MRML node for representing a single compressed video frame that can be decoded to an image representation In this context, a frame is considered to be a compressed image that may require additional frames to decode to an image, and an image is the uncompressed pixel based representation. A video codec can be used to decode and encode between frame and image representations.
vtkMRMLNode * | CreateNodeInstance () override |
| MRMLNode methods.
virtual bool | DecodeFrame () |
virtual bool | EncodeImageData (bool forceKeyFrame=false) |
virtual const char * | GetClassName () |
vtkStreamingVolumeCodec * | GetCodec () |
virtual std::string | GetCodecFourCC () |
std::string | GetCodecParameterString () |
vtkStreamingVolumeFrame * | GetFrame () |
| Returns a pointer to the current frame.
vtkImageData * | GetImageData () override |
vtkAlgorithmOutput * | GetImageDataConnection () override |
| Return the input image data pipeline.
const char * | GetNodeTagName () override |
| Get node XML tag name (like Volume, Model)
virtual int | IsA (const char *type) |
virtual bool | IsKeyFrame () |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
void | ProcessMRMLEvents (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long event, void *callData) override |
| alternative method to propagate events generated in Display nodes
void | ReadXMLAttributes (const char **atts) override |
| Set node attributes.
void | SetAndObserveFrame (vtkStreamingVolumeFrame *frame) |
void | SetAndObserveImageData (vtkImageData *imageData) override |
virtual void | SetCodec (vtkStreamingVolumeCodec *) |
| Instance of the code that is.
virtual void | SetCodecFourCC (std::string) |
void | SetCodecParameterString (std::string parameterString) |
| vtkMRMLCopyContentMacro (vtkMRMLStreamingVolumeNode) |
void | WriteXML (ostream &of, int indent) override |
| Write this node's information to a MRML file in XML format.
void | Copy (vtkMRMLNode *node) override |
| Copy the node's attributes to this object.
void | CreateDefaultDisplayNodes () override |
| Create and observe default display node.
vtkMRMLStorageNode * | CreateDefaultStorageNode () override |
| Create default storage node or nullptr if does not have one.
vtkMRMLNode * | CreateNodeInstance () override |
| MRMLNode methods.
const char * | GetNodeTagName () override |
| Get node XML tag name (like Volume, Model)
virtual vtkMRMLVectorVolumeDisplayNode * | GetVectorVolumeDisplayNode () |
| Associated display MRML node.
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
void | ReadXMLAttributes (const char **atts) override |
| Set node attributes.
| vtkMRMLCopyContentDefaultMacro (vtkMRMLVectorVolumeNode) |
void | WriteXML (ostream &of, int indent) override |
| Write this node's information to a MRML file in XML format.
void | GetMeasurementFrameMatrix (double mf[3][3]) |
void | GetMeasurementFrameMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *mat) |
virtual int | GetOrder () |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
void | SetMeasurementFrameMatrix (const double mf[3][3]) |
| Set the Measurement frame matrix from 3x3 array.
void | SetMeasurementFrameMatrix (const double xr, const double xa, const double xs, const double yr, const double ya, const double ys, const double zr, const double za, const double zs) |
void | SetMeasurementFrameMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *mat) |
| Set/Get the measurement frame matrix from a vtk 4x4 matrix.
virtual void | SetOrder (int) |
void | UpdateReferenceID (const char *oldID, const char *newID) override |
void | UpdateReferences () override |
| vtkMRMLCopyContentMacro (vtkMRMLTensorVolumeNode) |
virtual vtkMRMLScalarVolumeDisplayNode * | GetScalarVolumeDisplayNode () |
| Associated display MRML node.
virtual vtkCodedEntry * | GetVoxelValueQuantity () |
virtual vtkCodedEntry * | GetVoxelValueUnits () |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
void | SetVoxelValueQuantity (vtkCodedEntry *) |
void | SetVoxelValueUnits (vtkCodedEntry *) |
| vtkMRMLCopyContentDefaultMacro (vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode) |
bool | AddCenteringTransform () |
virtual void | ApplyNonLinearTransform (vtkAbstractTransform *transform) |
void | ApplyTransform (vtkAbstractTransform *transform) override |
void | ApplyTransformMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *transformMatrix) override |
bool | CanApplyNonLinearTransforms () const override |
void | CopyOrientation (vtkMRMLVolumeNode *node) |
| Copy the node's attributes to this object.
void | CreateDefaultSequenceDisplayNodes () override |
| Creates the most appropriate display node class for storing a sequence of these nodes.
void | GetBounds (double bounds[6]) override |
void | GetIJKToRASDirectionMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *mat) |
void | GetIJKToRASDirections (double dirs[3][3]) |
void | GetIJKToRASMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *mat) |
virtual double | GetImageBackgroundScalarComponentAsDouble (int component) |
void | GetIToRASDirection (double dirs[3]) |
void | GetJToRASDirection (double dirs[3]) |
void | GetKToRASDirection (double dirs[3]) |
double | GetMaxSpacing () |
| Utility function that returns the max spacing between the 3 orientations.
const itk::MetaDataDictionary & | GetMetaDataDictionary () const |
double | GetMinSpacing () |
| Utility function that returns the min spacing between the 3 orientations.
bool | GetModifiedSinceRead () override |
virtual double * | GetOrigin () |
virtual void | GetOrigin (double &, double &, double &) |
virtual void | GetOrigin (double[3]) |
void | GetRASBounds (double bounds[6]) override |
void | GetRASToIJKMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *mat) |
void | GetSliceBounds (double bounds[6], vtkMatrix4x4 *rasToSlice, bool useVoxelCenter=false) |
virtual double * | GetSpacing () |
virtual void | GetSpacing (double &, double &, double &) |
virtual void | GetSpacing (double[3]) |
virtual vtkMRMLVolumeDisplayNode * | GetVolumeDisplayNode () |
| Associated display MRML node.
virtual int | GetVoxelVectorType () |
bool | IsCentered () |
| Returns true if the volume center is in the origin.
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
void | ProcessMRMLEvents (vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *) override |
| alternative method to propagate events generated in Display nodes
void | ReadXMLAttributes (const char **atts) override |
| Read node attributes from XML file.
void | SetIJKCoordinateSystemToRightHanded () |
void | SetIJKToRASDirectionMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *mat) |
void | SetIJKToRASDirections (double dirs[3][3]) |
void | SetIJKToRASDirections (double ir, double jr, double kr, double ia, double ja, double ka, double is, double js, double ks) |
void | SetIJKToRASMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *mat) |
virtual void | SetImageDataConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *inputPort) |
void | SetIToRASDirection (double ir, double ia, double is) |
void | SetJToRASDirection (double jr, double ja, double js) |
void | SetKToRASDirection (double kr, double ka, double ks) |
void | SetMetaDataDictionary (const itk::MetaDataDictionary &) |
| Set/Get the ITK MetaDataDictionary.
virtual void | SetOrigin (double arg1, double arg2, double arg3) |
virtual void | SetOrigin (double arg[3]) |
void | SetRASToIJKMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *mat) |
virtual void | SetSpacing (double arg1, double arg2, double arg3) |
virtual void | SetSpacing (double arg[3]) |
virtual void | SetVoxelVectorType (int) |
void | ShiftImageDataExtentToZeroStart () |
void | UpdateScene (vtkMRMLScene *scene) override |
| Finds the storage node and read the data.
| vtkMRMLCopyContentMacro (vtkMRMLVolumeNode) |
void | WriteXML (ostream &of, int indent) override |
| Write this node's information to a MRML file in XML format.
void | AddAndObserveDisplayNodeID (const char *displayNodeID) |
virtual int | GetDisplayClassVisibility (const char *nodeClass) |
vtkMRMLDisplayNode * | GetDisplayNode () |
const char * | GetDisplayNodeID () |
virtual const char * | GetDisplayNodeReferenceRole () |
virtual int | GetDisplayVisibility () |
vtkMRMLDisplayNode * | GetNthDisplayNode (int n) |
const char * | GetNthDisplayNodeID (int n) |
int | GetNumberOfDisplayNodes () |
bool | HasDisplayNodeID (const char *displayNodeID) |
| Return true if displayNodeID is in the display node ID list.
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
void | RemoveAllDisplayNodeIDs () |
| Remove all display node IDs and associated display nodes.
void | RemoveNthDisplayNodeID (int n) |
void | SetAndObserveDisplayNodeID (const char *displayNodeID) |
void | SetAndObserveNthDisplayNodeID (int n, const char *displayNodeID) |
virtual void | SetDisplayClassVisibility (const char *nodeClass, int visible) |
virtual void | SetDisplayVisibility (int visible) |
void | SetSelectable (int) override |
virtual void | WriteCLI (std::vector< std::string > &vtkNotUsed(commandLine), std::string vtkNotUsed(prefix), int vtkNotUsed(coordinateSystemFlag)=vtkMRMLStorageNode::CoordinateSystemRAS, int vtkNotUsed(multipleFlag)=1) |
virtual vtkImplicitFunction * | GetImplicitFunctionWorld () |
vtkMRMLTransformNode * | GetParentTransformNode () |
| Associated transform MRML node.
const char * | GetTransformNodeID () |
| Get referenced transform node id.
bool | HardenTransform () |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
bool | SetAndObserveTransformNodeID (const char *transformNodeID) |
virtual void | TransformPointFromWorld (const double inWorld[3], double outLocal[3]) |
virtual void | TransformPointFromWorld (const vtkVector3d &inWorld, vtkVector3d &outLocal) |
virtual void | TransformPointToWorld (const double inLocal[3], double outWorld[3]) |
virtual void | TransformPointToWorld (const vtkVector3d &inLocal, vtkVector3d &outWorld) |
void | AddAndObserveStorageNodeID (const char *storageNodeID) |
virtual bool | AddDefaultStorageNode (const char *filename=nullptr) |
virtual vtkMRMLStorageNode * | CreateDefaultSequenceStorageNode () |
virtual std::string | GetDefaultSequenceStorageNodeClassName () |
virtual std::string | GetDefaultStorageNodeClassName (const char *filename=nullptr) |
vtkMRMLStorageNode * | GetNthStorageNode (int n) |
| Get associated display MRML node.
const char * | GetNthStorageNodeID (int n) |
int | GetNumberOfStorageNodes () |
const char * | GetSlicerDataType () |
vtkMRMLStorageNode * | GetStorageNode () |
const char * | GetStorageNodeID () |
virtual vtkTagTable * | GetUserTagTable () |
| Methods for user-specified metadata.
bool | HasStorageNodeID (const char *storageNodeID) |
| Return true if storageNodeID is in the storage node ID list.
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
void | SetAndObserveNthStorageNodeID (int n, const char *storageNodeID) |
void | SetAndObserveStorageNodeID (const char *storageNodeID) |
| String ID of the storage MRML node.
virtual void | SetDefaultSequenceStorageNodeClassName (std::string) |
void | SetSlicerDataType (const char *type) |
virtual void | StorableModified () |
| vtkMRMLCopyContentMacro (vtkMRMLStorableNode) |
vtkMRMLNode * | AddAndObserveNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID, vtkIntArray *events=nullptr, ContentModifiedObserveType observeContentModifiedEvents=ContentModifiedObserveUndefined) |
| Add and observe a reference node from this node for a specific referenceRole.
vtkMRMLNode * | AddNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID) |
| Convenience method that adds a referencedNodeID at the end of the list.
void | AddNodeReferenceRole (const char *referenceRole, const char *mrmlAttributeName=nullptr, vtkIntArray *events=nullptr, bool observeContentModifiedEvents=false) |
| Add a referenceRole.
virtual void | AddToSceneOff () |
virtual void | AddToSceneOn () |
void | ClearNodeReferenceProperties (const std::string &referenceRole) |
| Remove all node reference properties for a specific referenceRole.
void | ClearNthNodeReferenceProperties (const std::string &referenceRole, int n) |
virtual void | CopyContent (vtkMRMLNode *node, bool deepCopy=true) |
| Copy node contents from another node of the same type. Does not copy node ID, Scene, Name, SingletonTag, HideFromEditors, AddToScene, UndoEnabled, and node references. If deepCopy is set to false then a shallow copy of bulk data (such as image or mesh data) could be made; copying may be faster but the node may share some data with the source node instead of creating an independent copy.
virtual void | CopyReferences (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
| Copy the references of the node into this.
void | CopyWithScene (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
| Copy everything (including Scene and ID) from another node of the same type.
void | DisableModifiedEventOff () |
void | DisableModifiedEventOn () |
virtual int | EndModify (int previousDisableModifiedEventState) |
| End modifying the node.
virtual int | GetAddToScene () |
| node added to MRML scene.
const char * | GetAttribute (const char *name) |
| Get value of a name value pair attribute.
std::vector< std::string > | GetAttributeNames () |
| Get all attribute names.
void | GetAttributeNames (vtkStringArray *attributeNames) |
| Get all attribute names. Python-wrappable version.
virtual vtkIntArray * | GetContentModifiedEvents () |
int | GetCustomModifiedEventPending (int eventId) |
virtual char * | GetDescription () |
virtual int | GetDisableModifiedEvent () |
| Turn on/off generating InvokeEvent for set macros.
virtual int | GetHideFromEditors () |
| Describes if the node is hidden.
virtual char * | GetID () |
| ID use by other nodes to reference this node in XML.
virtual int | GetInMRMLCallbackFlag () |
| Flags to avoid event loops.
virtual int | GetModifiedEventPending () |
virtual char * | GetName () |
vtkMRMLNode * | GetNodeReference (const char *referenceRole) |
const char * | GetNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole) |
| Utility function that returns the first node id for a specific referenceRole.
void | GetNodeReferenceIDs (const char *referenceRole, std::vector< const char * > &referencedNodeIDs) |
| Return a list of the referenced node IDs.
const ReferencePropertiesType * | GetNodeReferenceProperties (const char *referenceRole) |
std::string | GetNodeReferenceProperty (const std::string &referenceRole, const std::string &propertyName) |
| Get the node reference property for a specific referenceRole.
std::string | GetNodeReferencePropertyName (const std::string &referenceRole, int propertyIndex) |
| Get the name of the Nth node reference property for a specific referenceRole.
std::vector< std::string > | GetNodeReferencePropertyNames (const std::string &referenceRole) |
| Get the names of all node reference properties for a specific referenceRole.
void | GetNodeReferenceRoles (std::vector< std::string > &roles) |
void | GetNodeReferences (const char *referenceRole, std::vector< vtkMRMLNode * > &nodes) |
| Return a list of the referenced nodes.
vtkMRMLNode * | GetNthNodeReference (const char *referenceRole, int n) |
| Get referenced MRML node for a specific referenceRole.
const char * | GetNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n) |
| Return the string of the Nth node ID for a specific reference role.
const ReferencePropertiesType * | GetNthNodeReferenceProperties (const char *referenceRole, int n) |
std::string | GetNthNodeReferenceProperty (const std::string &referenceRole, int n, const std::string &propertyName) |
std::string | GetNthNodeReferencePropertyName (const std::string &referenceRole, int referenceIndex, int propertyIndex) |
std::vector< std::string > | GetNthNodeReferencePropertyNames (const std::string &referenceRole, int n) |
const char * | GetNthNodeReferenceRole (int n) |
int | GetNumberOfNodeReferenceProperties (const std::string &referenceRole) |
| Get the number of node reference properties for a specific referenceRole.
int | GetNumberOfNodeReferenceRoles () |
int | GetNumberOfNodeReferences (const char *referenceRole) |
| Return the number of node IDs for a specific reference role (and nodes as they always have the same size).
int | GetNumberOfNthNodeReferenceProperties (const std::string &referenceRole, int n) |
virtual int | GetSaveWithScene () |
| Save node with MRML scene.
virtual vtkMRMLScene * | GetScene () |
| Get the scene this node has been added to.
virtual int | GetSelectable () |
| Describes if the node is selectable.
virtual int | GetSelected () |
| Get/Set for Selected.
virtual char * | GetSingletonTag () |
virtual const char * | GetTypeDisplayName () |
virtual bool | GetUndoEnabled () |
virtual bool | HasCopyContent () const |
| Returns true if the class supports deep and shallow copying node content.
bool | HasNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID) |
| Return true if referencedNodeID is in the node ID list for a specific referenceRole.
virtual void | HideFromEditorsOff () |
virtual void | HideFromEditorsOn () |
virtual void | InvokeCustomModifiedEvent (int eventId, void *callData=nullptr) |
| This method allows the node to compress events.
virtual int | InvokePendingModifiedEvent () |
| Invokes any modified events that are pending .
bool | IsSingleton () |
void | Modified () override |
| Customized version of Modified() allowing to compress vtkCommand::ModifiedEvent.
virtual void | OnNodeAddedToScene () |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
virtual void | ProcessChildNode (vtkMRMLNode *) |
| Set dependencies between this node and a child node when parsing XML file.
void | RemoveAttribute (const char *name) |
| Remove attribute with the specified name.
void | RemoveNodeReferenceIDs (const char *referenceRole) |
| Remove all node IDs and associated nodes for a specific referenceRole.
void | RemoveNodeReferenceProperty (const std::string &referenceRole, const std::string &propertyName) |
| Remove a node reference property for a specific referenceRole.
void | RemoveNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n) |
| Convenience method that removes the Nth node ID from the list.
void | RemoveNthNodeReferenceProperty (const std::string &referenceRole, int n, const std::string &propertyName) |
virtual void | Reset (vtkMRMLNode *defaultNode) |
| Reset node attributes to the initial state as defined in the constructor or the passed default node.
virtual void | SaveWithSceneOff () |
virtual void | SaveWithSceneOn () |
virtual void | SelectableOff () |
virtual void | SelectableOn () |
virtual void | SelectedOff () |
virtual void | SelectedOn () |
virtual void | SetAddToScene (int) |
void | SetAddToSceneNoModify (int value) |
vtkMRMLNode * | SetAndObserveNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID, vtkIntArray *events=nullptr, ContentModifiedObserveType observeContentModifiedEvents=ContentModifiedObserveUndefined) |
| Set and observe a reference node from this node for a specific referenceRole.
vtkMRMLNode * | SetAndObserveNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n, const char *referencedNodeID, vtkIntArray *events=nullptr, ContentModifiedObserveType observeContentModifiedEvents=ContentModifiedObserveUndefined) |
| Set and observe the Nth node ID for a specific reference role.
void | SetAttribute (const char *name, const char *value) |
| Set a name value pair attribute.
virtual void | SetDescription (const char *) |
| Text description of this node, to be set by the user.
void | SetDisableModifiedEvent (int onOff) |
virtual void | SetHideFromEditors (int) |
void | SetInMRMLCallbackFlag (int flag) |
virtual void | SetName (const char *) |
| Name of this node, to be set by the user.
vtkMRMLNode * | SetNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID) |
| Set a reference to a node with specified nodeID from this node for a specific referenceRole.
void | SetNodeReferenceProperty (const std::string &referenceRole, const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &value) |
| Set the node reference property for a specific referenceRole.
vtkMRMLNode * | SetNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n, const char *referencedNodeID) |
| Set a N-th reference from this node with specified referencedNodeID for a specific referenceRole.
void | SetNthNodeReferenceProperty (const std::string &referenceRole, int n, const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &value) |
virtual void | SetSaveWithScene (int) |
virtual void | SetScene (vtkMRMLScene *scene) |
| This method is for internal use only. Use AddNode method of vtkMRMLScene to add a node to the scene.
virtual void | SetSceneReferences () |
| Update the references of the node to the scene.
virtual void | SetSelected (int) |
void | SetSingletonOff () |
void | SetSingletonOn () |
virtual void | SetSingletonTag (const char *) |
| Tag that make this node a singleton in the scene.
virtual void | SetUndoEnabled (bool) |
virtual int | StartModify () |
| Start modifying the node. Disable Modify events.
virtual void | UndoEnabledOff () |
virtual void | UndoEnabledOn () |
const char * | URLDecodeString (const char *inString) |
| Decode a URL string.
const char * | URLEncodeString (const char *inString) |
| Encode a URL string.
virtual void | WriteNodeBodyXML (ostream &of, int indent) |
| Write this node's body to a MRML file in XML format.
std::string | XMLAttributeDecodeString (const std::string &inString) |
| Decode an XML attribute string.
std::string | XMLAttributeEncodeString (const std::string &inString) |
| Encode an XML attribute string (replaces special characters by code sequences)
void | AllocateImageForFrame (vtkImageData *imageData) |
| Allocates the vtkImageData so that the compressed image data can be decoded.
bool | HasExternalImageObserver () |
| Returns true if the number of observers on the ImageData or ImageDataConnection is greater than the default expected number.
void | operator= (const vtkMRMLStreamingVolumeNode &) |
| vtkMRMLStreamingVolumeNode () |
| vtkMRMLStreamingVolumeNode (const vtkMRMLStreamingVolumeNode &) |
| ~vtkMRMLStreamingVolumeNode () override |
void | operator= (const vtkMRMLVectorVolumeNode &) |
| vtkMRMLVectorVolumeNode () |
| vtkMRMLVectorVolumeNode (const vtkMRMLVectorVolumeNode &) |
| ~vtkMRMLVectorVolumeNode () override |
void | operator= (const vtkMRMLTensorVolumeNode &) |
| vtkMRMLTensorVolumeNode () |
| vtkMRMLTensorVolumeNode (const vtkMRMLTensorVolumeNode &) |
| ~vtkMRMLTensorVolumeNode () override |
void | operator= (const vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode &) |
| vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode () |
| vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode (const vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode &) |
| ~vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode () override |
virtual void | GetBoundsInternal (double bounds[6], vtkMatrix4x4 *rasToSlice, bool useTransform, bool useVoxelCenter=false) |
void | GetCenterPositionRAS (double *centerPositionRAS, bool useParentTransform=true) |
virtual int | GetResamplingInterpolationMode () |
void | OnNodeReferenceAdded (vtkMRMLNodeReference *reference) override |
| Called when a node reference ID is added (list size increased).
void | OnNodeReferenceModified (vtkMRMLNodeReference *reference) override |
| Called when a node reference ID is modified.
void | operator= (const vtkMRMLVolumeNode &) |
void | SetImageDataToDisplayNode (vtkMRMLVolumeDisplayNode *displayNode) |
void | SetImageDataToDisplayNodes () |
| Set the image data pipeline to all the display nodes.
virtual void | UpdateDisplayNodeImageData (vtkMRMLDisplayNode *dnode) |
| vtkMRMLVolumeNode () |
| vtkMRMLVolumeNode (const vtkMRMLVolumeNode &) |
| ~vtkMRMLVolumeNode () override |
virtual const char * | GetDisplayNodeReferenceMRMLAttributeName () |
void | OnNodeReferenceRemoved (vtkMRMLNodeReference *reference) override |
| Called after a node reference ID is removed (list size decreased).
void | operator= (const vtkMRMLDisplayableNode &) |
| vtkMRMLDisplayableNode () |
| vtkMRMLDisplayableNode (const vtkMRMLDisplayableNode &) |
| ~vtkMRMLDisplayableNode () override |
virtual const char * | GetTransformNodeReferenceMRMLAttributeName () |
virtual const char * | GetTransformNodeReferenceRole () |
void | OnNodeReferenceRemoved (vtkMRMLNodeReference *reference) override |
| Called after a node reference ID is removed (list size decreased).
virtual void | OnTransformNodeReferenceChanged (vtkMRMLTransformNode *transformNode) |
| Called when transform node reference added/modified/removed.
void | operator= (const vtkMRMLTransformableNode &) |
| vtkMRMLTransformableNode () |
| vtkMRMLTransformableNode (const vtkMRMLTransformableNode &) |
| ~vtkMRMLTransformableNode () override |
virtual const char * | GetStorageNodeReferenceMRMLAttributeName () |
virtual const char * | GetStorageNodeReferenceRole () |
virtual vtkTimeStamp | GetStoredTime () |
void | operator= (const vtkMRMLStorableNode &) |
| vtkMRMLStorableNode () |
| vtkMRMLStorableNode (const vtkMRMLStorableNode &) |
| ~vtkMRMLStorableNode () override |
virtual const char * | GetMRMLAttributeNameFromReferenceRole (const char *refRole) |
| Return the mrml attribute name (if found) associated with a reference role. Return 0 otherwise.
virtual const char * | GetReferenceRoleFromMRMLAttributeName (const char *attName) |
| Return the reference role (if found) associated with the attribute name found in a MRML scene file. Return 0 otherwise.
virtual char * | GetTempURLString () |
void | GetUpdatedReferencedNodeEventList (int &oldReferencedNodeUseCount, int &newReferencedNodeUseCount, vtkIntArray *oldConsolidatedEventList, vtkIntArray *newConsolidatedEventList, vtkMRMLNode *oldReferencedNode, vtkMRMLNode *newReferencedNode, vtkMRMLNodeReference *referenceToIgnore, vtkIntArray *newEvents, bool newObserveContentModifiedEvents) |
virtual void | InvalidateNodeReferences () |
virtual bool | IsReferenceRoleGeneric (const char *refRole) |
| Return true if the reference role is generic (ends with '/') or false otherwise.
std::string | NodeReferencePropertyDecodeString (const std::string &inString) |
| Decode a node reference property string.
std::string | NodeReferencePropertyEncodeString (const std::string &inString) |
| Encode a node reference property string (replaces special characters by code sequences)
void | operator= (const vtkMRMLNode &) |
void | ParseReferencesAttribute (const char *attValue, std::set< std::string > &references) |
void | RemoveInvalidReferences (const std::set< std::string > &validNodeIDs) |
virtual void | SetTempURLString (const char *) |
| Get/Set the string used to manage encoding/decoding of strings/URLs with special characters.
vtkMRMLNode * | UpdateNodeReferenceEventObserver (vtkMRMLNode *oldReferencedNode, vtkMRMLNode *newReferencedNode, vtkIntArray *newEvents, bool newObserveContentModifiedEvents, vtkMRMLNodeReference *referenceToIgnore) |
virtual void | UpdateNodeReferences (const char *referenceRole=nullptr) |
virtual void | UpdateNthNodeReference (const char *referenceRole, int n) |
| vtkMRMLNode () |
| vtkMRMLNode (const vtkMRMLNode &) |
| ~vtkMRMLNode () override |
| critical to have a virtual destructor!