21#ifndef __qSlicerSegmentationsModule_h
22#define __qSlicerSegmentationsModule_h
25#include "ctkVTKObject.h"
30#include "qSlicerSegmentationsModuleExport.h"
32class qSlicerSegmentationsModulePrivate;
62 QIcon
const override;
90 QScopedPointer<qSlicerSegmentationsModulePrivate>
friend class qSlicerAbstractModuleRepresentation
qSlicerLoadableModule(QObject *parent=nullptr)
QStringList dependencies() const override
Return module dependencies.
QStringList associatedNodeTypes() const override
Define associated node types.
QStringList contributors() const override
Return the authors of the module.
QString helpText() const override
Help to use the module.
QStringList categories() const override
Return the categories for the module.
QIcon icon() const override
Return a custom icon for the module.
void onNodeAdded(vtkObject *scene, vtkObject *nodeObject)
void setMRMLScene(vtkMRMLScene *scene) override
Set up MRML scene events.
~qSlicerSegmentationsModule() override
vtkMRMLAbstractLogic * createLogic() override
Create and return the logic associated to this module.
qSlicerAbstractModuleRepresentation * createWidgetRepresentation() override
Create and return the widget representation associated to this module.
qSlicerLoadableModule Superclass
qSlicerSegmentationsModule(QObject *parent=nullptr)
QScopedPointer< qSlicerSegmentationsModulePrivate > d_ptr
void setup() override
Initialize the module. Register the volumes reader/writer.
QString acknowledgementText() const override
Return acknowledgments.
Superclass for MRML logic classes.
A set of MRML Nodes that supports serialization and undo/redo.