virtual void | AdditionnalInitializeStep () |
| Set up an observer on the interactor style to watch for key press events. More...
virtual vtkAbstractWidget * | CreateWidget (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *node) VTK_OVERRIDE |
| Create a widget. More...
virtual void | OnClickInRenderWindow (double x, double y, const char *associatedNodeID) VTK_OVERRIDE |
| Callback for click in RenderWindow. More...
virtual void | OnInteractorStyleEvent (int eventid) VTK_OVERRIDE |
| Respond to the interactor style event. More...
virtual void | OnMRMLMarkupsNodeMarkupAddedEvent (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *markupsNode, int n) VTK_OVERRIDE |
| Create new handle on widget when a new markup is added to a markups node. More...
virtual void | OnMRMLMarkupsNodeMarkupRemovedEvent (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *markupsNode, int n) VTK_OVERRIDE |
| Respond to a markup being removed from the markups node. More...
virtual void | OnMRMLMarkupsNodeNthMarkupModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *markupsNode, int n) VTK_OVERRIDE |
| Respond to the nth markup modified event. More...
virtual void | OnMRMLSceneEndClose () VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | OnWidgetCreated (vtkAbstractWidget *widget, vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *node) VTK_OVERRIDE |
| Gets called when widget was created. More...
virtual void | PropagateMRMLToWidget (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *node, vtkAbstractWidget *widget) VTK_OVERRIDE |
| Propagate properties of MRML node to widget. More...
virtual void | PropagateWidgetToMRML (vtkAbstractWidget *widget, vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *node) VTK_OVERRIDE |
| Propagate properties of widget to MRML node. More...
void | SetNthSeed (int n, vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode *fiducialNode, vtkSeedWidget *seedWidget) |
| Update a single seed from MRML. More...
virtual bool | UpdateNthSeedPositionFromMRML (int n, vtkAbstractWidget *widget, vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *pointsNode) VTK_OVERRIDE |
| Update a single seed position from the node, return true if the position changed. More...
virtual void | UpdatePosition (vtkAbstractWidget *widget, vtkMRMLNode *node) VTK_OVERRIDE |
| Respond to control point modified events. More...
| vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialDisplayableManager3D () |
virtual | ~vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialDisplayableManager3D () |
void | AddObserversToInteractionNode () |
| Observe the interaction node. More...
virtual int | GetDisableInteractorStyleEventsProcessing () |
| Accessor for internal flag that disables interactor style event processing. More...
void | GetDisplayToViewportCoordinates (double x, double y, double *viewportCoordinates) |
| Convert display to viewport coordinates. More...
void | GetDisplayToViewportCoordinates (double *displayCoordinates, double *viewportCoordinates) |
vtkHandleWidget * | GetSeed (int index) |
| Return the placed seeds. More...
vtkAbstractWidget * | GetWidget (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *node) |
| Get the widget of a node. More...
void | GetWorldToDisplayCoordinates (double r, double a, double s, double *displayCoordinates) |
| Convert display to world coordinates. More...
void | GetWorldToDisplayCoordinates (double *worldCoordinates, double *displayCoordinates) |
virtual bool | IsCorrectDisplayableManager () |
| Check if it is the right displayManager. More...
virtual bool | IsManageable (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
virtual bool | IsManageable (const char *nodeClassName) |
void | OnClickInRenderWindowGetCoordinates () |
virtual void | OnMRMLDisplayableNodeModifiedEvent (vtkObject *caller) VTK_OVERRIDE |
| Called after the corresponding MRML View container was modified. More...
void | OnMRMLMarkupsDisplayNodeModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
void | OnMRMLMarkupsNodeLockModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
virtual void | OnMRMLMarkupsNodeMarkupAddedEvent (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *vtkNotUsed(markupsNode), int vtkNotUsed(n)) |
virtual void | OnMRMLMarkupsNodeMarkupRemovedEvent (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *vtkNotUsed(markupsNode), int vtkNotUsed(n)) |
void | OnMRMLMarkupsNodeModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
| Preset functions for certain events. More...
virtual void | OnMRMLMarkupsNodeNthMarkupModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *vtkNotUsed(node), int vtkNotUsed(n)) |
void | OnMRMLMarkupsNodeTransformModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
void | OnMRMLMarkupsPointModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLNode *node, int n) |
virtual void | OnMRMLSceneNodeAdded (vtkMRMLNode *node) VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | OnMRMLSceneNodeRemoved (vtkMRMLNode *node) VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | PlaceSeed (double x, double y) |
| Place a seed for widgets. More...
virtual void | ProcessMRMLNodesEvents (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long event, void *callData) VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | RemoveMRMLObservers () VTK_OVERRIDE |
| Remove MRML observers. More...
void | RemoveObserversFromInteractionNode () |
virtual void | RequestRender () |
| Wrap the superclass render request in a check for batch processing. More...
void | SetAndObserveNode (vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *markupsNode) |
| Observe one node. More...
void | SetAndObserveNodes () |
| Observe all associated nodes. More...
virtual void | SetMRMLSceneInternal (vtkMRMLScene *newScene) VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | UpdateFromMRML () VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | UpdateFromMRMLScene () VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual bool | UpdateNthSeedPositionFromMRML (int vtkNotUsed(n), vtkAbstractWidget *vtkNotUsed(widget), vtkMRMLMarkupsNode *vtkNotUsed(markupsNode)) |
virtual void | UpdatePosition (vtkAbstractWidget *vtkNotUsed(widget), vtkMRMLNode *vtkNotUsed(node)) |
| Update just the position for the widget, implemented by subclasses. More...
| vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayableManager3D () |
virtual | ~vtkMRMLMarkupsDisplayableManager3D () |
virtual void | OnMRMLViewNodeModifiedEvent () |
| Could be overloaded in DisplayableManager subclass. More...
virtual void | PassThroughInteractorStyleEvent (int eventid) |
| vtkMRMLAbstractThreeDViewDisplayableManager () |
virtual | ~vtkMRMLAbstractThreeDViewDisplayableManager () |
virtual int | ActiveInteractionModes () |
void | AddInteractorObservableEvent (int eventid, float priority=0.0) |
void | AddInteractorStyleObservableEvent (int eventid, float priority=0.0) |
virtual void | AdditionalInitializeStep () |
void | AddMRMLDisplayableManagerEvent (int eventId) |
| Allow to specify additional events that the DisplayableNode will observe. More...
virtual void | Create () |
void | CreateIfPossible () |
int | GetInteractorAbortFlag () |
int | GetInteractorStyleAbortFlag () |
vtkMRMLDisplayableManagerGroup * | GetMRMLDisplayableManagerGroup () |
| Get associated DisplayableManager group. More...
vtkMRMLNode * | GetMRMLDisplayableNode () |
| Get MRML Displayable Node. More...
vtkCallbackCommand * | GetWidgetsCallbackCommand () |
| Get vtkWidget callbackCommand. More...
vtkObserverManager * | GetWidgetsObserverManager () const |
| Get widget observerManager. More...
void | InteractorAbortFlagOff () |
void | InteractorAbortFlagOn () |
void | InteractorStyleAbortFlagOff () |
void | InteractorStyleAbortFlagOn () |
virtual void | OnInteractorEvent (int eventid) |
virtual void | ProcessWidgetsEvents (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long event, void *callData) |
void | RemoveInteractorObservableEvent (int eventid) |
void | RemoveInteractorStyleObservableEvent (int eventid) |
void | RequestRender () |
void | SetAndObserveMRMLDisplayableNode (vtkMRMLNode *newMRMLDisplayableNode) |
void | SetInteractorAbortFlag (int f) |
| Set the Abort flag on the Interactor event callback. More...
void | SetInteractorStyleAbortFlag (int f) |
| Set the Abort flag on the InteractorStyle event callback. More...
virtual void | SetMRMLDisplayableManagerGroup (vtkMRMLDisplayableManagerGroup *group) |
virtual void | SetRenderer (vtkRenderer *newRenderer) |
void | SetUpdateFromMRMLRequested (bool requested) |
| vtkMRMLAbstractDisplayableManager () |
virtual | ~vtkMRMLAbstractDisplayableManager () |
int | EndModify (bool wasModifying) |
virtual bool | EnterMRMLLogicsCallback () const |
virtual bool | EnterMRMLNodesCallback () const |
virtual bool | EnterMRMLSceneCallback () const |
bool | GetDisableModifiedEvent () const |
int | GetInMRMLLogicsCallbackFlag () const |
int | GetInMRMLNodesCallbackFlag () const |
int | GetInMRMLSceneCallbackFlag () const |
vtkCallbackCommand * | GetMRMLLogicsCallbackCommand () |
vtkObserverManager * | GetMRMLLogicsObserverManager () const |
vtkCallbackCommand * | GetMRMLNodesCallbackCommand () |
vtkObserverManager * | GetMRMLNodesObserverManager () const |
vtkCallbackCommand * | GetMRMLSceneCallbackCommand () |
vtkObserverManager * | GetMRMLSceneObserverManager () const |
int | GetPendingModifiedEventCount () const |
int | GetProcessingMRMLSceneEvent () const |
| Return the event id currently processed or 0 if any. More...
int | InvokePendingModifiedEvent () |
virtual void | Modified () VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | ObserveMRMLScene () |
virtual void | OnMRMLNodeModified (vtkMRMLNode *) |
virtual void | OnMRMLSceneEndBatchProcess () |
virtual void | OnMRMLSceneEndImport () |
virtual void | OnMRMLSceneEndRestore () |
virtual void | OnMRMLSceneNew () |
virtual void | OnMRMLSceneStartBatchProcess () |
virtual void | OnMRMLSceneStartClose () |
virtual void | OnMRMLSceneStartImport () |
virtual void | OnMRMLSceneStartRestore () |
virtual void | ProcessMRMLLogicsEvents (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long event, void *callData) |
virtual void | ProcessMRMLSceneEvents (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long event, void *callData) |
virtual void | RegisterNodes () |
void | SetAndObserveMRMLSceneEventsInternal (vtkMRMLScene *newScene, vtkIntArray *events, vtkFloatArray *priorities=0) |
void | SetDisableModifiedEvent (bool onOff) |
void | SetInMRMLLogicsCallbackFlag (int flag) |
void | SetInMRMLNodesCallbackFlag (int flag) |
void | SetInMRMLSceneCallbackFlag (int flag) |
void | SetProcessingMRMLSceneEvent (int event) |
bool | StartModify () |
virtual void | UnobserveMRMLScene () |
| vtkMRMLAbstractLogic () |
virtual | ~vtkMRMLAbstractLogic () |