Set the fixed image. The method really doesn't do anything. The goal of this class is to compute the optimal transform, for the templated TransformType between the fixed and moving image grid, given a set of landmarks. Nothing is done with the images themselves. The method will therefore be deprecated and removed
Set the moving image. The method really doesn't do anything. The goal of this class is to compute the optimal transform, for the templated TransformType between the fixed and moving image grid, given a set of landmarks. Nothing is done with the images themselves. The method will therefore be deprecated and removed.
GetDisplayNodes Obsolete utility function that provides an unsafe API. Please use GetNumberOfDisplayNodes() and GetNthDisplayNode() instead const std::vector<vtkMRMLDisplayNode*>& GetDisplayNodes();
Fill in a label map volume to match the given template volume node, under the assumption that the given label map node is already added to the scene. A display node will be added to it if the label node doesn't already have one, and the image data associated with the label node will be allocated according to the template volumeNode.