, adds it at the beginning. Otherwise inserts at that index.

See also
vtkMRMLMarkupsNode::InsertControlPoint Returns true on success, false on failure

◆ MoveNthMarkupToNewList()

bool vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::MoveNthMarkupToNewList ( int  n,
vtkMRMLMarkupsNode markupsNode,
vtkMRMLMarkupsNode newMarkupsNode,
int  newIndex 
Use MoveNthControlPointToNewList instead.

Definition at line 163 of file vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic.h.

◆ New()

static vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic* vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::New ( )

◆ ObserveMRMLScene()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::ObserveMRMLScene ( )

Called after a scene is set to the logic and nodes are registered (RegisterNodes()). The scene events to observe are already set in SetMRMLSceneInternal(). By default, ObserveMRMLScene() calls UpdateFromMRMLScene(). Override for a custom behavior.

See also
SetMRMLSceneInternal, RegisterNodes, UnobserveMRMLScene

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLAbstractLogic.

◆ OnMRMLSceneNodeAdded()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::OnMRMLSceneNodeAdded ( vtkMRMLNode )

If vtkMRMLScene::NodeAddedEvent has been set to be observed in SetMRMLSceneInternal, it is called when the scene fires the event

See also
ProcessMRMLSceneEvents, SetMRMLSceneInternal
OnMRMLSceneNodeRemoved, vtkMRMLScene::NodeAboutToBeAdded

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLAbstractLogic.

◆ OnMRMLSceneNodeRemoved()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::OnMRMLSceneNodeRemoved ( vtkMRMLNode )

If vtkMRMLScene::NodeRemovedEvent has been set to be observed in SetMRMLSceneInternal, it is called when the scene fires the event

See also
ProcessMRMLSceneEvents, SetMRMLSceneInternal
OnMRMLSceneNodeAdded, vtkMRMLScene::NodeAboutToBeRemoved

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLAbstractLogic.

◆ PrintSelf()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 

◆ ProcessMRMLNodesEvents()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::ProcessMRMLNodesEvents ( vtkObject *  caller,
unsigned long  event,
void *  callData 

Receives all the events fired by the nodes. To listen to a node, you can add an observer using GetMRMLNodesCallbackCommand() or use the utility macros vtk[SetAndObserve|Observe]MRMLNode[Event]Macro ProcessMRMLNodesEvents calls OnMRMLNodeModified when event is vtkCommand::ModifiedEvent.

See also
ProcessMRMLSceneEvents, ProcessMRMLLogicsEvents, OnMRMLNodeModified(), vtkSetAndObserveMRMLNodeMacro, vtkObserveMRMLNodeMacro, vtkSetAndObserveMRMLNodeEventMacro

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLAbstractLogic.

◆ RegisterJsonStorageNodeForMarkupsType()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::RegisterJsonStorageNodeForMarkupsType ( std::string  markupsType,
std::string  storageNodeClassName 

◆ RegisterNodes()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::RegisterNodes ( )

Register MRML Node classes to Scene. Gets called automatically when the MRMLScene is attached to this logic class.

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLAbstractLogic.

◆ RenameAllMarkupsFromCurrentFormat()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::RenameAllMarkupsFromCurrentFormat ( vtkMRMLMarkupsNode markupsNode)

Iterate over the markups in the list and reset the markup labels using the current MarkupLabelFormat setting. Try to keep current numbering. Will work if there's a d, g or f in the format string, but precision is not handled.

◆ SafeDownCast()

static vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic* vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::SafeDownCast ( vtkObject *  o)

◆ SetActiveListID()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::SetActiveListID ( vtkMRMLMarkupsNode markupsNode)

Utility method to set the active place node from the passed markups node. Does not set the interaction mode to place.

See also
GetActiveListID, StartPlaceMode

◆ SetAllMarkupsLocked()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::SetAllMarkupsLocked ( vtkMRMLMarkupsNode node,
bool  flag 

◆ SetAllMarkupsSelected()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::SetAllMarkupsSelected ( vtkMRMLMarkupsNode node,
bool  flag 

◆ SetAllMarkupsVisibility()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::SetAllMarkupsVisibility ( vtkMRMLMarkupsNode node,
bool  flag 

Utility methods to operate on all markups in a markups node.

◆ SetAndObserveSelectionNode()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::SetAndObserveSelectionNode ( vtkMRMLSelectionNode selectionNode)

◆ SetAutoCreateDisplayNodes()

virtual void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::SetAutoCreateDisplayNodes ( bool  )

◆ SetDisplayDefaultsFromNode()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::SetDisplayDefaultsFromNode ( vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode displayNode)

utility method to set defaults from display node

◆ SetDisplayNodeToDefaults()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::SetDisplayNodeToDefaults ( vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayNode displayNode)

utility method to set up a display node from the defaults

◆ SetMRMLSceneInternal()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::SetMRMLSceneInternal ( vtkMRMLScene newScene)

Initialize listening to MRML events.

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLAbstractLogic.

◆ SetSliceIntersectionsVisibility()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::SetSliceIntersectionsVisibility ( bool  flag)

Set the slice intersections visbility on all the slice composite nodes in the scene

◆ StartPlaceMode()

bool vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::StartPlaceMode ( bool  persistent,
vtkMRMLInteractionNode interactionNode = nullptr 

Put the interaction node into place mode, and set the persistence of place mode according to the persistent flag. Return true on successfully going into place mode, false otherwise. By default, the default interaction node is updated.

See also

◆ ToggleAllMarkupsLocked()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::ToggleAllMarkupsLocked ( vtkMRMLMarkupsNode node)

◆ ToggleAllMarkupsSelected()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::ToggleAllMarkupsSelected ( vtkMRMLMarkupsNode node)

◆ ToggleAllMarkupsVisibility()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::ToggleAllMarkupsVisibility ( vtkMRMLMarkupsNode node)

◆ UpdateFromMRMLScene()

void vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::UpdateFromMRMLScene ( )

Called every time the scene has been significantly changed. If the scene BatchProcessState events are observed (in SetMRMLSceneInternal() ), UpdateFromMRMLScene is called after each batch process (Close, Import, Restore...). It is also being called by default when a new scene is set (SetMRMLScene).

See also
SetMRMLSceneInternal, UnobserveMRMLScene, ObserveMRMLScene

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLAbstractLogic.

Member Data Documentation

◆ MarkupsTypeStorageNodes

std::map<std::string, std::string> vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::MarkupsTypeStorageNodes

Definition at line 261 of file vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic.h.

◆ SelectionNode

vtkMRMLSelectionNode* vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic::SelectionNode {nullptr}

Definition at line 262 of file vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: