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Slicer is a multi-platform, free and open source software package for visualization and medical image computing
This is the complete list of members for vtkSegmentation, including all inherited members.
AddEmptySegment(std::string segmentId="", std::string segmentName="", double color[3]=NULL) | vtkSegmentation | |
AddSegment(vtkSegment *segment, std::string segmentId="", std::string insertBeforeSegmentId="") | vtkSegmentation | |
ApplyLinearTransform(vtkAbstractTransform *transform) | vtkSegmentation | virtual |
ApplyNonLinearTransform(vtkAbstractTransform *transform) | vtkSegmentation | virtual |
CanAcceptRepresentation(std::string representationName) | vtkSegmentation | |
CanAcceptSegment(vtkSegment *segment) | vtkSegmentation | |
ContainedRepresentationNamesModified enum value | vtkSegmentation | |
ContainsRepresentation(std::string representationName) | vtkSegmentation | |
Converter | vtkSegmentation | protected |
ConvertSegmentUsingPath(vtkSegment *segment, vtkSegmentationConverter::ConversionPathType path, bool overwriteExisting=false) | vtkSegmentation | protected |
ConvertSingleSegment(std::string segmentId, std::string targetRepresentationName) | vtkSegmentation | protected |
CopyConversionParameters(vtkSegmentation *aSegmentation) | vtkSegmentation | virtual |
CopySegmentFromSegmentation(vtkSegmentation *fromSegmentation, std::string segmentId, bool removeFromSource=false) | vtkSegmentation | |
CreateRepresentation(const std::string &targetRepresentationName, bool alwaysConvert=false) | vtkSegmentation | |
CreateRepresentation(vtkSegmentationConverter::ConversionPathType path, vtkSegmentationConverterRule::ConversionParameterListType parameters) | vtkSegmentation | |
DeepCopy(vtkSegmentation *aSegmentation) | vtkSegmentation | virtual |
DeserializeConversionParameters(std::string conversionParametersString) | vtkSegmentation | |
DetermineCommonLabelmapExtent(int commonGeometryExtent[6], vtkOrientedImageData *commonGeometryImage, const std::vector< std::string > &segmentIDs=std::vector< std::string >(), bool computeEffectiveExtent=false, bool addPadding=false) | vtkSegmentation | |
DetermineCommonLabelmapExtent(int commonGeometryExtent[6], vtkOrientedImageData *commonGeometryImage, vtkStringArray *segmentIds, bool computeEffectiveExtent=false, bool addPadding=false) | vtkSegmentation | |
DetermineCommonLabelmapGeometry(int extentComputationMode=EXTENT_UNION_OF_SEGMENTS, const std::vector< std::string > &segmentIDs=std::vector< std::string >()) | vtkSegmentation | |
DetermineCommonLabelmapGeometry(int extentComputationMode, vtkStringArray *segmentIds) | vtkSegmentation | |
EXTENT_REFERENCE_GEOMETRY enum value | vtkSegmentation | |
EXTENT_UNION_OF_EFFECTIVE_SEGMENTS enum value | vtkSegmentation | |
EXTENT_UNION_OF_EFFECTIVE_SEGMENTS_PADDED enum value | vtkSegmentation | |
EXTENT_UNION_OF_SEGMENTS enum value | vtkSegmentation | |
EXTENT_UNION_OF_SEGMENTS_PADDED enum value | vtkSegmentation | |
GenerateUniqueSegmentID(std::string id) | vtkSegmentation | |
GetAvailableRepresentationNames(std::set< std::string > &representationNames) | vtkSegmentation | inline |
GetBounds(double bounds[6]) | vtkSegmentation | virtual |
GetClassName() | vtkSegmentation | virtual |
GetContainedRepresentationNames(std::vector< std::string > &representationNames) | vtkSegmentation | |
GetConversionParameter(const std::string &name) | vtkSegmentation | inline |
GetConversionParametersForPath(vtkSegmentationConverterRule::ConversionParameterListType &conversionParameters, const vtkSegmentationConverter::ConversionPathType &path) | vtkSegmentation | inline |
GetMasterRepresentationName() | vtkSegmentation | virtual |
GetNthSegment(unsigned int index) const | vtkSegmentation | |
GetNthSegmentID(unsigned int index) const | vtkSegmentation | |
GetNumberOfSegments() const | vtkSegmentation | |
GetPossibleConversions(const std::string &targetRepresentationName, vtkSegmentationConverter::ConversionPathAndCostListType &pathsCosts) | vtkSegmentation | |
GetSegment(std::string segmentId) | vtkSegmentation | |
GetSegmentIdBySegment(vtkSegment *segment) | vtkSegmentation | |
GetSegmentIdBySegmentName(std::string name) | vtkSegmentation | |
GetSegmentIDs(std::vector< std::string > &segmentIds) | vtkSegmentation | |
GetSegmentIDs(vtkStringArray *segmentIds) | vtkSegmentation | |
GetSegmentIndex(const std::string &segmentId) | vtkSegmentation | |
GetSegmentRepresentation(std::string segmentId, std::string representationName) | vtkSegmentation | |
GetSegmentsByTag(std::string tag, std::string value="") | vtkSegmentation | |
InvalidateNonMasterRepresentations() | vtkSegmentation | |
IsA(const char *type) | vtkSegmentation | virtual |
IsMasterRepresentationImageData() | vtkSegmentation | |
IsMasterRepresentationPolyData() | vtkSegmentation | |
IsTypeOf(const char *type) | vtkSegmentation | static |
MasterRepresentationCallbackCommand | vtkSegmentation | protected |
MasterRepresentationModified enum value | vtkSegmentation | |
MasterRepresentationModifiedEnabled | vtkSegmentation | protected |
MasterRepresentationName | vtkSegmentation | protected |
New() | vtkSegmentation | static |
OnMasterRepresentationModified(vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eid, void *clientData, void *callData) | vtkSegmentation | protectedstatic |
OnSegmentModified(vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eid, void *clientData, void *callData) | vtkSegmentation | protectedstatic |
operator=(const vtkSegmentation &) | vtkSegmentation | protected |
PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) VTK_OVERRIDE | vtkSegmentation | |
qMRMLSegmentEditorWidgetPrivate class | vtkSegmentation | friend |
ReadXMLAttributes(const char **atts) | vtkSegmentation | virtual |
RemoveAllSegments() | vtkSegmentation | |
RemoveRepresentation(const std::string &representationName) | vtkSegmentation | |
RemoveSegment(std::string segmentId) | vtkSegmentation | |
RemoveSegment(vtkSegment *segment) | vtkSegmentation | |
RemoveSegment(SegmentMap::iterator segmentIt) | vtkSegmentation | protected |
ReorderSegments(std::vector< std::string > segmentIdsToMove, std::string insertBeforeSegmentId="") | vtkSegmentation | |
RepresentationModified enum value | vtkSegmentation | |
SafeDownCast(vtkObject *o) | vtkSegmentation | static |
SegmentAdded enum value | vtkSegmentation | |
SegmentCallbackCommand | vtkSegmentation | protected |
SegmentIdAutogeneratorIndex | vtkSegmentation | protected |
SegmentIds | vtkSegmentation | protected |
SegmentMap typedef | vtkSegmentation | |
SegmentModified enum value | vtkSegmentation | |
SegmentRemoved enum value | vtkSegmentation | |
Segments | vtkSegmentation | protected |
SegmentsOrderModified enum value | vtkSegmentation | |
SerializeAllConversionParameters() | vtkSegmentation | |
SetConversionParameter(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) | vtkSegmentation | inline |
SetImageGeometryFromCommonLabelmapGeometry(vtkOrientedImageData *imageData, vtkStringArray *segmentIDs=NULL, int extentComputationMode=vtkSegmentation::EXTENT_UNION_OF_EFFECTIVE_SEGMENTS) | vtkSegmentation | |
SetMasterRepresentationModifiedEnabled(bool enabled) | vtkSegmentation | protected |
SetMasterRepresentationName(const std::string &representationName) | vtkSegmentation | virtual |
SetSegmentIndex(const std::string &segmentId, unsigned int newIndex) | vtkSegmentation | |
Superclass typedef | vtkSegmentation | |
vtkSegmentation() | vtkSegmentation | protected |
vtkSlicerSegmentationsModuleLogic class | vtkSegmentation | friend |
WriteXML(ostream &of, int indent) | vtkSegmentation | virtual |
~vtkSegmentation() | vtkSegmentation | protected |