Slicer  5.0
Slicer is a multi-platform, free and open source software package for visualization and medical image computing
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1 import qt
3 import slicer
6 #
7 # Abstract class of python scripted segment editor effects
8 #
11  """ Abstract scripted segment editor effects for effects implemented in python
13  USAGE:
14  1. Instantiation and registration
15  Instantiate segment editor effect adaptor class from
16  module (e.g. from setup function), and set python source:
17  > import qSlicerSegmentationsEditorEffectsPythonQt as effects
18  > scriptedEffect = effects.qSlicerSegmentEditorScriptedEffect(None)
19  > scriptedEffect.setPythonSource(MyEffect.filePath)
20  > scriptedEffect.self().register()
21  If effect name is added to slicer.modules.segmenteditorscriptedeffectnames
22  list then the above instantiation and registration steps are not necessary,
23  as the SegmentEditor module do all these.
25  2. Call host C++ implementation using
26  > self.scriptedEffect.functionName()
28  2.a. Most frequently used such methods are:
29  Parameter get/set: parameter, integerParameter, doubleParameter, setParameter
30  Add options widget: addOptionsWidget
31  Coordinate transforms: rasToXy, xyzToRas, xyToRas, xyzToIjk, xyToIjk
32  Convenience getters: renderWindow, renderer, viewNode
34  2.b. Always call API functions (the ones that are defined in the adaptor
35  class qSlicerSegmentEditorScriptedEffect) using the adaptor accessor:
36  > self.scriptedEffect.updateGUIFromMRML()
38  3. To prevent deactivation of an effect by clicking place fiducial toolbar button,
39  override interactionNodeModified(self, interactionNode)
41  An example for a generic effect is the ThresholdEffect
43  """
45  def __init__(self, scriptedEffect):
46  self.scriptedEffect = scriptedEffect
48  def register(self):
49  effectFactorySingleton = slicer.qSlicerSegmentEditorEffectFactory.instance()
50  effectFactorySingleton.registerEffect(self.scriptedEffect)
52  #
53  # Utility functions for convenient coordinate transformations
54  #
55  def rasToXy(self, ras, viewWidget):
56  rasVector = qt.QVector3D(ras[0], ras[1], ras[2])
57  xyPoint = self.scriptedEffect.rasToXy(rasVector, viewWidget)
58  return [xyPoint.x(), xyPoint.y()]
60  def xyzToRas(self, xyz, viewWidget):
61  xyzVector = qt.QVector3D(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2])
62  rasVector = self.scriptedEffect.xyzToRas(xyzVector, viewWidget)
63  return [rasVector.x(), rasVector.y(), rasVector.z()]
65  def xyToRas(self, xy, viewWidget):
66  xyPoint = qt.QPoint(xy[0], xy[1])
67  rasVector = self.scriptedEffect.xyToRas(xyPoint, viewWidget)
68  return [rasVector.x(), rasVector.y(), rasVector.z()]
70  def xyzToIjk(self, xyz, viewWidget, image, parentTransformNode=None):
71  xyzVector = qt.QVector3D(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2])
72  ijkVector = self.scriptedEffect.xyzToIjk(xyzVector, viewWidget, image, parentTransformNode)
73  return [int(ijkVector.x()), int(ijkVector.y()), int(ijkVector.z())]
75  def xyToIjk(self, xy, viewWidget, image, parentTransformNode=None):
76  xyPoint = qt.QPoint(xy[0], xy[1])
77  ijkVector = self.scriptedEffect.xyToIjk(xyPoint, viewWidget, image, parentTransformNode)
78  return [int(ijkVector.x()), int(ijkVector.y()), int(ijkVector.z())]
80  def setWidgetMinMaxStepFromImageSpacing(self, spinbox, imageData):
81  # Set spinbox minimum, maximum, and step size from vtkImageData spacing:
82  # Set widget minimum spacing and step size to be 1/10th or less than minimum spacing
83  # Set widget minimum spacing to be 100x or more than minimum spacing
84  if not imageData:
85  return
86  import math
87  spinbox.unitAwareProperties &= ~(slicer.qMRMLSpinBox.MinimumValue | slicer.qMRMLSpinBox.MaximumValue | slicer.qMRMLSpinBox.Precision)
88  stepSize = 10**(math.floor(math.log10(min(imageData.GetSpacing()) / 10.0)))
89  spinbox.minimum = stepSize
90  spinbox.maximum = 10**(math.ceil(math.log10(max(imageData.GetSpacing()) * 100.0)))
91  spinbox.singleStep = stepSize
92  # number of decimals is set to be able to show the step size (e.g., stepSize = 0.01 => decimals = 2)
93  spinbox.decimals = max(int(-math.floor(math.log10(stepSize))), 0)