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Slicer is a multi-platform, free and open source software package for visualization and medical image computing
MRML node for storing a slice through RAS space. More...
#include <Libs/MRML/Core/vtkMRMLSliceNode.h>
Public Member Functions | |
bool | AddSliceOrientationPreset (const std::string &name, vtkMatrix3x3 *orientationMatrix) |
Add an orientation preset. More... | |
void | AddThreeDViewID (const char *viewNodeID) |
virtual void | Copy (vtkMRMLNode *node) VTK_OVERRIDE |
Copy the node's attributes to this object. More... | |
virtual vtkMRMLNode * | CreateNodeInstance () VTK_OVERRIDE |
Create instance of the default node. Like New only virtual. More... | |
virtual int | GetActiveSlice () |
virtual const char * | GetClassName () |
virtual int * | GetDimensions () |
virtual void | GetDimensions (int data[3]) |
virtual double * | GetFieldOfView () |
Size of the slice plane in millimeters. More... | |
virtual void | GetFieldOfView (double &, double &, double &) |
virtual void | GetFieldOfView (double [3]) |
virtual int | GetInteracting () |
virtual unsigned int | GetInteractionFlags () |
virtual unsigned int | GetInteractionFlagsModifier () |
virtual int | GetJumpMode () |
virtual double * | GetLayoutColor () |
virtual void | GetLayoutColor (double &, double &, double &) |
virtual void | GetLayoutColor (double [3]) |
virtual int | GetLayoutGridColumns () |
Set/Get the number of columns to use ina LightBox display. More... | |
virtual int | GetLayoutGridRows () |
Set/Get the number of rows to use ina LightBox display. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetNodeTagName () VTK_OVERRIDE |
Get node XML tag name (like Volume, Model) More... | |
const char * | GetNthThreeDViewID (unsigned int index) |
int | GetNumberOfSliceOrientationPresets () const |
Return number of orientation presets. More... | |
int | GetNumberOfThreeDViewIDs () const |
std::string | GetOrientation () |
Get orientation. More... | |
std::string | GetOrientation (vtkMatrix4x4 *sliceToRAS) |
Return the orientation name associated with sliceToRAS. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetOrientationString () |
Get orientation. More... | |
virtual double * | GetPrescribedSliceSpacing () |
virtual void | GetPrescribedSliceSpacing (double &, double &, double &) |
virtual void | GetPrescribedSliceSpacing (double [3]) |
double | GetSliceOffset () |
Get/Set the current distance from the origin to the slice plane. More... | |
vtkMatrix3x3 * | GetSliceOrientationPreset (const std::string &name) |
Return the sliceToRAS matrix associated with name. More... | |
std::string | GetSliceOrientationPresetName (vtkMatrix3x3 *orientationMatrix) |
Return the preset name corresponding to orientationMatrix. More... | |
void | GetSliceOrientationPresetNames (vtkStringArray *presetOrientationNames) |
Return all the orientation preset names. More... | |
virtual int | GetSliceResolutionMode () |
virtual int | GetSliceSpacingMode () |
virtual vtkMatrix4x4 * | GetSliceToRAS () |
virtual int | GetSliceVisible () |
The visibility of the slice in the 3DViewer. More... | |
std::vector< std::string > | GetThreeDViewIDs () const |
virtual int | GetUseLabelOutline () |
Use the label outline filter on this slice? More... | |
virtual int * | GetUVWDimensions () |
virtual void | GetUVWDimensions (int data[3]) |
virtual void | GetUVWExtents (double &, double &, double &) |
virtual void | GetUVWExtents (double [3]) |
virtual double * | GetUVWExtents () |
Get/Set maximum extent in any direction occupied by slice. More... | |
virtual int * | GetUVWMaximumDimensions () |
maximum limit for UVWDimensions More... | |
virtual void | GetUVWMaximumDimensions (int data[3]) |
virtual double * | GetUVWOrigin () |
Origin of UVW window. More... | |
virtual void | GetUVWOrigin (double &, double &, double &) |
virtual void | GetUVWOrigin (double [3]) |
vtkMatrix4x4 * | GetUVWToRAS () |
vtkMatrix4x4 * | GetUVWToSlice () |
virtual int | GetWidgetNormalLockedToCamera () |
virtual int | GetWidgetVisible () |
The visibility of the slice plane widget in the 3DViewer. More... | |
vtkMatrix4x4 * | GetXYToRAS () |
vtkMatrix4x4 * | GetXYToSlice () |
virtual double * | GetXYZOrigin () |
Origin of XYZ window. More... | |
virtual void | GetXYZOrigin (double &, double &, double &) |
virtual void | GetXYZOrigin (double [3]) |
bool | HasSliceOrientationPreset (const std::string &name) |
Return True if an orientation preset is stored. More... | |
virtual void | InteractingOff () |
virtual void | InteractingOn () |
virtual int | IsA (const char *type) |
bool | IsDisplayableInThreeDView (const char *viewNodeID) const |
bool | IsThreeDViewIDPresent (const char *ThreeDViewID) const |
void | JumpAllSlices (double r, double a, double s) |
void | JumpSlice (double r, double a, double s) |
void | JumpSliceByCentering (double r, double a, double s) |
void | JumpSliceByOffsetting (double r, double a, double s) |
void | JumpSliceByOffsetting (int k, double r, double a, double s) |
bool | MatrixAreEqual (const vtkMatrix4x4 *m1, const vtkMatrix4x4 *m2) |
helper for comparing to matrices More... | |
bool | MatrixAreEqual (const vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix, const vtkMatrix3x3 *orientationMatrix) |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | ReadXMLAttributes (const char **atts) VTK_OVERRIDE |
Set node attributes. More... | |
void | RemoveAllThreeDViewIDs () |
bool | RemoveSliceOrientationPreset (const std::string &name) |
Remove an orientation preset. More... | |
void | RemoveThreeDViewID (char *viewNodeID) |
bool | RenameSliceOrientationPreset (const std::string &name, const std::string &updatedName) |
Rename an orientation preset. More... | |
virtual void | Reset (vtkMRMLNode *defaultNode) VTK_OVERRIDE |
Reimplemented to preserve orientation and layout color when reset. More... | |
void | ResetInteractionFlagsModifier () |
void | RotateToVolumePlane (vtkMRMLVolumeNode *volumeNode) |
virtual void | SetActiveSlice (int) |
void | SetDimensions (int x, int y, int z) |
void | SetFieldOfView (double x, double y, double z) |
void | SetInteracting (int) |
void | SetInteractionFlags (unsigned int) |
void | SetInteractionFlagsModifier (unsigned int) |
virtual void | SetJumpMode (int) |
void | SetJumpModeToCentered () |
void | SetJumpModeToOffset () |
virtual void | SetLayoutColor (double, double, double) |
Color for layout as rgb. More... | |
virtual void | SetLayoutColor (double [3]) |
void | SetLayoutGrid (int rows, int columns) |
virtual void | SetLayoutGridColumns (int cols) |
virtual void | SetLayoutGridRows (int rows) |
bool | SetOrientation (const char *orientation) |
Set orientation. More... | |
bool | SetOrientationToAxial () |
Set 'standard' radiological convention views of patient space. More... | |
bool | SetOrientationToCoronal () |
bool | SetOrientationToSagittal () |
virtual void | SetPrescribedSliceSpacing (double, double, double) |
virtual void | SetPrescribedSliceSpacing (double [3]) |
void | SetSliceOffset (double offset) |
void | SetSliceOrigin (double xyz[3]) |
Origin of slice in XYZ or UVW space depending on SliceResolutionMode. More... | |
void | SetSliceOrigin (double x, double y, double z) |
virtual void | SetSliceResolutionMode (int mode) |
method for setting UVW space (extents, dimensions and spacing) More... | |
virtual void | SetSliceSpacingMode (int) |
void | SetSliceSpacingModeToAutomatic () |
void | SetSliceSpacingModeToPrescribed () |
void | SetSliceToRASByNTP (double Nx, double Ny, double Nz, double Tx, double Ty, double Tz, double Px, double Py, double Pz, int Orientation) |
virtual void | SetSliceVisible (int) |
virtual void | SetUseLabelOutline (int) |
void | SetUVWDimensions (int x, int y, int z) |
void | SetUVWDimensions (int xyz[3]) |
void | SetUVWExtents (double x, double y, double z) |
void | SetUVWExtents (double xyz[3]) |
void | SetUVWExtentsAndDimensions (double extents[3], int dimensions[3]) |
void | SetUVWMaximumDimensions (int x, int y, int z) |
void | SetUVWMaximumDimensions (int xyz[3]) |
void | SetUVWOrigin (double x, double y, double z) |
void | SetUVWOrigin (double xyz[3]) |
virtual void | SetWidgetNormalLockedToCamera (int) |
virtual void | SetWidgetVisible (int) |
void | SetXYZOrigin (double x, double y, double z) |
void | UpdateMatrices () |
virtual void | UseLabelOutlineOff () |
virtual void | UseLabelOutlineOn () |
virtual void | WriteXML (ostream &of, int indent) VTK_OVERRIDE |
Write this node's information to a MRML file in XML format. More... | |
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virtual int | GetActive () |
Indicates whether or not the view is active. More... | |
const char * | GetAxisLabel (int labelIndex) |
virtual double * | GetBackgroundColor () |
virtual void | GetBackgroundColor (double &, double &, double &) |
virtual void | GetBackgroundColor (double [3]) |
virtual double * | GetBackgroundColor2 () |
virtual void | GetBackgroundColor2 (double &, double &, double &) |
virtual void | GetBackgroundColor2 (double [3]) |
virtual char * | GetLayoutLabel () |
const char * | GetLayoutName () |
virtual bool | GetOrientationMarkerEnabled () |
vtkMRMLModelNode * | GetOrientationMarkerHumanModelNode () |
const char * | GetOrientationMarkerHumanModelNodeID () |
virtual int | GetOrientationMarkerSize () |
virtual int | GetOrientationMarkerType () |
virtual bool | GetRulerEnabled () |
virtual int | GetRulerType () |
virtual int | GetViewGroup () |
virtual int | GetVisibility () |
Indicates whether or not the view is visible. More... | |
virtual int | IsMappedInLayout () |
bool | IsViewVisibleInLayout () |
Indicates whether or not the view is visible in the current layout. More... | |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | SetActive (int) |
void | SetAxisLabel (int labelIndex, const char *label) |
virtual void | SetBackgroundColor (double [3]) |
virtual void | SetBackgroundColor (double, double, double) |
virtual void | SetBackgroundColor2 (double, double, double) |
virtual void | SetBackgroundColor2 (double [3]) |
virtual void | SetLayoutLabel (const char *) |
void | SetLayoutName (const char *layoutName) |
virtual void | SetMappedInLayout (int value) |
void | SetOrientationMarkerHumanModelNodeID (const char *modelNodeId) |
virtual void | SetOrientationMarkerSize (int) |
Get/Set orientation marker is size. There are a few predefined marker sizes, defined by an enumerated value (e.g., small, medium, large). More... | |
virtual void | SetOrientationMarkerType (int) |
Get/Set orientation marker type (e.g., not displayed, cube, human, coordinate system axes) More... | |
virtual void | SetRulerType (int) |
Get/Set ruler type (e.g., not displayed, thin, thick) More... | |
virtual void | SetViewGroup (int) |
virtual void | SetVisibility (int) |
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vtkMRMLNode * | AddAndObserveNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID, vtkIntArray *events=0) |
Add and observe a reference node from this node for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
vtkMRMLNode * | AddNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID) |
Convenience method that adds a referencedNodeID at the end of the list. More... | |
void | AddNodeReferenceRole (const char *referenceRole, const char *mrmlAttributeName=0, vtkIntArray *events=0) |
Add a referenceRole. More... | |
virtual void | AddToSceneOff () |
virtual void | AddToSceneOn () |
virtual void | CopyReferences (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
Copy the references of the node into this. More... | |
void | CopyWithoutModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
void | CopyWithScene (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
Copy everything (including Scene and ID) from another node of the same type. More... | |
void | CopyWithSceneWithSingleModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
Copy everything (including Scene and ID) from another node of the same type. More... | |
void | CopyWithSingleModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
void | DisableModifiedEventOff () |
void | DisableModifiedEventOn () |
virtual int | EndModify (int previousDisableModifiedEventState) |
End modifying the node. More... | |
virtual int | GetAddToScene () |
node added to MRML scene. More... | |
const char * | GetAttribute (const char *name) |
Get value of a name value pair attribute. More... | |
std::vector< std::string > | GetAttributeNames () |
Get all attribute names. More... | |
void | GetAttributeNames (vtkStringArray *attributeNames) |
Get all attribute names. Python-wrappable version. More... | |
virtual char * | GetDescription () |
virtual int | GetDisableModifiedEvent () |
Turn on/off generating InvokeEvent for set macros. More... | |
virtual int | GetHideFromEditors () |
Describes if the node is hidden. More... | |
virtual char * | GetID () |
ID use by other nodes to reference this node in XML. More... | |
virtual int | GetInMRMLCallbackFlag () |
Flags to avoid event loops. More... | |
virtual int | GetModifiedEventPending () |
virtual char * | GetName () |
vtkMRMLNode * | GetNodeReference (const char *referenceRole) |
const char * | GetNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole) |
Utility function that returns the first node id for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
void | GetNodeReferenceIDs (const char *referenceRole, std::vector< const char *> &referencedNodeIDs) |
Return a list of the referenced node IDs. More... | |
void | GetNodeReferenceRoles (std::vector< std::string > &roles) |
void | GetNodeReferences (const char *referenceRole, std::vector< vtkMRMLNode *> &nodes) |
Return a list of the referenced nodes. More... | |
vtkMRMLNode * | GetNthNodeReference (const char *referenceRole, int n) |
Get referenced MRML node for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
const char * | GetNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n) |
Return the string of the Nth node ID for a specific reference role. More... | |
const char * | GetNthNodeReferenceRole (int n) |
int | GetNumberOfNodeReferenceRoles () |
int | GetNumberOfNodeReferences (const char *referenceRole) |
Return the number of node IDs for a specific reference role (and nodes as they always have the same size). More... | |
virtual int | GetSaveWithScene () |
Save node with MRML scene. More... | |
virtual vtkMRMLScene * | GetScene () |
Only the scene can set itself to the node. More... | |
virtual int | GetSelectable () |
Describes if the node is selectable. More... | |
virtual int | GetSelected () |
Get/Set for Selected. More... | |
virtual char * | GetSingletonTag () |
bool | HasNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID) |
Return true if referencedNodeID is in the node ID list for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
virtual void | HideFromEditorsOff () |
virtual void | HideFromEditorsOn () |
virtual void | InvokeCustomModifiedEvent (int eventId, void *callData=NULL) |
This method allows the node to compress events. More... | |
virtual int | InvokePendingModifiedEvent () |
Invokes any modified events that are pending . More... | |
bool | IsSingleton () |
virtual void | Modified () VTK_OVERRIDE |
Customized version of Modified() allowing to compress vtkCommand::ModifiedEvent. More... | |
virtual void | OnNodeAddedToScene () |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | ProcessChildNode (vtkMRMLNode *) |
Set dependencies between this node and a child node when parsing XML file. More... | |
virtual void | ProcessMRMLEvents (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long event, void *callData) |
Propagate events generated in mrml. More... | |
void | RemoveAttribute (const char *name) |
Remove attribute with the specified name. More... | |
void | RemoveNodeReferenceIDs (const char *referenceRole) |
Remove all node IDs and associated nodes for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
void | RemoveNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n) |
Convenience method that removes the Nth node ID from the list. More... | |
virtual void | SaveWithSceneOff () |
virtual void | SaveWithSceneOn () |
virtual void | SelectableOff () |
virtual void | SelectableOn () |
virtual void | SelectedOff () |
virtual void | SelectedOn () |
virtual void | SetAddToScene (int) |
void | SetAddToSceneNoModify (int value) |
vtkMRMLNode * | SetAndObserveNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID, vtkIntArray *events=0) |
Set and observe a reference node from this node for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
vtkMRMLNode * | SetAndObserveNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n, const char *referencedNodeID, vtkIntArray *events=0) |
Set and observe the Nth node ID for a specific reference role. More... | |
void | SetAttribute (const char *name, const char *value) |
Set a name value pair attribute. More... | |
virtual void | SetDescription (const char *) |
Text description of this node, to be set by the user. More... | |
void | SetDisableModifiedEvent (int onOff) |
virtual void | SetHideFromEditors (int) |
void | SetInMRMLCallbackFlag (int flag) |
virtual void | SetName (const char *) |
Name of this node, to be set by the user. More... | |
vtkMRMLNode * | SetNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID) |
Set a reference to a node with specified nodeID from this node for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
vtkMRMLNode * | SetNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n, const char *referencedNodeID) |
Set a N-th reference from this node with specified referencedNodeID for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
virtual void | SetSaveWithScene (int) |
virtual void | SetScene (vtkMRMLScene *scene) |
virtual void | SetSceneReferences () |
Update the references of the node to the scene. More... | |
virtual void | SetSelectable (int) |
virtual void | SetSelected (int) |
void | SetSingletonOff () |
void | SetSingletonOn () |
virtual void | SetSingletonTag (const char *) |
Tag that make this node a singleton in the scene. More... | |
virtual int | StartModify () |
Start modifying the node. Disable Modify events. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateReferenceID (const char *oldID, const char *newID) |
Update the stored reference to another node in the scene. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateReferences () |
The method should remove all pointers and observations to all nodes that are not in the scene anymore. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateScene (vtkMRMLScene *) |
const char * | URLDecodeString (const char *inString) |
Decode a URL string. More... | |
const char * | URLEncodeString (const char *inString) |
Encode a URL string. More... | |
virtual void | WriteNodeBodyXML (ostream &of, int indent) |
Write this node's body to a MRML file in XML format. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | AddDefaultSliceOrientationPresets (vtkMRMLScene *scene) |
Add default slice orientation presets to scene. More... | |
static double * | compareColor () |
static double * | grayColor () |
static double * | greenColor () |
static void | InitializeAxialMatrix (vtkMatrix3x3 *orientationMatrix) |
Initialize orientationMatrix as an Axial orientation matrix. More... | |
static void | InitializeCoronalMatrix (vtkMatrix3x3 *orientationMatrix) |
Initialize orientationMatrix as a Coronal orientation matrix. More... | |
static void | InitializeSagittalMatrix (vtkMatrix3x3 *orientationMatrix) |
Initialize orientationMatrix as a Sagittal orientation matrix. More... | |
static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static void | JumpAllSlices (vtkMRMLScene *scene, double r, double a, double s, int jumpMode=vtkMRMLSliceNode::DefaultJumpSlice, int viewGroup=-1, vtkMRMLSliceNode *exclude=NULL) |
static vtkMRMLSliceNode * | New () |
Instantiate a new Slice node without any orientation presets. More... | |
static double * | redColor () |
static vtkMRMLSliceNode * | SafeDownCast (vtkObject *o) |
static double * | yellowColor () |
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static const char * | GetOrientationMarkerSizeAsString (int id) |
Convert between orientation marker type ID and name. More... | |
static int | GetOrientationMarkerSizeFromString (const char *name) |
static const char * | GetOrientationMarkerTypeAsString (int id) |
Convert between orientation marker type ID and name. More... | |
static int | GetOrientationMarkerTypeFromString (const char *name) |
static const char * | GetRulerTypeAsString (int id) |
Convert between ruler type ID and name. More... | |
static int | GetRulerTypeFromString (const char *name) |
static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkMRMLAbstractViewNode * | SafeDownCast (vtkObject *o) |
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static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkMRMLNode * | SafeDownCast (vtkObject *o) |
Protected Types | |
typedef std::pair< std::string, vtkSmartPointer< vtkMatrix3x3 > > | OrientationPresetType |
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typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > | AttributesType |
typedef std::map< std::string, vtkSmartPointer< vtkIntArray > > | NodeReferenceEventsType |
typedef std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkMRMLNodeReference > > | NodeReferenceListType |
typedef std::map< std::string, NodeReferenceListType > | NodeReferencesType |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual char * | GetOrientationReference () |
void | operator= (const vtkMRMLSliceNode &) |
virtual void | SetOrientationReference (const char *) |
vtkMRMLSliceNode () | |
vtkMRMLSliceNode (const vtkMRMLSliceNode &) | |
~vtkMRMLSliceNode () | |
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void | operator= (const vtkMRMLAbstractViewNode &) |
virtual void | RemoveActiveFlagInScene () |
When a view is set Active, make other views inactive. More... | |
vtkMRMLAbstractViewNode () | |
vtkMRMLAbstractViewNode (const vtkMRMLAbstractViewNode &) | |
~vtkMRMLAbstractViewNode () | |
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virtual const char * | GetMRMLAttributeNameFromReferenceRole (const char *refRole) |
Return the mrml attribute name (if found) associated with a reference role. Return 0 otherwise. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetReferenceRoleFromMRMLAttributeName (const char *attName) |
Return the reference role (if found) associated with the attribute name found in a MRML scene file. Return 0 otherwise. More... | |
virtual char * | GetTempURLString () |
void | GetUpdatedReferencedNodeEventList (int &oldReferencedNodeUseCount, int &newReferencedNodeUseCount, vtkIntArray *oldConsolidatedEventList, vtkIntArray *newConsolidatedEventList, vtkMRMLNode *oldReferencedNode, vtkMRMLNode *newReferencedNode, vtkMRMLNodeReference *referenceToIgnore, vtkIntArray *newEvents) |
virtual void | InvalidateNodeReferences () |
virtual bool | IsReferenceRoleGeneric (const char *refRole) |
Return true if the reference role is generic (ends with '/') or false otherwise. More... | |
virtual void | OnNodeReferenceAdded (vtkMRMLNodeReference *reference) |
virtual void | OnNodeReferenceModified (vtkMRMLNodeReference *reference) |
Called when a referenced node pointer is modified. More... | |
virtual void | OnNodeReferenceRemoved (vtkMRMLNodeReference *reference) |
Called when a referenced node pointer is removed (set to NULL). More... | |
void | operator= (const vtkMRMLNode &) |
void | ParseReferencesAttribute (const char *attValue, std::map< std::string, std::string > &references) |
virtual void | SetTempURLString (const char *) |
Get/Set the string used to manage encoding/decoding of strings/URLs with special characters. More... | |
vtkMRMLNode * | UpdateNodeReferenceEventObserver (vtkMRMLNode *oldReferencedNode, vtkMRMLNode *newReferencedNode, vtkIntArray *newEvents, vtkMRMLNodeReference *referenceToIgnore) |
virtual void | UpdateNodeReferences (const char *referenceRole=NULL) |
virtual void | UpdateNthNodeReference (const char *referenceRole, int n) |
vtkMRMLNode () | |
vtkMRMLNode (const vtkMRMLNode &) | |
virtual | ~vtkMRMLNode () |
critical to have a virtual destructor! More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static const int | AxisLabelsCount |
Total number of coordinate system axis labels. More... | |
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static void | MRMLCallback (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eid, void *clientData, void *callData) |
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static const char * | OrientationMarkerHumanModelMRMLAttributeName |
static const char * | OrientationMarkerHumanModelReferenceRole |
MRML node for storing a slice through RAS space.
This node stores the information about how to map from RAS space to the desired slice plane.
Definition at line 32 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 512 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
Definition at line 42 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
anonymous enum |
Enum to specify the method of jumping slices.
Enumerator | |
DefaultJumpSlice | |
CenteredJumpSlice | |
OffsetJumpSlice |
Definition at line 374 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
anonymous enum |
Enum to specify whether the slice spacing is automatically determined or prescribed
Enumerator | |
AutomaticSliceSpacingMode | |
PrescribedSliceSpacingMode |
Definition at line 388 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
Enum identifying the parameters being manipulated with calls to InteractionOn() and InteractionOff(). Identifiers are powers of two so they can be combined into a bitmask to manipulate multiple parameters. The meanings for the flags are: SliceToRASFlag - broadcast the SliceToRAS matrix to all linked viewers FieldOfViewFlag - broadcast a specific field of view setting OrientationFlag - broadcast the orientation ResetFieldOfViewFlag - broadcast a message to reset the field of view MultiplanarReformatFlag - broadcast reformat widget transformation XYZOriginFlag - broadcast the XYZOrigin to all linked viewers LabelOutlineFlag - broadcast outlining the labelmaps SliceVisibleFlag = broadcast display of slice in 3D
Enumerator | |
None | |
SliceToRASFlag | |
FieldOfViewFlag | |
OrientationFlag | |
ResetFieldOfViewFlag | |
MultiplanarReformatFlag | |
XYZOriginFlag | |
LabelOutlineFlag | |
SliceVisibleFlag | |
SliceSpacingFlag |
Definition at line 442 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
Enum to specify the method for setting UVW extents.
Enumerator | |
SliceResolutionMatchVolumes | |
SliceResolutionMatch2DView | |
SliceFOVMatch2DViewSpacingMatchVolumes | |
SliceFOVMatchVolumesSpacingMatch2DView | |
SliceResolutionCustom |
Definition at line 482 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
protected |
protected |
static |
Add default slice orientation presets to scene.
bool vtkMRMLSliceNode::AddSliceOrientationPreset | ( | const std::string & | name, |
vtkMatrix3x3 * | orientationMatrix | ||
) |
Add an orientation preset.
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::AddThreeDViewID | ( | const char * | viewNodeID | ) |
Add View Node ID for the view to display this node in.
static |
virtual |
Copy the node's attributes to this object.
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLAbstractViewNode.
virtual |
Create instance of the default node. Like New only virtual.
Implements vtkMRMLNode.
virtual |
virtual |
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLAbstractViewNode.
virtual |
Number of samples in each direction – note that the spacing is implicitly FieldOfView / Dimensions
virtual |
virtual |
Size of the slice plane in millimeters.
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
Set/Get the number of columns to use ina LightBox display.
virtual |
Set/Get the number of rows to use ina LightBox display.
inlinevirtual |
Get node XML tag name (like Volume, Model)
Implements vtkMRMLNode.
Definition at line 66 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
const char* vtkMRMLSliceNode::GetNthThreeDViewID | ( | unsigned int | index | ) |
Get View Node ID's for the view to display this node in. If NULL, display in all views
int vtkMRMLSliceNode::GetNumberOfSliceOrientationPresets | ( | ) | const |
Return number of orientation presets.
int vtkMRMLSliceNode::GetNumberOfThreeDViewIDs | ( | ) | const |
Get number of View Node ID's for the view to display this node in. If 0, display in all views
std::string vtkMRMLSliceNode::GetOrientation | ( | ) |
Get orientation.
It returns a string with a description of the slice orientation
std::string vtkMRMLSliceNode::GetOrientation | ( | vtkMatrix4x4 * | sliceToRAS | ) |
Return the orientation name associated with sliceToRAS.
protectedvirtual |
The OrientationReference is a place to store the last orientation that was explicitly selected. This way if the RotateToVolumePlane is called repeatedly it will always return the same plane (without the hint, it would first try to match, say, Coronal, and then try to match 'Reformat' but would not know what overall orientation to pick).
virtual |
Get orientation.
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
double vtkMRMLSliceNode::GetSliceOffset | ( | ) |
Get/Set the current distance from the origin to the slice plane.
vtkMatrix3x3* vtkMRMLSliceNode::GetSliceOrientationPreset | ( | const std::string & | name | ) |
Return the sliceToRAS matrix associated with name.
std::string vtkMRMLSliceNode::GetSliceOrientationPresetName | ( | vtkMatrix3x3 * | orientationMatrix | ) |
Return the preset name corresponding to orientationMatrix.
Returns an empty string if orientationMatrix is not an existing preset.
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::GetSliceOrientationPresetNames | ( | vtkStringArray * | presetOrientationNames | ) |
Return all the orientation preset names.
virtual |
virtual |
Get/Set the slice spacing mode. Slice spacing can be automatically calculated using GetLowestVolumeSliceSpacing() or prescribed
virtual |
Mapping from RAS space onto the slice plane This matrix is allowed to be modified from outside, for exmple by calling sliceNode->GetSliceToRAS->DeepCopy(...). TODO: maybe this should be a quaternion and a translate to avoid shears/scales
virtual |
The visibility of the slice in the 3DViewer.
inline |
Get all View Node ID's for the view to display this node in. If empty, display in all views
Definition at line 557 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
virtual |
Use the label outline filter on this slice?
virtual |
Number of samples in each direction for the reslice operation – this is the resolution that each slice layer is resliced into – the outputs of the slice layers are then composited and upsampled to the full Dimensions – note that z, the number of slices, should be the same for both Dimensions and UVWDimensions
virtual |
virtual |
Get/Set maximum extent in any direction occupied by slice.
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
maximum limit for UVWDimensions
virtual |
Origin of UVW window.
virtual |
virtual |
vtkMatrix4x4* vtkMRMLSliceNode::GetUVWToRAS | ( | ) |
Matrix mapping from UVW texture coordinates into RAS world coordinates
vtkMatrix4x4* vtkMRMLSliceNode::GetUVWToSlice | ( | ) |
Matrix mapping from UVW texture coordinates into slice coordinates in mm
virtual |
The ImpplicitePlane widget mode this lock the normal of the plane to the camera's one
virtual |
The visibility of the slice plane widget in the 3DViewer.
vtkMatrix4x4* vtkMRMLSliceNode::GetXYToRAS | ( | ) |
Matrix mapping from XY pixel coordinates on an image window into RAS world coordinates
vtkMatrix4x4* vtkMRMLSliceNode::GetXYToSlice | ( | ) |
Matrix mapping from XY pixel coordinates on an image window into slice coordinates in mm
virtual |
Origin of XYZ window.
virtual |
virtual |
static |
static |
bool vtkMRMLSliceNode::HasSliceOrientationPreset | ( | const std::string & | name | ) |
Return True if an orientation preset is stored.
static |
Initialize orientationMatrix as an Axial
orientation matrix.
static |
Initialize orientationMatrix as a Coronal
orientation matrix.
static |
Initialize orientationMatrix as a Sagittal
orientation matrix.
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLAbstractViewNode.
bool vtkMRMLSliceNode::IsDisplayableInThreeDView | ( | const char * | viewNodeID | ) | const |
Returns true if the ThreeDViewID is present in the ThreeDViewId list or there is no ThreeDViewId in the list (meaning all the views display the node)
bool vtkMRMLSliceNode::IsThreeDViewIDPresent | ( | const char * | ThreeDViewID | ) | const |
True if the view node id is present in the ThreeDViewid list false if not found
static |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::JumpAllSlices | ( | double | r, |
double | a, | ||
double | s | ||
) |
static |
Jump all slices in the scene. viewGroup can be used to jump only slice views that are in a specific group. By default viewGroup is set to -1, which means that all slice views are jumped. If a non-NULL exclude pointer is specified then position of that slice node will not be changed. If jumpMode is set to vtkMRMLSliceNode::DefaultJumpSlice then jump mode set in the slice node will be used. specified in the slice node will be used.
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::JumpSlice | ( | double | r, |
double | a, | ||
double | s | ||
) |
Set the RAS offset of the Slice to the passed values. JumpSlice and JumpAllSlices use the JumpMode to determine how to jump.
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::JumpSliceByCentering | ( | double | r, |
double | a, | ||
double | s | ||
) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::JumpSliceByOffsetting | ( | double | r, |
double | a, | ||
double | s | ||
) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::JumpSliceByOffsetting | ( | int | k, |
double | r, | ||
double | a, | ||
double | s | ||
) |
bool vtkMRMLSliceNode::MatrixAreEqual | ( | const vtkMatrix4x4 * | m1, |
const vtkMatrix4x4 * | m2 | ||
) |
helper for comparing to matrices
bool vtkMRMLSliceNode::MatrixAreEqual | ( | const vtkMatrix4x4 * | matrix, |
const vtkMatrix3x3 * | orientationMatrix | ||
) |
static |
Instantiate a new Slice node without any orientation presets.
protected |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::PrintSelf | ( | ostream & | os, |
vtkIndent | indent | ||
) |
virtual |
Set node attributes.
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLAbstractViewNode.
static |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::RemoveAllThreeDViewIDs | ( | ) |
Remove All View Node IDs for the views to display this node in.
bool vtkMRMLSliceNode::RemoveSliceOrientationPreset | ( | const std::string & | name | ) |
Remove an orientation preset.
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::RemoveThreeDViewID | ( | char * | viewNodeID | ) |
Remove View Node ID for the view to display this node in.
bool vtkMRMLSliceNode::RenameSliceOrientationPreset | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | updatedName | ||
) |
Rename an orientation preset.
virtual |
Reimplemented to preserve orientation and layout color when reset.
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLAbstractViewNode.
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::ResetInteractionFlagsModifier | ( | ) |
Set all flags of the modifier to 1, resulting in the default linking behavior (broadcast of the updates to the parameters defined by the InteractionFlagType enum).
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::RotateToVolumePlane | ( | vtkMRMLVolumeNode * | volumeNode | ) |
adjusts the slice node to align with the native space of the image data so that no oblique resampling occurs when rendering (helps to see original acquisition data and for obluique volumes with few slices).
static |
virtual |
Set/get the active slice in the lightbox. The active slice is shown in the 3D scene
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetDimensions | ( | int | x, |
int | y, | ||
int | z | ||
) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetFieldOfView | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double | z | ||
) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetInteracting | ( | int | ) |
Get/Set a flag indicating whether this node is actively being manipulated (usually) by a user interface. This flag is used by logic classes to determine whether state changes should be propagated to other nodes to implement linked controls. Does not cause a Modified().
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetInteractionFlags | ( | unsigned | int | ) |
Get/Set a flag indicating what parameters are being manipulated within calls to InteractingOn() and InteractingOff(). These fields are used to propagate linked behaviors. This flag is a bitfield, with multiple parameters OR'd to composte the flag. Does not cause a Modifed().
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetInteractionFlagsModifier | ( | unsigned | int | ) |
Get/Set a flag indicating how the linking behavior should be modified. InteractionFlags modifier uses bits defined by InteractionFlagType enum that by default are all set and result in the default behavior. If a bit is not set, this will result in slice node interactions not broadcast.
virtual |
Control how JumpSlice operates. CenteredJumpMode puts the specified RAS position in the center of the slice. OffsetJumpMode does not change the slice position, merely adjusts the slice offset to get the RAS position on the slice.
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetJumpModeToCentered | ( | ) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetJumpModeToOffset | ( | ) |
virtual |
virtual |
Color for layout as rgb.
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetLayoutGrid | ( | int | rows, |
int | columns | ||
) |
Set the number of rows and columns to use in a LightBox display of the node
virtual |
virtual |
bool vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetOrientation | ( | const char * | orientation | ) |
Set orientation.
It adjusts the SliceToRAS matrix to position the slice cutting plane.
Valid orientations are known as presets and are easily added, removed or renamed.
protectedvirtual |
bool vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetOrientationToAxial | ( | ) |
Set 'standard' radiological convention views of patient space.
If the associated orientation preset has been renamed or removed, calling these function returns False.
bool vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetOrientationToCoronal | ( | ) |
bool vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetOrientationToSagittal | ( | ) |
virtual |
virtual |
Set/get the slice spacing to use when the SliceSpacingMode is "Prescribed"
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetSliceOffset | ( | double | offset | ) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetSliceOrigin | ( | double | xyz[3] | ) |
Origin of slice in XYZ or UVW space depending on SliceResolutionMode.
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetSliceOrigin | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double | z | ||
) |
virtual |
method for setting UVW space (extents, dimensions and spacing)
virtual |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetSliceSpacingModeToAutomatic | ( | ) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetSliceSpacingModeToPrescribed | ( | ) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetSliceToRASByNTP | ( | double | Nx, |
double | Ny, | ||
double | Nz, | ||
double | Tx, | ||
double | Ty, | ||
double | Tz, | ||
double | Px, | ||
double | Py, | ||
double | Pz, | ||
int | Orientation | ||
) |
Set the SliceToRAS matrix according to the position and orientation of the locator: N(x, y, z) - the direction vector of the locator T(x, y, z) - the transverse direction vector of the locator P(x, y, z) - the tip location of the locator All the above values are in RAS space.
virtual |
virtual |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetUVWDimensions | ( | int | x, |
int | y, | ||
int | z | ||
) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetUVWDimensions | ( | int | xyz[3] | ) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetUVWExtents | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double | z | ||
) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetUVWExtents | ( | double | xyz[3] | ) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetUVWExtentsAndDimensions | ( | double | extents[3], |
int | dimensions[3] | ||
) |
Set UVW extents and dimensions, produces less upadtes then calling both separately
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetUVWMaximumDimensions | ( | int | x, |
int | y, | ||
int | z | ||
) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetUVWMaximumDimensions | ( | int | xyz[3] | ) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetUVWOrigin | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double | z | ||
) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetUVWOrigin | ( | double | xyz[3] | ) |
virtual |
virtual |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetXYZOrigin | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double | z | ||
) |
void vtkMRMLSliceNode::UpdateMatrices | ( | ) |
Recalculate XYToSlice and XYToRAS in terms or fov, dim, SliceToRAS
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
Write this node's information to a MRML file in XML format.
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLAbstractViewNode.
static |
protected |
Definition at line 545 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 525 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 522 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 547 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 548 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 549 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 551 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 515 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 537 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 540 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 539 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 513 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 535 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 533 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 543 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 527 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 542 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 504 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 517 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 553 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 520 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 529 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 528 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 530 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 524 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 510 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 509 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 519 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 518 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 507 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 506 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 523 of file vtkMRMLSliceNode.h.