24 #ifndef __vtkSlicerMultiVolumeRenderingLogic_h 25 #define __vtkSlicerMultiVolumeRenderingLogic_h 33 #include "vtkSlicerMultiVolumeRenderingModuleLogicExport.h" 47 class vtkColorTransferFunction;
48 class vtkPiecewiseFunction;
49 class vtkVolumeProperty;
61 void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
static vtkSlicerModuleLogic * New()
The Usual vtk class functions.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) VTK_OVERRIDE
MRML node for representing a volume display attributes.
A set of MRML Nodes that supports serialization and undo/redo.
virtual void OnMRMLSceneNodeAdded(vtkMRMLNode *)
virtual void RegisterNodes()
virtual void OnMRMLSceneNodeRemoved(vtkMRMLNode *)
virtual void SetMRMLSceneInternal(vtkMRMLScene *newScene)
MRML node for representing a volume (image stack).
MRML node to represent a 3D view.
MRML node for representing a volume (image stack).
virtual void UpdateFromMRMLScene()
Abstract Superclass for all specific types of MRML nodes.
vtkMRMLVolumePropertyNode contains the transfer functions (scalar opacity, color and gradient opacity...
MRML node for representing a volume display attributes.
MRML node for representing a volume display attributes.