Slicer  4.11
Slicer is a multi-platform, free and open source software package for visualization and medical image computing
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itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod > Class Template Reference

#include <Modules/CLI/ExpertAutomatedRegistration/itkImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper.h>

Public Member Functions

RegistrationMethodType * GetRegistrationMethod ()
int GetTestResult () const
 ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper ()
void PerformRegressionTest ()
void PrepareRegistration ()
void PrintTest ()
void ReportImagesMetaData ()
void ReportResults ()
void ResampleOutputImage ()
void RunRegistration ()
void SetBaselineImageFileName (const char *filename)
void SetDifferenceImageFileName (const char *filename)
void SetFixedImageFileName (const char *filename)
void SetIntensityTolerance (double intensity)
void SetMovingImageFileName (const char *filename)
void SetNumberOfFailedPixelsTolerance (unsigned long numberOfPixels)
void SetRadiusTolerance (unsigned long radius)
void SetResampledImageFileName (const char *filename)

Detailed Description

template<class TRegistrationMethod>
class itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >

This class provides common tasks required to test all registration methods.

Definition at line 32 of file itkImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ GetRegistrationMethod()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
RegistrationMethodType* itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::GetRegistrationMethod ( )

Return specific instance of the registration method being tested

◆ GetTestResult()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
int itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::GetTestResult ( ) const

Return the status of the test helper at the end of all the tests

◆ PerformRegressionTest()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
void itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::PerformRegressionTest ( )

Run the regression test by comparing the result of resampling the moving image against the baseline image whose filename was provided in SetBaselineImageFileName()

◆ PrepareRegistration()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
void itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::PrepareRegistration ( )

Prepare the elements of the registration. In particular, this method connects the fixed and moving image readers as inputs to the registration method.

◆ PrintTest()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
void itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::PrintTest ( )

Exercise the Print() method of the registration class. This should internally call the PrintSelf() method of the registration class.

◆ ReportImagesMetaData()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
void itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::ReportImagesMetaData ( )

Print out meta data from the input Fixed and Moving images.

◆ ReportResults()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
void itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::ReportResults ( )

Print out information relevant to the results of the registration process. In particular the Transform parameters. Note that you may not want to do this with transforms having large number of parameters, such as the BSplineDeformableTransform.

◆ ResampleOutputImage()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
void itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::ResampleOutputImage ( )

Use the parameters resulting from the optimization process, set them in a Transform, and use it to resample the Moving image into the coordinate system of the Fixed image.

◆ RunRegistration()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
void itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::RunRegistration ( )

Initiate the execution of the registration process. This method catches potential exceptions that may be thrown from the registration method.

◆ SetBaselineImageFileName()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
void itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::SetBaselineImageFileName ( const char *  filename)

Set the filename of the image that should be used as baseline for the regression test of the resampled moving image..

◆ SetDifferenceImageFileName()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
void itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::SetDifferenceImageFileName ( const char *  filename)

Set the filename of the difference image that should be output

◆ SetFixedImageFileName()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
void itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::SetFixedImageFileName ( const char *  filename)

Set the filename of the FixedImage. This helper class will create a reader and will read the image in.

◆ SetIntensityTolerance()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
void itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::SetIntensityTolerance ( double  intensity)

Set the intensity difference that can be tolerated before marking the test as failed.

◆ SetMovingImageFileName()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
void itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::SetMovingImageFileName ( const char *  filename)

Set the filename of the MovingImage. This helper class will create a reader and will read the image in.

◆ SetNumberOfFailedPixelsTolerance()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
void itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::SetNumberOfFailedPixelsTolerance ( unsigned long  numberOfPixels)

Set the number of pixel errors that can be tolerated before marking the test as failed.

◆ SetRadiusTolerance()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
void itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::SetRadiusTolerance ( unsigned long  radius)

Set the misregistration offset that can be tolerated before marking the test as failed.

◆ SetResampledImageFileName()

template<class TRegistrationMethod >
void itk::ImageToImageRegistrationMethodTestingHelper< TRegistrationMethod >::SetResampledImageFileName ( const char *  filename)

Set the filename where the Resampled MovingImage will be saved. This helper class will create a resample image filter and a writer, and will save the image.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: