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vtkMRMLSegmentationNode Class Reference

MRML node containing segmentationsSegmentation node stores a set of segments (also known as contours or segmented regions). Segments may overlap and may be stored in various representations (binary labelmap image, closed surface mesh, fractional labelmap image, etc). Segments can be stored in multiple data representations to facilitate visualization and processing. More...

#include <Libs/MRML/Core/vtkMRMLSegmentationNode.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkMRMLSegmentationNode:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkMRMLSegmentationNode:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

typedef vtkMRMLDisplayableNode Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkMRMLDisplayableNode
enum  { DisplayModifiedEvent = 17000 }
typedef vtkMRMLTransformableNode Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkMRMLTransformableNode
enum  { TransformModifiedEvent = 15000 }
 TransformModifiedEvent is send when the parent transform is modidied. More...
typedef vtkMRMLStorableNode Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkMRMLStorableNode
typedef vtkMRMLNode Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkMRMLNode
enum  {
  HierarchyModifiedEvent = 16000, IDChangedEvent = 16001, ReferenceAddedEvent, ReferenceModifiedEvent,
  ReferenceRemovedEvent, ReferencedNodeModifiedEvent
typedef vtkObject Superclass

Public Member Functions

std::string AddSegmentFromBinaryLabelmapRepresentation (vtkOrientedImageData *imageData, std::string segmentName="", double color[3]=NULL, std::string segmentId="")
virtual std::string AddSegmentFromClosedSurfaceRepresentation (vtkPolyData *polyData, std::string segmentName="", double color[3]=NULL, std::string segmentId="")
virtual void ApplyTransform (vtkAbstractTransform *transform) VTK_OVERRIDE
virtual void ApplyTransformMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *transformMatrix) VTK_OVERRIDE
virtual bool CanApplyNonLinearTransforms () const VTK_OVERRIDE
virtual void Copy (vtkMRMLNode *node) VTK_OVERRIDE
 Copy the node's attributes to this object. More...
virtual bool CreateBinaryLabelmapRepresentation ()
 Generate binary labelmap representation for all segments. More...
virtual bool CreateClosedSurfaceRepresentation ()
virtual void CreateDefaultDisplayNodes () VTK_OVERRIDE
 Create and observe a segmentation display node. More...
virtual vtkMRMLStorageNodeCreateDefaultStorageNode () VTK_OVERRIDE
 Create a segmentation storage node. More...
virtual vtkMRMLNodeCreateNodeInstance () VTK_OVERRIDE
 Create instance of a GAD node. More...
virtual void DeepCopy (vtkMRMLNode *node)
 Copy the entire contents of the node into this node. More...
virtual bool GenerateMergedLabelmap (vtkOrientedImageData *mergedImageData, int extentComputationMode, vtkOrientedImageData *mergedLabelmapGeometry=NULL, const std::vector< std::string > &segmentIDs=std::vector< std::string >())
virtual bool GenerateMergedLabelmapForAllSegments (vtkOrientedImageData *mergedImageData, int extentComputationMode=vtkSegmentation::EXTENT_UNION_OF_EFFECTIVE_SEGMENTS, vtkOrientedImageData *mergedLabelmapGeometry=NULL, vtkStringArray *segmentIDs=NULL)
virtual vtkOrientedImageDataGetBinaryLabelmapRepresentation (const std::string segmentId)
virtual void GetBounds (double bounds[6]) VTK_OVERRIDE
virtual const char * GetClassName ()
virtual vtkPolyData * GetClosedSurfaceRepresentation (const std::string segmentId)
virtual const char * GetNodeTagName () VTK_OVERRIDE
 Get unique node XML tag name (like Volume, Model) More...
virtual void GetRASBounds (double bounds[6]) VTK_OVERRIDE
virtual vtkSegmentationGetSegmentation ()
 Get segmentation object. More...
virtual vtkIdType GetSegmentSubjectHierarchyItem (std::string segmentID, vtkMRMLSubjectHierarchyNode *shNode)
virtual int IsA (const char *type)
virtual void OnSubjectHierarchyUIDAdded (vtkMRMLSubjectHierarchyNode *shNode, vtkIdType itemWithNewUID)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) VTK_OVERRIDE
virtual void ReadXMLAttributes (const char **atts) VTK_OVERRIDE
 Set node attributes from name/value pairs. More...
virtual void RemoveBinaryLabelmapRepresentation ()
 Remove binary labelmap representation for all segments. More...
virtual void RemoveClosedSurfaceRepresentation ()
 Remove closed surface representation for all segments. More...
void RemoveSegment (const std::string &segmentID)
 Delete segment from segmentation. More...
void SetAndObserveSegmentation (vtkSegmentation *segmentation)
 Set and observe segmentation object. More...
virtual bool SetMasterRepresentationToBinaryLabelmap ()
virtual bool SetMasterRepresentationToClosedSurface ()
virtual void SetReferenceImageGeometryParameterFromVolumeNode (vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode *volumeNode)
 Set reference image geometry conversion parameter from the volume node, keeping reference. More...
virtual void WriteXML (ostream &of, int indent) VTK_OVERRIDE
 Write this node's information to a MRML file in XML format. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLDisplayableNode
void AddAndObserveDisplayNodeID (const char *displayNodeID)
virtual int GetDisplayClassVisibility (const char *nodeClass)
vtkMRMLDisplayNodeGetDisplayNode ()
const char * GetDisplayNodeID ()
virtual const char * GetDisplayNodeReferenceRole ()
virtual int GetDisplayVisibility ()
vtkMRMLDisplayNodeGetNthDisplayNode (int n)
const char * GetNthDisplayNodeID (int n)
int GetNumberOfDisplayNodes ()
bool HasDisplayNodeID (const char *displayNodeID)
 Return true if displayNodeID is in the display node ID list. More...
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) VTK_OVERRIDE
virtual void ProcessMRMLEvents (vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *) VTK_OVERRIDE
 alternative method to propagate events generated in Display nodes More...
void RemoveAllDisplayNodeIDs ()
 Remove all display node IDs and associated display nodes. More...
void RemoveNthDisplayNodeID (int n)
void SetAndObserveDisplayNodeID (const char *displayNodeID)
void SetAndObserveNthDisplayNodeID (int n, const char *displayNodeID)
virtual void SetDisplayClassVisibility (const char *nodeClass, int visible)
virtual void SetDisplayVisibility (int visible)
virtual void WriteCLI (std::vector< std::string > &vtkNotUsed(commandLine), std::string vtkNotUsed(prefix), int vtkNotUsed(coordinateSystemFlag)=0, int vtkNotUsed(multipleFlag)=1)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLTransformableNode
vtkMRMLTransformNodeGetParentTransformNode ()
 Associated transform MRML node. More...
const char * GetTransformNodeID ()
 Get referenced transform node id. More...
bool HardenTransform ()
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) VTK_OVERRIDE
bool SetAndObserveTransformNodeID (const char *transformNodeID)
virtual void TransformPointFromWorld (const double inWorld[3], double outLocal[3])
virtual void TransformPointFromWorld (const vtkVector3d &inWorld, vtkVector3d &outLocal)
virtual void TransformPointToWorld (const double inLocal[3], double outWorld[3])
virtual void TransformPointToWorld (const vtkVector3d &inLocal, vtkVector3d &outWorld)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLStorableNode
void AddAndObserveStorageNodeID (const char *storageNodeID)
virtual bool AddDefaultStorageNode (const char *filename=NULL)
virtual std::string GetDefaultStorageNodeClassName (const char *filename=NULL)
virtual bool GetModifiedSinceRead ()
vtkMRMLStorageNodeGetNthStorageNode (int n)
 Get associated display MRML node. More...
const char * GetNthStorageNodeID (int n)
int GetNumberOfStorageNodes ()
const char * GetSlicerDataType ()
vtkMRMLStorageNodeGetStorageNode ()
const char * GetStorageNodeID ()
virtual vtkTagTableGetUserTagTable ()
 Methods for user-specified metadata. More...
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) VTK_OVERRIDE
void SetAndObserveNthStorageNodeID (int n, const char *storageNodeID)
void SetAndObserveStorageNodeID (const char *storageNodeID)
 String ID of the storage MRML node. More...
void SetSlicerDataType (const char *type)
virtual void StorableModified ()
virtual void UpdateScene (vtkMRMLScene *scene) VTK_OVERRIDE
 Finds the storage node and read the data. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLNode
vtkMRMLNodeAddAndObserveNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID, vtkIntArray *events=0)
 Add and observe a reference node from this node for a specific referenceRole. More...
vtkMRMLNodeAddNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID)
 Convenience method that adds a referencedNodeID at the end of the list. More...
void AddNodeReferenceRole (const char *referenceRole, const char *mrmlAttributeName=0, vtkIntArray *events=0)
 Add a referenceRole. More...
virtual void AddToSceneOff ()
virtual void AddToSceneOn ()
virtual void CopyReferences (vtkMRMLNode *node)
 Copy the references of the node into this. More...
void CopyWithoutModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLNode *node)
void CopyWithScene (vtkMRMLNode *node)
 Copy everything (including Scene and ID) from another node of the same type. More...
void CopyWithSceneWithSingleModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLNode *node)
 Copy everything (including Scene and ID) from another node of the same type. More...
void CopyWithSingleModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLNode *node)
void DisableModifiedEventOff ()
void DisableModifiedEventOn ()
virtual int EndModify (int previousDisableModifiedEventState)
 End modifying the node. More...
virtual int GetAddToScene ()
 node added to MRML scene. More...
const char * GetAttribute (const char *name)
 Get value of a name value pair attribute. More...
std::vector< std::string > GetAttributeNames ()
 Get all attribute names. More...
void GetAttributeNames (vtkStringArray *attributeNames)
 Get all attribute names. Python-wrappable version. More...
virtual char * GetDescription ()
virtual int GetDisableModifiedEvent ()
 Turn on/off generating InvokeEvent for set macros. More...
virtual int GetHideFromEditors ()
 Describes if the node is hidden. More...
virtual char * GetID ()
 ID use by other nodes to reference this node in XML. More...
virtual int GetInMRMLCallbackFlag ()
 Flags to avoid event loops. More...
virtual int GetModifiedEventPending ()
virtual char * GetName ()
vtkMRMLNodeGetNodeReference (const char *referenceRole)
const char * GetNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole)
 Utility function that returns the first node id for a specific referenceRole. More...
void GetNodeReferenceIDs (const char *referenceRole, std::vector< const char *> &referencedNodeIDs)
 Return a list of the referenced node IDs. More...
void GetNodeReferenceRoles (std::vector< std::string > &roles)
void GetNodeReferences (const char *referenceRole, std::vector< vtkMRMLNode *> &nodes)
 Return a list of the referenced nodes. More...
vtkMRMLNodeGetNthNodeReference (const char *referenceRole, int n)
 Get referenced MRML node for a specific referenceRole. More...
const char * GetNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n)
 Return the string of the Nth node ID for a specific reference role. More...
const char * GetNthNodeReferenceRole (int n)
int GetNumberOfNodeReferenceRoles ()
int GetNumberOfNodeReferences (const char *referenceRole)
 Return the number of node IDs for a specific reference role (and nodes as they always have the same size). More...
virtual int GetSaveWithScene ()
 Save node with MRML scene. More...
virtual vtkMRMLSceneGetScene ()
 Only the scene can set itself to the node. More...
virtual int GetSelectable ()
 Describes if the node is selectable. More...
virtual int GetSelected ()
 Get/Set for Selected. More...
virtual char * GetSingletonTag ()
bool HasNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID)
 Return true if referencedNodeID is in the node ID list for a specific referenceRole. More...
virtual void HideFromEditorsOff ()
virtual void HideFromEditorsOn ()
virtual void InvokeCustomModifiedEvent (int eventId, void *callData=NULL)
 This method allows the node to compress events. More...
virtual int InvokePendingModifiedEvent ()
 Invokes any modified events that are pending. More...
bool IsSingleton ()
virtual void Modified () VTK_OVERRIDE
 Customized version of Modified() allowing to compress vtkCommand::ModifiedEvent. More...
virtual void OnNodeAddedToScene ()
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) VTK_OVERRIDE
virtual void ProcessChildNode (vtkMRMLNode *)
 Set dependencies between this node and a child node when parsing XML file. More...
void RemoveAttribute (const char *name)
 Remove attribute with the specified name. More...
void RemoveNodeReferenceIDs (const char *referenceRole)
 Remove all node IDs and associated nodes for a specific referenceRole. More...
void RemoveNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n)
 Convenience method that removes the Nth node ID from the list. More...
virtual void Reset (vtkMRMLNode *defaultNode)
 Reset node attributes to the initial state as defined in the constructor or the passed default node. More...
virtual void SaveWithSceneOff ()
virtual void SaveWithSceneOn ()
virtual void SelectableOff ()
virtual void SelectableOn ()
virtual void SelectedOff ()
virtual void SelectedOn ()
virtual void SetAddToScene (int)
void SetAddToSceneNoModify (int value)
vtkMRMLNodeSetAndObserveNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID, vtkIntArray *events=0)
 Set and observe a reference node from this node for a specific referenceRole. More...
vtkMRMLNodeSetAndObserveNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n, const char *referencedNodeID, vtkIntArray *events=0)
 Set and observe the Nth node ID for a specific reference role. More...
void SetAttribute (const char *name, const char *value)
 Set a name value pair attribute. More...
virtual void SetDescription (const char *)
 Text description of this node, to be set by the user. More...
void SetDisableModifiedEvent (int onOff)
virtual void SetHideFromEditors (int)
void SetInMRMLCallbackFlag (int flag)
virtual void SetName (const char *)
 Name of this node, to be set by the user. More...
vtkMRMLNodeSetNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID)
 Set a reference to a node with specified nodeID from this node for a specific referenceRole. More...
vtkMRMLNodeSetNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n, const char *referencedNodeID)
 Set a N-th reference from this node with specified referencedNodeID for a specific referenceRole. More...
virtual void SetSaveWithScene (int)
virtual void SetScene (vtkMRMLScene *scene)
virtual void SetSceneReferences ()
 Update the references of the node to the scene. More...
virtual void SetSelectable (int)
virtual void SetSelected (int)
void SetSingletonOff ()
void SetSingletonOn ()
virtual void SetSingletonTag (const char *)
 Tag that make this node a singleton in the scene. More...
virtual int StartModify ()
 Start modifying the node. Disable Modify events. More...
virtual void UpdateReferenceID (const char *oldID, const char *newID)
 Update the stored reference to another node in the scene. More...
virtual void UpdateReferences ()
 The method should remove all pointers and observations to all nodes that are not in the scene anymore. More...
const char * URLDecodeString (const char *inString)
 Decode a URL string. More...
const char * URLEncodeString (const char *inString)
 Encode a URL string. More...
virtual void WriteNodeBodyXML (ostream &of, int indent)
 Write this node's body to a MRML file in XML format. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static std::string GetReferenceImageGeometryReferenceRole ()
 Expose reference identifier to get the volume node defining the reference image geometry if any. More...
static const char * GetSegmentIDAttributeName ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkMRMLSegmentationNodeNew ()
static vtkMRMLSegmentationNodeSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLDisplayableNode
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkMRMLDisplayableNodeSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLTransformableNode
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkMRMLTransformableNodeSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLStorableNode
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkMRMLStorableNodeSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLNode
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkMRMLNodeSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)

Protected Member Functions

void OnMasterRepresentationModified ()
void OnSegmentAdded (const char *segmentId)
void OnSegmentModified (const char *segmentId)
void OnSegmentRemoved (const char *segmentId)
void operator= (const vtkMRMLSegmentationNode &)
virtual void SetSegmentation (vtkSegmentation *)
 Set segmentation object. More...
 vtkMRMLSegmentationNode ()
 vtkMRMLSegmentationNode (const vtkMRMLSegmentationNode &)
virtual ~vtkMRMLSegmentationNode ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLDisplayableNode
virtual const char * GetDisplayNodeReferenceMRMLAttributeName ()
virtual void OnNodeReferenceAdded (vtkMRMLNodeReference *reference) VTK_OVERRIDE
 Called when a node reference ID is added (list size increased). More...
virtual void OnNodeReferenceModified (vtkMRMLNodeReference *reference) VTK_OVERRIDE
 Called when a node reference ID is modified. More...
virtual void OnNodeReferenceRemoved (vtkMRMLNodeReference *reference) VTK_OVERRIDE
 Called after a node reference ID is removed (list size decreased). More...
void operator= (const vtkMRMLDisplayableNode &)
 vtkMRMLDisplayableNode ()
 vtkMRMLDisplayableNode (const vtkMRMLDisplayableNode &)
 ~vtkMRMLDisplayableNode ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLTransformableNode
virtual const char * GetTransformNodeReferenceMRMLAttributeName ()
virtual const char * GetTransformNodeReferenceRole ()
void operator= (const vtkMRMLTransformableNode &)
 vtkMRMLTransformableNode ()
 vtkMRMLTransformableNode (const vtkMRMLTransformableNode &)
 ~vtkMRMLTransformableNode ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLStorableNode
virtual const char * GetStorageNodeReferenceMRMLAttributeName ()
virtual const char * GetStorageNodeReferenceRole ()
virtual vtkTimeStamp GetStoredTime ()
void operator= (const vtkMRMLStorableNode &)
 vtkMRMLStorableNode ()
 vtkMRMLStorableNode (const vtkMRMLStorableNode &)
 ~vtkMRMLStorableNode ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLNode
virtual const char * GetMRMLAttributeNameFromReferenceRole (const char *refRole)
 Return the mrml attribute name (if found) associated with a reference role. Return 0 otherwise. More...
virtual const char * GetReferenceRoleFromMRMLAttributeName (const char *attName)
 Return the reference role (if found) associated with the attribute name found in a MRML scene file. Return 0 otherwise. More...
virtual char * GetTempURLString ()
void GetUpdatedReferencedNodeEventList (int &oldReferencedNodeUseCount, int &newReferencedNodeUseCount, vtkIntArray *oldConsolidatedEventList, vtkIntArray *newConsolidatedEventList, vtkMRMLNode *oldReferencedNode, vtkMRMLNode *newReferencedNode, vtkMRMLNodeReference *referenceToIgnore, vtkIntArray *newEvents)
virtual void InvalidateNodeReferences ()
virtual bool IsReferenceRoleGeneric (const char *refRole)
 Return true if the reference role is generic (ends with '/') or false otherwise. More...
void operator= (const vtkMRMLNode &)
void ParseReferencesAttribute (const char *attValue, std::map< std::string, std::string > &references)
virtual void SetTempURLString (const char *)
 Get/Set the string used to manage encoding/decoding of strings/URLs with special characters. More...
vtkMRMLNodeUpdateNodeReferenceEventObserver (vtkMRMLNode *oldReferencedNode, vtkMRMLNode *newReferencedNode, vtkIntArray *newEvents, vtkMRMLNodeReference *referenceToIgnore)
virtual void UpdateNodeReferences (const char *referenceRole=NULL)
virtual void UpdateNthNodeReference (const char *referenceRole, int n)
 vtkMRMLNode ()
 vtkMRMLNode (const vtkMRMLNode &)
virtual ~vtkMRMLNode ()
 critical to have a virtual destructor! More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static void SegmentationModifiedCallback (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eid, void *clientData, void *callData)
 Callback function for all events from the segmentation object. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkMRMLNode
static void MRMLCallback (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eid, void *clientData, void *callData)

Protected Attributes

 Segmentation object to store the actual data. More...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkCallbackCommand > SegmentationModifiedCallbackCommand
 Command handling events from segmentation object. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkMRMLStorableNode
std::string SlicerDataType
vtkTimeStamp StorableModifiedTime
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkMRMLNode
int AddToScene
AttributesType Attributes
char * Description
int HideFromEditors
char * ID
int InMRMLCallbackFlag
 Flag to avoid event loops. More...
vtkCallbackCommand * MRMLCallbackCommand
 Holders for MRML callbacks. More...
char * Name
NodeReferenceEventsType NodeReferenceEvents
std::map< std::string, std::string > NodeReferenceMRMLAttributeNames
NodeReferencesType NodeReferences
int SaveWithScene
vtkWeakPointer< vtkMRMLSceneScene
int Selectable
int Selected

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from vtkMRMLNode
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > AttributesType
typedef std::map< std::string, vtkSmartPointer< vtkIntArray > > NodeReferenceEventsType
typedef std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkMRMLNodeReference > > NodeReferenceListType
typedef std::map< std::string, NodeReferenceListTypeNodeReferencesType
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from vtkMRMLDisplayableNode
static const char * DisplayNodeReferenceMRMLAttributeName
static const char * DisplayNodeReferenceRole
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from vtkMRMLTransformableNode
static const char * TransformNodeReferenceMRMLAttributeName
static const char * TransformNodeReferenceRole
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from vtkMRMLStorableNode
static const char * StorageNodeReferenceMRMLAttributeName
static const char * StorageNodeReferenceRole

Detailed Description

MRML node containing segmentations

Segmentation node stores a set of segments (also known as contours or segmented regions). Segments may overlap and may be stored in various representations (binary labelmap image, closed surface mesh, fractional labelmap image, etc). Segments can be stored in multiple data representations to facilitate visualization and processing.

Storage and automatic conversion between representations are provided by

See also
vtkSegmentation object.

Definition at line 51 of file vtkMRMLSegmentationNode.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Superclass

Definition at line 58 of file vtkMRMLSegmentationNode.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vtkMRMLSegmentationNode() [1/2]

vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::vtkMRMLSegmentationNode ( )

◆ ~vtkMRMLSegmentationNode()

virtual vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::~vtkMRMLSegmentationNode ( )

◆ vtkMRMLSegmentationNode() [2/2]

vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::vtkMRMLSegmentationNode ( const vtkMRMLSegmentationNode )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddSegmentFromBinaryLabelmapRepresentation()

std::string vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::AddSegmentFromBinaryLabelmapRepresentation ( vtkOrientedImageData imageData,
std::string  segmentName = "",
double  color[3] = NULL,
std::string  segmentId = "" 

Add new segment from a binary labelmap.

Segment ID of the new segment. Empty string if an error occurred.

◆ AddSegmentFromClosedSurfaceRepresentation()

virtual std::string vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::AddSegmentFromClosedSurfaceRepresentation ( vtkPolyData *  polyData,
std::string  segmentName = "",
double  color[3] = NULL,
std::string  segmentId = "" 

Add new segment from a closed surface.

Segment ID of the new segment. Empty string if an error occurred.

◆ ApplyTransform()

virtual void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::ApplyTransform ( vtkAbstractTransform *  transform)

Apply a transform on the segmentation

See also
SetAndObserveTransformNodeID, CanApplyNonLinearTransforms

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLTransformableNode.

◆ ApplyTransformMatrix()

virtual void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::ApplyTransformMatrix ( vtkMatrix4x4 *  transformMatrix)

Apply a transform matrix on the segmentation

See also
SetAndObserveTransformNodeID, ApplyTransform, CanApplyNonLinearTransforms

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLTransformableNode.

◆ CanApplyNonLinearTransforms()

virtual bool vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::CanApplyNonLinearTransforms ( ) const

Returns true if the transformable node can apply non linear transforms

See also

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLTransformableNode.

◆ Copy()

virtual void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::Copy ( vtkMRMLNode node)

Copy the node's attributes to this object.

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLDisplayableNode.

◆ CreateBinaryLabelmapRepresentation()

virtual bool vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::CreateBinaryLabelmapRepresentation ( )

Generate binary labelmap representation for all segments.

◆ CreateClosedSurfaceRepresentation()

virtual bool vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::CreateClosedSurfaceRepresentation ( )

Generate closed surface representation for all segments. Useful for 3D visualization.

◆ CreateDefaultDisplayNodes()

virtual void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::CreateDefaultDisplayNodes ( )

Create and observe a segmentation display node.

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLDisplayableNode.

◆ CreateDefaultStorageNode()

virtual vtkMRMLStorageNode* vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::CreateDefaultStorageNode ( )

Create a segmentation storage node.

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLStorableNode.

◆ CreateNodeInstance()

virtual vtkMRMLNode* vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::CreateNodeInstance ( )

Create instance of a GAD node.

Implements vtkMRMLDisplayableNode.

◆ DeepCopy()

virtual void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::DeepCopy ( vtkMRMLNode node)

Copy the entire contents of the node into this node.

◆ GenerateMergedLabelmap()

virtual bool vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::GenerateMergedLabelmap ( vtkOrientedImageData mergedImageData,
int  extentComputationMode,
vtkOrientedImageData mergedLabelmapGeometry = NULL,
const std::vector< std::string > &  segmentIDs = std::vector< std::string >() 

Build merged labelmap of the binary labelmap representations of the specified segments

mergedImageDataOutput image data for the merged labelmap image data. Voxels of background volume will be of signed short type. Label value of n-th segment in segmentIDs list will be (n + 1). Label value of background = 0.
mergedLabelmapGeometryDetermines geometry of merged labelmap if not NULL, automatically determined otherwise
segmentIDsList of IDs of segments to include in the merged labelmap. If empty or missing, then all segments are included
Success flag

◆ GenerateMergedLabelmapForAllSegments()

virtual bool vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::GenerateMergedLabelmapForAllSegments ( vtkOrientedImageData mergedImageData,
int  extentComputationMode = vtkSegmentation::EXTENT_UNION_OF_EFFECTIVE_SEGMENTS,
vtkOrientedImageData mergedLabelmapGeometry = NULL,
vtkStringArray *  segmentIDs = NULL 

Python-accessible version of the more generic

See also
GenerateMergedLabelmap. The last argument specifying the list of segments to be included is omitted, which means that all the segments will be merged.

◆ GetBinaryLabelmapRepresentation()

virtual vtkOrientedImageData* vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::GetBinaryLabelmapRepresentation ( const std::string  segmentId)

Get a segment as binary labelmap. If representation does not exist yet then call CreateBinaryLabelmapRepresentation() before. If binary labelmap is the master representation then the returned object can be modified, and all other representations will be automatically updated.

◆ GetBounds()

virtual void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::GetBounds ( double  bounds[6])

Get bounding box in global RAS form (xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax). This method always returns the bounds of the untransformed object.

See also

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLDisplayableNode.

◆ GetClassName()

virtual const char* vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::GetClassName ( )

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLDisplayableNode.

◆ GetClosedSurfaceRepresentation()

virtual vtkPolyData* vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::GetClosedSurfaceRepresentation ( const std::string  segmentId)

Get a segment as binary labelmap. If representation does not exist yet then call CreateClosedSurfaceRepresentation() before. If closed surface is the master representation then the returned object can be modified, and all other representations will be automatically updated.

◆ GetNodeTagName()

virtual const char* vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::GetNodeTagName ( )

Get unique node XML tag name (like Volume, Model)

Implements vtkMRMLDisplayableNode.

Definition at line 77 of file vtkMRMLSegmentationNode.h.

◆ GetRASBounds()

virtual void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::GetRASBounds ( double  bounds[6])

Get bounding box in global RAS form (xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax). This method returns the bounds of the object with any transforms that may be applied to it.

See also

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLDisplayableNode.

◆ GetReferenceImageGeometryReferenceRole()

static std::string vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::GetReferenceImageGeometryReferenceRole ( )

Expose reference identifier to get the volume node defining the reference image geometry if any.

Definition at line 146 of file vtkMRMLSegmentationNode.h.

◆ GetSegmentation()

virtual vtkSegmentation* vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::GetSegmentation ( )

Get segmentation object.

◆ GetSegmentIDAttributeName()

static const char* vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::GetSegmentIDAttributeName ( )

Definition at line 55 of file vtkMRMLSegmentationNode.h.

◆ GetSegmentSubjectHierarchyItem()

virtual vtkIdType vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::GetSegmentSubjectHierarchyItem ( std::string  segmentID,
vtkMRMLSubjectHierarchyNode shNode 

Get subject hierarchy item belonging to a certain segment

segmentIDID of segment contained by this segmentation to get the subject hierarchy virtual item for
shNodeSubject hierarchy node to search in (there should be only one in the scene and it can be got using vtkMRMLSubjectHierarchyNode::GetSubjectHierarchyNode)

◆ IsA()

virtual int vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::IsA ( const char *  type)

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLDisplayableNode.

◆ IsTypeOf()

static int vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type)

◆ New()

static vtkMRMLSegmentationNode* vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::New ( )

◆ OnMasterRepresentationModified()

void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::OnMasterRepresentationModified ( )

Callback function observing the master representation of the segmentation (and each segment within) Invalidates all representations other than the master. These representations will be automatically converted later on demand.

◆ OnSegmentAdded()

void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::OnSegmentAdded ( const char *  segmentId)

Callback function observing segment added events. Triggers update of display properties

◆ OnSegmentModified()

void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::OnSegmentModified ( const char *  segmentId)

Callback function observing segment modified events. Forwards event from the node.

◆ OnSegmentRemoved()

void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::OnSegmentRemoved ( const char *  segmentId)

Callback function observing segment removed events. Triggers update of display properties

◆ OnSubjectHierarchyUIDAdded()

virtual void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::OnSubjectHierarchyUIDAdded ( vtkMRMLSubjectHierarchyNode shNode,
vtkIdType  itemWithNewUID 

Function called from segmentation logic when UID is added in a subject hierarchy node. In case the newly added UID is a volume node referenced from this segmentation, its geometry will be set as image geometry conversion parameter. The "other order", i.e. when the volume is loaded first and the segmentation second, should be handled at loading time of the segmentation (because then we already know about the volume)

shNodeSubject hierarchy node that contains the item (should be the only SH node in the scene)
itemWithNewUIDID of subject hierarchy item that just got a new UID

◆ operator=()

void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::operator= ( const vtkMRMLSegmentationNode )

◆ PrintSelf()

void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 

◆ ReadXMLAttributes()

virtual void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::ReadXMLAttributes ( const char **  atts)

Set node attributes from name/value pairs.

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLDisplayableNode.

◆ RemoveBinaryLabelmapRepresentation()

virtual void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::RemoveBinaryLabelmapRepresentation ( )

Remove binary labelmap representation for all segments.

◆ RemoveClosedSurfaceRepresentation()

virtual void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::RemoveClosedSurfaceRepresentation ( )

Remove closed surface representation for all segments.

◆ RemoveSegment()

void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::RemoveSegment ( const std::string &  segmentID)

Delete segment from segmentation.

◆ SafeDownCast()

static vtkMRMLSegmentationNode* vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::SafeDownCast ( vtkObject *  o)

◆ SegmentationModifiedCallback()

static void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::SegmentationModifiedCallback ( vtkObject *  caller,
unsigned long  eid,
void *  clientData,
void *  callData 

Callback function for all events from the segmentation object.

◆ SetAndObserveSegmentation()

void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::SetAndObserveSegmentation ( vtkSegmentation segmentation)

Set and observe segmentation object.

◆ SetMasterRepresentationToBinaryLabelmap()

virtual bool vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::SetMasterRepresentationToBinaryLabelmap ( )

Change master representation. All other representations are automatically computed from the master representation.

◆ SetMasterRepresentationToClosedSurface()

virtual bool vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::SetMasterRepresentationToClosedSurface ( )

Change master representation. All other representations are automatically computed from the master representation.

◆ SetReferenceImageGeometryParameterFromVolumeNode()

virtual void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::SetReferenceImageGeometryParameterFromVolumeNode ( vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode volumeNode)

Set reference image geometry conversion parameter from the volume node, keeping reference.

◆ SetSegmentation()

virtual void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::SetSegmentation ( vtkSegmentation )

Set segmentation object.

◆ WriteXML()

virtual void vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::WriteXML ( ostream &  of,
int  indent 

Write this node's information to a MRML file in XML format.

Reimplemented from vtkMRMLDisplayableNode.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Segmentation

vtkSegmentation* vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::Segmentation

Segmentation object to store the actual data.

Definition at line 232 of file vtkMRMLSegmentationNode.h.

◆ SegmentationModifiedCallbackCommand

vtkSmartPointer<vtkCallbackCommand> vtkMRMLSegmentationNode::SegmentationModifiedCallbackCommand

Command handling events from segmentation object.

Definition at line 235 of file vtkMRMLSegmentationNode.h.

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