virtual QList< QAction * > | itemContextMenuActions () const |
| Get item context menu item actions to add to tree view. More...
| qSlicerSubjectHierarchyCloneNodePlugin (QObject *parent=NULL) |
virtual void | showContextMenuActionsForItem (vtkIdType itemID) |
virtual | ~qSlicerSubjectHierarchyCloneNodePlugin () |
virtual bool | addNodeToSubjectHierarchy (vtkMRMLNode *node, vtkIdType parentItemID) |
virtual double | canAddNodeToSubjectHierarchy (vtkMRMLNode *node, vtkIdType parentItemID=vtkMRMLSubjectHierarchyNode::INVALID_ITEM_ID) const |
virtual Q_INVOKABLE double | canOwnSubjectHierarchyItem (vtkIdType itemID) const |
virtual double | canReparentItemInsideSubjectHierarchy (vtkIdType itemID, vtkIdType parentItemID) const |
virtual QString | displayedItemName (vtkIdType itemID) const |
virtual Q_INVOKABLE void | editProperties (vtkIdType itemID) |
| Open module belonging to item and set inputs in opened module. More...
virtual Q_INVOKABLE int | getDisplayVisibility (vtkIdType itemID) const |
virtual const QString | helpText () const |
| Get help text for plugin to be added in subject hierarchy module widget help box. More...
virtual QIcon | icon (vtkIdType itemID) |
Q_INVOKABLE bool | isThisPluginOwnerOfItem (vtkIdType itemID) const |
| Determines if the item is owned by this plugin. More...
virtual QString | name () const |
| Get the name of the plugin. More...
| qSlicerSubjectHierarchyAbstractPlugin (QObject *parent=NULL) |
virtual bool | reparentItemInsideSubjectHierarchy (vtkIdType itemID, vtkIdType parentItemID) |
virtual Q_INVOKABLE const QString | roleForPlugin () const |
virtual Q_INVOKABLE QList< QAction * > | sceneContextMenuActions () const |
virtual Q_INVOKABLE void | setDisplayVisibility (vtkIdType itemID, int visible) |
| Set display visibility of a owned subject hierarchy item. More...
virtual void | setName (QString name) |
virtual Q_INVOKABLE void | showVisibilityContextMenuActionsForItem (vtkIdType itemID) |
virtual Q_INVOKABLE QString | tooltip (vtkIdType itemID) const |
| Generate tooltip for a owned subject hierarchy item. More...
virtual Q_INVOKABLE QList< QAction * > | visibilityContextMenuActions () const |
virtual Q_INVOKABLE QIcon | visibilityIcon (int visible) |
| Get visibility icon for a visibility state. More...
virtual | ~qSlicerSubjectHierarchyAbstractPlugin () |