Slicer  4.8
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vtkSegmentation Class Reference

This class encapsulates a segmentation that can contain multiple segments and multiple representations for each segment. More...

#include <Libs/vtkSegmentationCore/vtkSegmentation.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkSegmentation:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkSegmentation:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  {
  MasterRepresentationModified = 62100, RepresentationModified, SegmentAdded, SegmentRemoved,
  SegmentModified, ContainedRepresentationNamesModified, SegmentsOrderModified
enum  {
typedef std::map< std::string, vtkSmartPointer< vtkSegment > > SegmentMap
 Container type for segments. Maps segment IDs to segment objects. More...
typedef vtkObject Superclass

Public Member Functions

std::string AddEmptySegment (std::string segmentId="", std::string segmentName="", double color[3]=NULL)
bool AddSegment (vtkSegment *segment, std::string segmentId="", std::string insertBeforeSegmentId="")
virtual void ApplyLinearTransform (vtkAbstractTransform *transform)
virtual void ApplyNonLinearTransform (vtkAbstractTransform *transform)
bool CanAcceptRepresentation (std::string representationName)
bool CanAcceptSegment (vtkSegment *segment)
bool ContainsRepresentation (std::string representationName)
virtual void CopyConversionParameters (vtkSegmentation *aSegmentation)
 Copy conversion parameters from another segmentation. More...
bool CopySegmentFromSegmentation (vtkSegmentation *fromSegmentation, std::string segmentId, bool removeFromSource=false)
bool CreateRepresentation (const std::string &targetRepresentationName, bool alwaysConvert=false)
bool CreateRepresentation (vtkSegmentationConverter::ConversionPathType path, vtkSegmentationConverterRule::ConversionParameterListType parameters)
virtual void DeepCopy (vtkSegmentation *aSegmentation)
 Deep copy one segmentation into another. More...
void DeserializeConversionParameters (std::string conversionParametersString)
void DetermineCommonLabelmapExtent (int commonGeometryExtent[6], vtkOrientedImageData *commonGeometryImage, const std::vector< std::string > &segmentIDs=std::vector< std::string >(), bool computeEffectiveExtent=false, bool addPadding=false)
void DetermineCommonLabelmapExtent (int commonGeometryExtent[6], vtkOrientedImageData *commonGeometryImage, vtkStringArray *segmentIds, bool computeEffectiveExtent=false, bool addPadding=false)
 Determine common labelmap extent for whole segmentation, for python compatibility. More...
std::string DetermineCommonLabelmapGeometry (int extentComputationMode=EXTENT_UNION_OF_SEGMENTS, const std::vector< std::string > &segmentIDs=std::vector< std::string >())
std::string DetermineCommonLabelmapGeometry (int extentComputationMode, vtkStringArray *segmentIds)
 Determine common labelmap geometry for whole segmentation, for python compatibility. More...
std::string GenerateUniqueSegmentID (std::string id)
void GetAvailableRepresentationNames (std::set< std::string > &representationNames)
 Get all representations supported by the converter. More...
virtual void GetBounds (double bounds[6])
 Get bounding box in global RAS in the form (xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax). More...
virtual const char * GetClassName ()
void GetContainedRepresentationNames (std::vector< std::string > &representationNames)
std::string GetConversionParameter (const std::string &name)
void GetConversionParametersForPath (vtkSegmentationConverterRule::ConversionParameterListType &conversionParameters, const vtkSegmentationConverter::ConversionPathType &path)
 Get names of all conversion parameters used by the selected conversion path. More...
virtual std::string GetMasterRepresentationName ()
 Get master representation name. More...
vtkSegmentGetNthSegment (unsigned int index) const
 Request segment by index. More...
std::string GetNthSegmentID (unsigned int index) const
 Get n-th segment ID. Return with "" if no segment is found by that index. More...
int GetNumberOfSegments () const
 Request the total number of segments, primarily used for iterating over all segments. More...
void GetPossibleConversions (const std::string &targetRepresentationName, vtkSegmentationConverter::ConversionPathAndCostListType &pathsCosts)
 Get all possible conversions between the master representation and a specified target representation. More...
vtkSegmentGetSegment (std::string segmentId)
std::string GetSegmentIdBySegment (vtkSegment *segment)
std::string GetSegmentIdBySegmentName (std::string name)
void GetSegmentIDs (std::vector< std::string > &segmentIds)
 Get IDs for all contained segments. More...
void GetSegmentIDs (vtkStringArray *segmentIds)
 Get IDs for all contained segments, for python compatibility. More...
int GetSegmentIndex (const std::string &segmentId)
vtkDataObject * GetSegmentRepresentation (std::string segmentId, std::string representationName)
 Get representation from segment. More...
std::vector< vtkSegment * > GetSegmentsByTag (std::string tag, std::string value="")
void InvalidateNonMasterRepresentations ()
 Invalidate (remove) non-master representations in all the segments if this segmentation node. More...
virtual int IsA (const char *type)
bool IsMasterRepresentationImageData ()
 Determine if master representation is (oriented) image data type. More...
bool IsMasterRepresentationPolyData ()
 Determine if master representation is poly data type. More...
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) VTK_OVERRIDE
virtual void ReadXMLAttributes (const char **atts)
 Set attributes from name/value pairs. More...
void RemoveAllSegments ()
 Remove all segments. More...
void RemoveRepresentation (const std::string &representationName)
 Removes a representation from all segments if present. More...
void RemoveSegment (std::string segmentId)
void RemoveSegment (vtkSegment *segment)
void ReorderSegments (std::vector< std::string > segmentIdsToMove, std::string insertBeforeSegmentId="")
std::string SerializeAllConversionParameters ()
void SetConversionParameter (const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
 Set a conversion parameter to all rules having this parameter. More...
bool SetImageGeometryFromCommonLabelmapGeometry (vtkOrientedImageData *imageData, vtkStringArray *segmentIDs=NULL, int extentComputationMode=vtkSegmentation::EXTENT_UNION_OF_EFFECTIVE_SEGMENTS)
virtual void SetMasterRepresentationName (const std::string &representationName)
bool SetSegmentIndex (const std::string &segmentId, unsigned int newIndex)
virtual void WriteXML (ostream &of, int indent)
 Write this object's information to a MRML file in XML format. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkSegmentationNew ()
static vtkSegmentationSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)

Protected Member Functions

bool ConvertSegmentUsingPath (vtkSegment *segment, vtkSegmentationConverter::ConversionPathType path, bool overwriteExisting=false)
bool ConvertSingleSegment (std::string segmentId, std::string targetRepresentationName)
 Converts a single segment to a representation. More...
void operator= (const vtkSegmentation &)
void RemoveSegment (SegmentMap::iterator segmentIt)
bool SetMasterRepresentationModifiedEnabled (bool enabled)
 vtkSegmentation ()
 ~vtkSegmentation ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static void OnMasterRepresentationModified (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eid, void *clientData, void *callData)
static void OnSegmentModified (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eid, void *clientData, void *callData)

Protected Attributes

 Converter instance. More...
vtkCallbackCommand * MasterRepresentationCallbackCommand
 Command handling master representation modified events. More...
bool MasterRepresentationModifiedEnabled
 Modified events of master representations are observed. More...
std::string MasterRepresentationName
vtkCallbackCommand * SegmentCallbackCommand
 Command handling segment modified events. More...
int SegmentIdAutogeneratorIndex
std::deque< std::string > SegmentIds
SegmentMap Segments
 Container of segments that belong to this segmentation. More...


class qMRMLSegmentEditorWidgetPrivate
class vtkSlicerSegmentationsModuleLogic

Detailed Description

This class encapsulates a segmentation that can contain multiple segments and multiple representations for each segment.

The primary purpose of this class is to serve as a container to store the segments (in labelmap analogy the "labels"). Also provides generic functions on the segmentation level. Performs conversion to a specified representation, extracts geometry information etc.

Main points to remember:

Schematic illustration of the segmentation container:

                      |             Patient (vtkSegmentation)       |
                      |  Brain (vtkSegment)  |  Tumor (vtkSegment)  |
      Binary labelmap | vtkOrientedImageData | vtkOrientedImageData |
       Closed surface | vtkPolyData          | vtkPolyData          |
Custom representation | vtkDataObject        | vtkDataObject        |

Definition at line 87 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ SegmentMap

typedef std::map<std::string, vtkSmartPointer<vtkSegment> > vtkSegmentation::SegmentMap

Container type for segments. Maps segment IDs to segment objects.

Definition at line 124 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

◆ Superclass

typedef vtkObject vtkSegmentation::Superclass

Definition at line 128 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Invoked when content of the master representation in a segment is changed.


Invoked when content of any representation (including the master representation) in a segment is changed.


Invoked if new segment is added.


Invoked if a segment is removed.


Invoked if a segment is modified (name changed, tags changed, etc). Note: the event is not invoked when content of a representation in a segment is changed.


Invoked if a representation is created or removed in the segments (e.g., created by conversion from master).


Invoked if segment IDs order is changed. Not called when a segment is added or removed.

Definition at line 90 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Extent of common geometry is used as extent.


Extent is computed as union of extent of all segments.


Extent is computed as union of extent of all segments, with a single-voxel padding added on each side.


Extent is computed as union of effective extent of all segments.


Extent is computed as union of effective extent of all segments, with a single-voxel padding added on each side.

Definition at line 109 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vtkSegmentation()

vtkSegmentation::vtkSegmentation ( )

◆ ~vtkSegmentation()

vtkSegmentation::~vtkSegmentation ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddEmptySegment()

std::string vtkSegmentation::AddEmptySegment ( std::string  segmentId = "",
std::string  segmentName = "",
double  color[3] = NULL 

Add empty segment containing empty instances of the contained representations

segmentIdID of added segment. If empty then a default ID will be generated
See also
segmentNamename of added segment. If empty then the segmentId will be used as name.
colorof added segment. If not specified then empty then vtkSegment::SEGMENT_COLOR_INVALID is used.
ID of the added segment. Empty on failure

◆ AddSegment()

bool vtkSegmentation::AddSegment ( vtkSegment segment,
std::string  segmentId = "",
std::string  insertBeforeSegmentId = "" 

Add a segment to this segmentation, do necessary conversions, and observe underlying data for changes. Necessary conversions:

  1. If the segment can be added (
    See also
    CanAcceptSegment), and it does not contain the master representation, then the master representation is converted using the cheapest available path.
  2. Make sure that the segment contains the same types of representations that are present in the existing segments of the segmentation (because we expect all segments in a segmentation to contain the same types of representations).
    segmentthe segment to observe
    insertBeforeSegmentIdif specified then the segment is inserted before insertBeforeSegmentId
    Success flag

◆ ApplyLinearTransform()

virtual void vtkSegmentation::ApplyLinearTransform ( vtkAbstractTransform *  transform)

Apply a linear transform on the master representation of the segments. The others will be invalidated Harden transform if poly data, apply to directions if oriented image data.

◆ ApplyNonLinearTransform()

virtual void vtkSegmentation::ApplyNonLinearTransform ( vtkAbstractTransform *  transform)

Apply a non-linear transform on the master representation of the segments. The others will be invalidated Harden transform both if oriented image data and poly data.

◆ CanAcceptRepresentation()

bool vtkSegmentation::CanAcceptRepresentation ( std::string  representationName)

Determine if the segmentation is ready to accept a certain type of representation by copy/move or import. It can accept a representation if it is the master representation of this segment or it is possible to convert to master representation (or the segmentation is empty).

◆ CanAcceptSegment()

bool vtkSegmentation::CanAcceptSegment ( vtkSegment segment)

Determine if the segmentation is ready to accept a certain segment. It can accept a segment if it contains a representation that is acceptable, or if it is empty.

◆ ContainsRepresentation()

bool vtkSegmentation::ContainsRepresentation ( std::string  representationName)

Determine if segments contain a certain representation type Note: This assumes the first segment contains the same type of representations as all segments (this should be the case by design)

◆ ConvertSegmentUsingPath()

bool vtkSegmentation::ConvertSegmentUsingPath ( vtkSegment segment,
vtkSegmentationConverter::ConversionPathType  path,
bool  overwriteExisting = false 

Convert given segment along a specified path

segmentSegment to convert
pathPath to do the conversion along
overwriteExistingIf true then do each conversion step regardless the target representation exists. If false then skip those conversion steps that would overwrite existing representation
Success flag

◆ ConvertSingleSegment()

bool vtkSegmentation::ConvertSingleSegment ( std::string  segmentId,
std::string  targetRepresentationName 

Converts a single segment to a representation.

◆ CopyConversionParameters()

virtual void vtkSegmentation::CopyConversionParameters ( vtkSegmentation aSegmentation)

Copy conversion parameters from another segmentation.

◆ CopySegmentFromSegmentation()

bool vtkSegmentation::CopySegmentFromSegmentation ( vtkSegmentation fromSegmentation,
std::string  segmentId,
bool  removeFromSource = false 

Copy segment from one segmentation to this one

fromSegmentationSource segmentation
segmentIdID of segment to copy
removeFromSourceIf true, then delete segment from source segmentation after copying. Default value is false.
Success flag

◆ CreateRepresentation() [1/2]

bool vtkSegmentation::CreateRepresentation ( const std::string &  targetRepresentationName,
bool  alwaysConvert = false 

Create a representation in all segments, using the conversion path with the lowest cost. The stored conversion parameters are used (which are the defaults if not changed by the user). Conversion starts from the master representation. If a representation along the path already exists then no conversion is performed. Note: The conversion functions are not in vtkSegmentationConverter, because they need to know about the master representation which is segmentation- specific, and also to allow optimizations (steps before per-segment conversion).

targetRepresentationNameName of the representation to create
alwaysConvertIf true, then conversion takes place even if target representation exists. False by default.
true on success

◆ CreateRepresentation() [2/2]

bool vtkSegmentation::CreateRepresentation ( vtkSegmentationConverter::ConversionPathType  path,
vtkSegmentationConverterRule::ConversionParameterListType  parameters 

Generate or update a representation in all segments, using the specified conversion path and parameters. Conversion starts from the master representation, and all representations along the path get overwritten.

true on success

◆ DeepCopy()

virtual void vtkSegmentation::DeepCopy ( vtkSegmentation aSegmentation)

Deep copy one segmentation into another.

◆ DeserializeConversionParameters()

void vtkSegmentation::DeserializeConversionParameters ( std::string  conversionParametersString)

Parse conversion parameters in string and set it to the segmentation converter Such a string can be constructed in a segmentation object using /sa SerializeAllConversionParameters

◆ DetermineCommonLabelmapExtent() [1/2]

void vtkSegmentation::DetermineCommonLabelmapExtent ( int  commonGeometryExtent[6],
vtkOrientedImageData commonGeometryImage,
const std::vector< std::string > &  segmentIDs = std::vector< std::string >(),
bool  computeEffectiveExtent = false,
bool  addPadding = false 

Determine common labelmap extent for whole segmentation.

commonGeometryExtentComputed extent that contains all the specified segments.
commonGeometryImageExtent will be returned in this image geometry
segmentIDsList of IDs of segments to include in the merged labelmap. If empty or missing, then all segments are included
computeEffectiveExtentSpecifies if the extent of a segment is the whole extent or the effective extent (where voxel values >0 found)

◆ DetermineCommonLabelmapExtent() [2/2]

void vtkSegmentation::DetermineCommonLabelmapExtent ( int  commonGeometryExtent[6],
vtkOrientedImageData commonGeometryImage,
vtkStringArray *  segmentIds,
bool  computeEffectiveExtent = false,
bool  addPadding = false 

Determine common labelmap extent for whole segmentation, for python compatibility.

◆ DetermineCommonLabelmapGeometry() [1/2]

std::string vtkSegmentation::DetermineCommonLabelmapGeometry ( int  extentComputationMode = EXTENT_UNION_OF_SEGMENTS,
const std::vector< std::string > &  segmentIDs = std::vector< std::string >() 

Determine common labelmap geometry for whole segmentation. If the segmentation has reference image geometry conversion parameter, then oversample it to be at least as fine resolution as the highest resolution labelmap contained, otherwise just use the geometry of the highest resolution labelmap in the segments.

segmentIDsList of IDs of segments to include in the merged labelmap. If empty or missing, then all segments are included
Geometry string that can be deserialized using
See also

◆ DetermineCommonLabelmapGeometry() [2/2]

std::string vtkSegmentation::DetermineCommonLabelmapGeometry ( int  extentComputationMode,
vtkStringArray *  segmentIds 

Determine common labelmap geometry for whole segmentation, for python compatibility.

◆ GenerateUniqueSegmentID()

std::string vtkSegmentation::GenerateUniqueSegmentID ( std::string  id)

Generate unique segment ID. If argument is empty then a new ID will be generated in the form "Segment_", where N is the number of segments. If argument is unique it is returned unchanged. If there is a segment with the given name, then it is postfixed by a number to make it unique.

◆ GetAvailableRepresentationNames()

void vtkSegmentation::GetAvailableRepresentationNames ( std::set< std::string > &  representationNames)

Get all representations supported by the converter.

Definition at line 300 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

◆ GetBounds()

virtual void vtkSegmentation::GetBounds ( double  bounds[6])

Get bounding box in global RAS in the form (xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax).

◆ GetClassName()

virtual const char* vtkSegmentation::GetClassName ( )

◆ GetContainedRepresentationNames()

void vtkSegmentation::GetContainedRepresentationNames ( std::vector< std::string > &  representationNames)

Get representation names present in this segmentation in an output string vector Note: This assumes the first segment contains the same type of representations as all segments (this should be the case by design)

◆ GetConversionParameter()

std::string vtkSegmentation::GetConversionParameter ( const std::string &  name)

Get a conversion parameter from first rule containing this parameter Note: all parameters with the same name should contain the same value

Definition at line 356 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

◆ GetConversionParametersForPath()

void vtkSegmentation::GetConversionParametersForPath ( vtkSegmentationConverterRule::ConversionParameterListType conversionParameters,
const vtkSegmentationConverter::ConversionPathType path 

Get names of all conversion parameters used by the selected conversion path.

Definition at line 359 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

◆ GetMasterRepresentationName()

virtual std::string vtkSegmentation::GetMasterRepresentationName ( )

Get master representation name.

◆ GetNthSegment()

vtkSegment* vtkSegmentation::GetNthSegment ( unsigned int  index) const

Request segment by index.

◆ GetNthSegmentID()

std::string vtkSegmentation::GetNthSegmentID ( unsigned int  index) const

Get n-th segment ID. Return with "" if no segment is found by that index.

◆ GetNumberOfSegments()

int vtkSegmentation::GetNumberOfSegments ( ) const

Request the total number of segments, primarily used for iterating over all segments.

◆ GetPossibleConversions()

void vtkSegmentation::GetPossibleConversions ( const std::string &  targetRepresentationName,
vtkSegmentationConverter::ConversionPathAndCostListType pathsCosts 

Get all possible conversions between the master representation and a specified target representation.

◆ GetSegment()

vtkSegment* vtkSegmentation::GetSegment ( std::string  segmentId)

Access a segment by ID

segmentIdSegment identifier in the container to access

◆ GetSegmentIdBySegment()

std::string vtkSegmentation::GetSegmentIdBySegment ( vtkSegment segment)

Find segment ID by segment instance Returns empty string if segment is not found.

◆ GetSegmentIdBySegmentName()

std::string vtkSegmentation::GetSegmentIdBySegmentName ( std::string  name)

Find segment ID by segment name. Search is case-insensitive. If multiple segments have the same name, the first match is returned. Returns empty string if segment is not found.

◆ GetSegmentIDs() [1/2]

void vtkSegmentation::GetSegmentIDs ( std::vector< std::string > &  segmentIds)

Get IDs for all contained segments.

◆ GetSegmentIDs() [2/2]

void vtkSegmentation::GetSegmentIDs ( vtkStringArray *  segmentIds)

Get IDs for all contained segments, for python compatibility.

◆ GetSegmentIndex()

int vtkSegmentation::GetSegmentIndex ( const std::string &  segmentId)

Get index of segment in the SegmentID list. Returns -1 if the segment ID is not in the SegmentID list.

See also

◆ GetSegmentRepresentation()

vtkDataObject* vtkSegmentation::GetSegmentRepresentation ( std::string  segmentId,
std::string  representationName 

Get representation from segment.

◆ GetSegmentsByTag()

std::vector<vtkSegment*> vtkSegmentation::GetSegmentsByTag ( std::string  tag,
std::string  value = "" 

Get segments that contain a certain tag

tagTag name to look for in segments
valueTag value to look for in segments. If omitted or empty then any value is accepted
Vector of segments containing the requested tag

◆ InvalidateNonMasterRepresentations()

void vtkSegmentation::InvalidateNonMasterRepresentations ( )

Invalidate (remove) non-master representations in all the segments if this segmentation node.

◆ IsA()

virtual int vtkSegmentation::IsA ( const char *  type)

◆ IsMasterRepresentationImageData()

bool vtkSegmentation::IsMasterRepresentationImageData ( )

Determine if master representation is (oriented) image data type.

◆ IsMasterRepresentationPolyData()

bool vtkSegmentation::IsMasterRepresentationPolyData ( )

Determine if master representation is poly data type.

◆ IsTypeOf()

static int vtkSegmentation::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type)

◆ New()

static vtkSegmentation* vtkSegmentation::New ( )

◆ OnMasterRepresentationModified()

static void vtkSegmentation::OnMasterRepresentationModified ( vtkObject *  caller,
unsigned long  eid,
void *  clientData,
void *  callData 

Callback function observing the master representation of each segment It fires a

See also
MasterRepresentationModifiedEvent if master representation is changed in ANY segment

◆ OnSegmentModified()

static void vtkSegmentation::OnSegmentModified ( vtkObject *  caller,
unsigned long  eid,
void *  clientData,
void *  callData 

Callback function invoked when segment is modified. It calls Modified on the segmentation and rebuilds observations on the master representation of each segment

◆ operator=()

void vtkSegmentation::operator= ( const vtkSegmentation )

◆ PrintSelf()

void vtkSegmentation::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 

◆ ReadXMLAttributes()

virtual void vtkSegmentation::ReadXMLAttributes ( const char **  atts)

Set attributes from name/value pairs.

◆ RemoveAllSegments()

void vtkSegmentation::RemoveAllSegments ( )

Remove all segments.

◆ RemoveRepresentation()

void vtkSegmentation::RemoveRepresentation ( const std::string &  representationName)

Removes a representation from all segments if present.

◆ RemoveSegment() [1/3]

void vtkSegmentation::RemoveSegment ( std::string  segmentId)

Remove a segment by ID

segmentIdIdentifier of the segment to remove from the segmentation

◆ RemoveSegment() [2/3]

void vtkSegmentation::RemoveSegment ( vtkSegment segment)

Remove a segment by value

segmentthe segment to remove from the segmentation

◆ RemoveSegment() [3/3]

void vtkSegmentation::RemoveSegment ( SegmentMap::iterator  segmentIt)

Remove segment by iterator. The two

See also
RemoveSegment methods call this function after finding the iterator based on their different input arguments.

◆ ReorderSegments()

void vtkSegmentation::ReorderSegments ( std::vector< std::string >  segmentIdsToMove,
std::string  insertBeforeSegmentId = "" 

Reorder segment IDs so that the list of segment IDs are moved from their current position and inserted after the specified segment. If insertBeforeSegmentId is empty then segments are moved to the end of the segment list.

See also

◆ SafeDownCast()

static vtkSegmentation* vtkSegmentation::SafeDownCast ( vtkObject *  o)

◆ SerializeAllConversionParameters()

std::string vtkSegmentation::SerializeAllConversionParameters ( )

Serialize all conversion parameters. The resulting string can be parsed in a segmentation object using /sa DeserializeConversionParameters

◆ SetConversionParameter()

void vtkSegmentation::SetConversionParameter ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  value 

Set a conversion parameter to all rules having this parameter.

Definition at line 352 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

◆ SetImageGeometryFromCommonLabelmapGeometry()

bool vtkSegmentation::SetImageGeometryFromCommonLabelmapGeometry ( vtkOrientedImageData imageData,
vtkStringArray *  segmentIDs = NULL,
int  extentComputationMode = vtkSegmentation::EXTENT_UNION_OF_EFFECTIVE_SEGMENTS 

Updates image geometry (origin, spacing, axis directions, extents) based on labelmaps stored in the segmentation. Does not allocate memory (to allow just retrieving geometry information without using memory).

◆ SetMasterRepresentationModifiedEnabled()

bool vtkSegmentation::SetMasterRepresentationModifiedEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Temporarily enable/disable master representation modified event.

Old value of MasterRepresentationModifiedEnabled. In general, the old value should be restored after modified is temporarily disabled to ensure proper state when calling SetMasterRepresentationModifiedEnabled in nested functions.

◆ SetMasterRepresentationName()

virtual void vtkSegmentation::SetMasterRepresentationName ( const std::string &  representationName)

Set master representation name. Need to make sure before setting the name that the newly set master representation exists in the segmentation! Use

See also
CreateRepresentation for that.

◆ SetSegmentIndex()

bool vtkSegmentation::SetSegmentIndex ( const std::string &  segmentId,
unsigned int  newIndex 

Changes segment order. Segment order may be used for display and generating merged labelmaps.

True if segment index has changed successfully (or the index has already been set).
See also

◆ WriteXML()

virtual void vtkSegmentation::WriteXML ( ostream &  of,
int  indent 

Write this object's information to a MRML file in XML format.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ qMRMLSegmentEditorWidgetPrivate

friend class qMRMLSegmentEditorWidgetPrivate

Definition at line 447 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

◆ vtkSlicerSegmentationsModuleLogic

friend class vtkSlicerSegmentationsModuleLogic

Definition at line 446 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Converter

vtkSegmentationConverter* vtkSegmentation::Converter

Converter instance.

Definition at line 426 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

◆ MasterRepresentationCallbackCommand

vtkCallbackCommand* vtkSegmentation::MasterRepresentationCallbackCommand

Command handling master representation modified events.

Definition at line 432 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

◆ MasterRepresentationModifiedEnabled

bool vtkSegmentation::MasterRepresentationModifiedEnabled

Modified events of master representations are observed.

Definition at line 435 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

◆ MasterRepresentationName

std::string vtkSegmentation::MasterRepresentationName

Master representation type name.

  1. This representation is saved on disk
  2. If this representation is modified, the others are invalidated This value must be set by the creator of the segmentation object!

Definition at line 423 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

◆ SegmentCallbackCommand

vtkCallbackCommand* vtkSegmentation::SegmentCallbackCommand

Command handling segment modified events.

Definition at line 429 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

◆ SegmentIdAutogeneratorIndex

int vtkSegmentation::SegmentIdAutogeneratorIndex

This number is incremented and used for generating the next segment ID.

Definition at line 439 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

◆ SegmentIds

std::deque< std::string > vtkSegmentation::SegmentIds

This contains the segment IDs in display order. (we could retrieve segment IDs from SegmentMap too, but that always contains segments in alphabetical order)

Definition at line 444 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

◆ Segments

SegmentMap vtkSegmentation::Segments

Container of segments that belong to this segmentation.

Definition at line 417 of file vtkSegmentation.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: