15#ifndef __vtkMRMLScene_h
16#define __vtkMRMLScene_h
23#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
24#include <vtkWeakPointer.h>
38class vtkCallbackCommand;
40class vtkGeneralTransform;
68 void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
291 const int* byHideFromEditors =
292 bool exactNameMatch =
508 vtkSetMacro(LoadFromXMLString,
509 vtkGetMacro(LoadFromXMLString,
517 vtkSetMacro(SaveToXMLString,
518 vtkGetMacro(SaveToXMLString,
520 vtkSetMacro(ReadDataOnLoad,
521 vtkGetMacro(ReadDataOnLoad,
541 vtkGetObjectMacro(URIHandlerCollection, vtkCollection);
593 BatchProcessState = 0x0001,
594 CloseState = 0x0002 | BatchProcessState,
595 ImportState = 0x0004 | BatchProcessState,
596 RestoreState = 0x0008 | BatchProcessState,
612 inline bool IsBatchProcessing()
614 inline bool IsClosing()
616 inline bool IsImporting()
618 inline bool IsRestoring()
620 inline bool IsUndoing()
622 inline bool IsRedoing()
658 void StartState(
unsigned long state,
int anticipatedMaxProgress = 0);
675 NodeAboutToBeAddedEvent = 0x2000,
681 NewSceneEvent = 66030,
682 MetadataAddedEvent = 66032,
692 ProgressEvent = 0x0400,
694 StartBatchProcessEvent = StateEvent | StartEvent | BatchProcessState,
695 EndBatchProcessEvent = StateEvent | EndEvent | BatchProcessState,
696 ProgressBatchProcessEvent = StateEvent | ProgressEvent | BatchProcessState,
698 StartCloseEvent = StateEvent | StartEvent | CloseState,
699 EndCloseEvent = StateEvent | EndEvent | CloseState,
700 ProgressCloseEvent = StateEvent | ProgressEvent | CloseState,
702 StartImportEvent = StateEvent | StartEvent | ImportState,
703 EndImportEvent = StateEvent | EndEvent | ImportState,
704 ProgressImportEvent = StateEvent | EndEvent | ImportState,
706 StartRestoreEvent = StateEvent | StartEvent | RestoreState,
707 EndRestoreEvent = StateEvent | EndEvent | RestoreState,
708 ProgressRestoreEvent = StateEvent | ProgressEvent | RestoreState,
710 StartSaveEvent = StateEvent | StartEvent | SaveState,
711 EndSaveEvent = StateEvent | EndEvent | SaveState,
712 ProgressSaveEvent = StateEvent | ProgressEvent | SaveState,
714 StartUndoEvent = StateEvent | StartEvent | UndoState,
715 EndUndoEvent = StateEvent | EndEvent | UndoState,
716 ProgressUndoEvent = StateEvent | ProgressEvent | UndoState,
718 StartRedoEvent = StateEvent | StartEvent | RedoState,
719 EndRedoEvent = StateEvent | EndEvent | RedoState,
720 ProgressRedoEvent = StateEvent | ProgressEvent | RedoState,
725 vtkGetStringMacro(LastLoadedVersion);
726 vtkSetStringMacro(LastLoadedVersion);
729 vtkGetStringMacro(LastLoadedExtensions);
730 vtkSetStringMacro(LastLoadedExtensions);
733 vtkGetStringMacro(Version);
734 vtkSetStringMacro(Version);
738 vtkGetStringMacro(Extensions);
739 vtkSetStringMacro(Extensions);
743 static bool ParseVersion(
const char* versionString, std::string& application,
int& major,
int& minor,
int& patch,
int& revision);
760 vtkGetMacro(StoredTime, vtkMTimeType);
784 vtkGetMacro(MaximumNumberOfSavedUndoStates,
864 static void SceneCallback(vtkObject *caller,
unsigned long eid,
void *clientData,
void *callData);
869 std::string
const std::string& baseID,
int idIndex)
882 std::string
const std::string& baseName,
int nameIndex)
953 std::map< std::string, vtkSmartPointer<vtkMRMLNode> >
993 vtkTimeStamp StoredTime;
Abstract Superclass for all specific types of MRML nodes.
A set of MRML Nodes that supports serialization and undo/redo.
void RegisterAbstractNodeClass(std::string className, std::string typeDisplayName)
Register abstract node type display name.
int GetStates() const
Returns the current state of the scene.
vtkWeakPointer< vtkMRMLSubjectHierarchyNode > SubjectHierarchyNode
subject hierarchy node
vtkCollection * URIHandlerCollection
void GetNodeReferenceIDsFromUndoStack(std::set< std::string > &referenceIDs) const
Returns all unique node reference IDs that are referenced within the undo stack.
bool IsNodeIDReservedByUndo(const std::string id) const
Returns true if a node is not referenced within the scene, but is referenced within the Undo stack.
bool ReadFromMRB(const char *fullName, bool clear=false, vtkMRMLMessageCollection *userMessages=nullptr)
Read the scene from a MRML scene bundle (.mrb) file If userMessages is not nullptr then the method ma...
static void SetStorableNodesModifiedSinceRead(vtkCollection *storableNodes)
Given a collection of storable nodes, iterate through and call StorableModified() on them.
void SetUndoFlag(bool flag)
void CopyRegisteredNodesToScene(vtkMRMLScene *scene)
Copies all registered nodes into the parameter scene.
void ReserveNodeReferenceIDs(vtkMRMLNode *node)
Reserve all node reference ids for a node.
void SaveSceneScreenshot(vtkImageData *thumbnail)
Utility function to write the scene thumbnail to a file in the scene's root folder.
static std::string PercentEncode(std::string s)
vtkMRMLNode * GetNthReferencingNode(int n)
vtkMRMLNode * CreateNodeByClass(const char *className)
Create node with a given class.
std::vector< vtkMRMLNode * > RegisteredNodeClasses
void StartState(unsigned long state, int anticipatedMaxProgress=0)
Flag the scene as being in a state mode.
const char * GetURL()
Get URL (file name) of the scene.
void ClearUndoStack()
clear Undo stack, delete undo history
int MaximumNumberOfSavedUndoStates
bool WriteToMRB(const char *filename, vtkImageData *thumbnail=nullptr, vtkMRMLMessageCollection *userMessages=nullptr)
Write the scene to a MRML scene bundle (.mrb) file. If thumbnail image is provided then it is saved i...
const char * GetNthReferencedID(int n)
vtkMRMLNode * GetNthNode(int n)
Get n-th node in the scene.
std::list< vtkCollection * > RedoStack
void EndState(unsigned long state)
Unflag the scene as being in a state mode.
vtkTagTable * UserTagTable
std::string GenerateUniqueID(const std::string &baseID)
void AddNodeID(vtkMRMLNode *node)
Add node to NodeIDs map used to speedup GetByID() method.
const char * GetClassNameByTag(const char *tagName)
Add a path to the list.
void RemoveNodeReferences(vtkMRMLNode *node)
int Commit(const char *url=nullptr, vtkMRMLMessageCollection *userMessages=nullptr)
void SaveStateForUndo(std::vector< vtkMRMLNode * > nodes)
bool IsNodeClassRegistered(const std::string &className)
Return True if className is a registered node.
static bool ParseVersion(const char *versionString, std::string &application, int &major, int &minor, int &patch, int &revision)
void RemoveInvalidNodeReferences(vtkCollection *checkNodes, const std::set< std::string > &validNodeIDs)
Remove invalid node references after scene import.
std::map< std::string, std::string > RegisteredAbstractNodeClassTypeDisplayNames
vtkMRMLNode * GetNodeByID(std::string name)
void RemoveReferencesToNode(vtkMRMLNode *node)
void CopyNodeChangedIDs(vtkMRMLScene *scene)
vtkMRMLNode * CopyNode(vtkMRMLNode *n)
Add a copy of a node to the scene.
vtkMRMLNode * GetFirstNode(const char *byName=nullptr, const char *byClass=nullptr, const int *byHideFromEditors=nullptr, bool exactNameMatch=true)
Return the first node in the scene that matches the filtering criteria if specified.
vtkURIHandler * FindURIHandlerByName(const char *name)
Returns a URIHandler of a specific type if its name is known.
bool SaveSceneToSlicerDataBundleDirectory(const char *sdbDir, vtkImageData *thumbnail=nullptr, vtkMRMLMessageCollection *userMessages=nullptr)
Save the scene into a self contained directory, sdbDir If thumbnail image is provided then it is save...
std::string GetNthRegisteredAbstractNodeClassName(int n)
int Connect(vtkMRMLMessageCollection *userMessages=nullptr)
Create new scene from URL If userMessages is not nullptr then the method may add messages to it about...
vtkMRMLNode * GetSingletonNode(vtkMRMLNode *n)
Search and return a matching singleton in the scene that the input singleton node will overwrite if i...
void RemoveAllNodes(bool removeSingletons)
void Clear(int removeSingletons=0)
std::map< std::string, vtkSmartPointer< vtkMRMLNode > > NodeIDs
std::string RootDirectory
vtkCollection * GetNodesByClassByName(const char *className, const char *name)
int GetNumberOfUndoLevels()
returns number of undo steps in the history buffer
std::set< std::string > ReservedIDs
static std::string CreateUniqueFileName(const std::string &filename, const std::string &knownExtension="")
bool IsBatchProcessing() const
Return true if the scene is in BatchProcess state, false otherwise.
vtkCallbackCommand * DeleteEventCallback
void SetStorableNodesModifiedSinceRead()
Search the scene for storable nodes that are not "ModifiedSinceRead".
vtkMRMLNode * AddNewNodeByClass(std::string className, std::string nodeBaseName="")
Instantiate and add a node to the scene.
void CopyDefaultNodesToScene(vtkMRMLScene *scene)
Copies all default nodes into the parameter scene. Does not remove existing default nodes.
virtual void SetUserTagTable(vtkTagTable *)
vtkMRMLNode * GetNodeByID(const char *name)
Get node given a unique ID.
void Undo()
undo, set the scene to previous state
std::string GenerateUniqueName(vtkMRMLNode *node)
Return a unique name for a MRML node. It uses the node tag as the base.
void ResetNodes()
Reset all nodes to their constructor's state.
std::map< std::string, int > UniqueIDs
vtkMRMLNode * GetDefaultNodeByClass(const char *className)
void RegisterNodeClass(vtkMRMLNode *node)
Utility function to RegisterNodeClass(), the node tag name is used when registering the node.
NodeReferencesType::iterator FindNodeReference(const char *referencedId, vtkMRMLNode *referencingNode)
Get a NodeReferences iterator for a node reference.
void AddReferencedNodes(vtkMRMLNode *node, vtkCollection *refNodes, bool recursive=true)
int Import(vtkMRMLMessageCollection *userMessages=nullptr)
Add the scene into the existing scene (no clear) from URL file or from.
bool SaveStorableNodeToSlicerDataBundleDirectory(vtkMRMLStorableNode *storableNode, std::string &dataDir, std::map< vtkMRMLStorageNode *, std::vector< std::string > > &originalStorageNodeFileNames, vtkMRMLMessageCollection *userMessages)
const char * GetUniqueNameByString(const char *baseName)
vtkMRMLNode * GetNthNodeByClass(int n, const char *className)
Get n-th node of a specified class in the scene.
static void SceneCallback(vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eid, void *clientData, void *callData)
Handle vtkMRMLScene::DeleteEvent: clear the scene.
void SaveStateForUndo()
Save current state in the undo buffer.
void UpdateNodeIDs()
Synchronize NodeIDs map used to speedup GetByID() method with the Nodes collection.
void ClearNodeIDs()
Clear NodeIDs map used to speedup GetByID() method.
void RemoveNodeID(char *nodeID)
Remove node from NodeIDs map used to speedup GetByID() method.
int IsFilePathRelative(const char *filepath)
std::string GenerateUniqueID(vtkMRMLNode *node)
std::map< std::string, int > UniqueNames
std::map< std::string, std::set< std::string > > NodeReferencesType
void TrimUndoStack()
Clean up elements of the undo/redo stack beyond the maximum size.
static vtkMRMLScene * New()
vtkMRMLNode * AddNode(vtkMRMLNode *nodeToAdd)
Add a node to the scene and send vtkMRMLScene::NodeAboutToBeAddedEvent, vtkMRMLScene::NodeAddedEvent ...
void NodeAdded(vtkMRMLNode *n)
Invoke a vtkMRMLScene::NodeAddedEvent.
const char * GetChangedID(const char *id)
int GetNodesByClass(const char *className, std::vector< vtkMRMLNode * > &nodes)
Get vector of nodes of a specified class in the scene.
int IsNodePresent(vtkMRMLNode *n)
Determine whether a particular node is present.
int GetNumberOfRegisteredNodeClasses()
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
virtual void SetSubjectHierarchyNode(vtkMRMLSubjectHierarchyNode *)
void GetReferencingNodes(vtkMRMLNode *referencedNode, std::vector< vtkMRMLNode * > &referencingNodes)
Get vector of nodes containing references to an input node.
@ NodeAboutToBeRemovedEvent
@ SaveProgressFeedbackEvent
@ NodeClassRegisteredEvent
@ ImportProgressFeedbackEvent
std::vector< std::string > RegisteredNodeTags
int GetUniqueIDIndex(const std::string &baseID)
void AddReservedID(const char *id)
std::map< std::string, std::string > ReferencedIDChanges
virtual void SetCacheManager(vtkCacheManager *)
int GetNumberOfRedoLevels()
returns number of redo steps in the history buffer
std::string BuildName(const std::string &baseName, int nameIndex) const
Combine a basename and an index to produce a full name.
void UpdateNodeReferences(vtkCollection *checkNodes=nullptr)
Notify nodes about node ID changes.
void RegisterNodeClass(vtkMRMLNode *node, const char *tagName)
Register a node class to the scene so that the scene can later create the same node type from a tag o...
void RemoveUnusedNodeReferences()
void GetReferencedSubScene(vtkMRMLNode *node, vtkMRMLScene *newScene)
Get a sub-scene containing all nodes directly or indirectly referenced by the input node.
vtkCollection * GetNodesByClass(const char *className)
bool IsNodeReferencingNodeID(vtkMRMLNode *referencingNode, const char *id)
void SaveStateForUndo(vtkMRMLNode *node)
vtkCollection * GetNodesByName(const char *name)
Get nodes having the specified name.
void CopyNodeInUndoStack(vtkMRMLNode *node)
void AddURIHandler(vtkURIHandler *handler)
Add a URI handler to the collection.
const char * GetTagByClassName(const char *className)
Add a path to the list.
vtkMRMLNode * GetNextNodeByClass(const char *className)
vtkMRMLNode * GetFirstNodeByClass(const char *className)
Convenience function for getting 0-th node of a specified class in the scene.
std::string BuildID(const std::string &baseID, int idIndex) const
int GetNumberOfNodesByClass(const char *className)
Get number of nodes of a specified class in the scene.
void RemoveAllDefaultNodes()
Deletes all default node values from the scene.
void CopyNodeReferences(vtkMRMLScene *scene)
vtkMRMLNode * InsertBeforeNode(vtkMRMLNode *item, vtkMRMLNode *newItem)
insert a node in the scene before a specified node
vtkURIHandler * FindURIHandler(const char *URI)
Find a URI handler in the collection that can work on the passed URI.
int GetUniqueNameIndex(const std::string &baseName)
Returns a unique index for a given baseName.
vtkMRMLNode * InsertAfterNode(vtkMRMLNode *item, vtkMRMLNode *newItem)
insert a node in the scene after a specified node
const char * GetRootDirectory()
Get Root directory, where URL is pointing.
vtkMRMLNode * GetNthRegisteredNodeClass(int n)
int GetNumberOfRegisteredAbstractNodeClasses()
Get the number of registered abstract node classes.
void AddReferencedNodeID(const char *id, vtkMRMLNode *refrencingNode)
vtkCollection * GetNodes()
Return collection of nodes.
void CopySingletonNodesToScene(vtkMRMLScene *scene)
Copies all singleton nodes into the parameter scene.
std::default_random_engine RandomGenerator
const std::string & GetSceneXMLString()
Returns the saved scene with an XML format if SaveToXMLString is true and Commit() was called prior.
int GetNumberOfNodes()
Get number of nodes in the scene.
std::vector< unsigned long > States
vtkMRMLNode * AddNewNodeByClassWithID(std::string className, std::string nodeBaseName, std::string nodeID)
Instantiates and adds a new node to the scene with the specified ID.
void SetMaximumNumberOfSavedUndoStates(int stackSize)
Sets the maximum number of saved undo states and removes the oldest saved states so that the number o...
std::map< std::string, vtkSmartPointer< vtkMRMLNode > > DefaultNodes
std::list< vtkCollection * > UndoStack
std::string GetTemporaryBundleDirectory()
Returns a string for the temporary directory to use for saving/reading scene files....
vtkMRMLNode * GetFirstNodeByName(const char *name)
void CopyNodeInRedoStack(vtkMRMLNode *node)
vtkCollection * GetReferencedNodes(vtkMRMLNode *node, bool recursive=true)
Return collection of all nodes referenced directly or indirectly by node.
NodeReferencesType NodeReferences
void SetUndoOn()
Set undo on/off.
bool IsRestoring() const
Return true if the scene is in Restore state, false otherwise.
char * LastLoadedExtensions
void ClearRedoStack()
clear Redo stack, delete redo history
void RemoveReferencedNodeID(const char *id, vtkMRMLNode *refrencingNode)
bool IsUndoing() const
Return true if the scene is in Undo state (in the process of undoing node changes),...
void ProgressState(unsigned long state, int progress=0)
TODO: Report progress of the current state.
void SetRootDirectory(const char *dir)
Set Root directory, where URL is pointing.
vtkMTimeType NodeIDsMTime
void SetSceneXMLString(const std::string &xmlString)
Set the XML string to read from by Import() if GetLoadFromXMLString() is true.
static std::string UnpackSlicerDataBundle(const char *sdbFilePath, const char *temporaryDirectory, vtkMRMLMessageCollection *userMessages=nullptr)
Unpack the file into a temp directory and return the scene file inside. Note that the first mrml file...
void SaveStateForUndo(vtkCollection *nodes)
void SetURL(const char *url)
Set URL (file name) of the scene.
bool GetStorableNodesModifiedSinceRead(vtkCollection *modifiedStorableNodes=nullptr)
Search the scene for storable nodes that are "ModifiedSinceRead".
void AddDefaultNode(vtkMRMLNode *node)
bool IsImporting() const
Return true if the scene is in Import state, false otherwise.
std::string SceneXMLString
vtkMRMLNode * GetNextNode()
bool IsReservedID(const std::string &id)
bool GetModifiedSinceRead(vtkCollection *modifiedNodes=nullptr)
Returns true if the scene has been "significantly" modified since the last saved state....
std::string GetNthRegisteredAbstractNodeTypeDisplayName(int n)
vtkMRMLSubjectHierarchyNode * GetSubjectHierarchyNode()
bool IsRedoing() const
Return true if the scene is in Redo state (in the process of redoing node changes),...
vtkDataIOManager * DataIOManager
std::list< std::string > GetNodeClassesList()
virtual void SetDataIOManager(vtkDataIOManager *)
vtkCacheManager * CacheManager
data i/o handling members
void RemoveNode(vtkMRMLNode *n)
Remove a path from the list.
std::string GetTypeDisplayNameByClassName(std::string className)
Get type display name which is shown in the GUI.
void Redo()
redo, set the scene to previously undone
vtkMRMLNode * AddNodeNoNotify(vtkMRMLNode *n)
int GetNumberOfNodeReferences()
Get the total number of node references (number of ReferencedID-ReferencingNode pairs).
virtual void SetURIHandlerCollection(vtkCollection *)
std::string GenerateUniqueName(const std::string &baseName)
Generate a node name that is unique in the scene. Calling this function successively with the same ba...
vtkMRMLNode * GetSingletonNode(const char *singletonTag, const char *className)
Search and return the singleton of type className with a singletonTag tag.
bool IsClosing() const
Return true if the scene is in Close state, false otherwise.
void UpdateNodeChangedIDs()
Change node IDs based on the ReferencedIDChanges list.
MRML node to represent a 3D surface model.
A superclass for other storage nodes.
MRML node to represent a complete subject hierarchy tree.