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Slicer is a multi-platform, free and open source software package for visualization and medical image computing
MRML node for representing a volume storage. More...
#include <Libs/MRML/Core/vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode.h>
Public Types | |
typedef vtkMRMLStorageNode | Superclass |
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enum | { Idle, Pending, Scheduled, Transferring, TransferDone, Cancelled } |
typedef vtkMRMLNode | Superclass |
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enum | { HierarchyModifiedEvent = 16000, IDChangedEvent = 16001, ReferenceAddedEvent, ReferenceModifiedEvent, ReferenceRemovedEvent, ReferencedNodeModifiedEvent } |
typedef vtkObject | Superclass |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual bool | CanReadInReferenceNode (vtkMRMLNode *refNode) VTK_OVERRIDE |
Return true if the reference node is supported by the storage node. More... | |
virtual bool | CanWriteFromReferenceNode (vtkMRMLNode *refNode) VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | ConfigureForDataExchange () VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | Copy (vtkMRMLNode *node) VTK_OVERRIDE |
Copy the node's attributes to this object More... | |
virtual vtkMRMLNode * | CreateNodeInstance () VTK_OVERRIDE |
Create instance of the default node. Like New only virtual. More... | |
virtual int | GetCenterImage () |
Center image on read More... | |
virtual const char * | GetClassName () |
virtual const char * | GetNodeTagName () VTK_OVERRIDE |
Get node XML tag name (like Storage, Model) More... | |
virtual int | GetSingleFile () |
whether to read single file or the whole series More... | |
virtual int | GetUseOrientationFromFile () |
virtual int | IsA (const char *type) |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | ReadXMLAttributes (const char **atts) VTK_OVERRIDE |
Read node attributes from XML file More... | |
virtual void | SetCenterImage (int) |
virtual void | SetSingleFile (int) |
virtual void | SetUseOrientationFromFile (int) |
Whether to use orientation from file More... | |
std::string | UpdateFileList (vtkMRMLNode *refNode, int move=0) |
virtual void | WriteXML (ostream &of, int indent) VTK_OVERRIDE |
Write this node's information to a MRML file in XML format. More... | |
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unsigned int | AddFileName (const char *fileName) |
Add in another file name to the list of file names More... | |
unsigned int | AddURI (const char *uri) |
Add in another URI to the list of URI's More... | |
int | FileNameIsInList (const char *fileName) |
const char * | GetAbsoluteFilePath (const char *inputPath) |
virtual std::string | GetCompressionParameter () |
virtual std::string | GetCompressionParameterFromDisplayName (const std::string &name) |
Returns a string representing the specified preset. More... | |
virtual std::vector< std::string > | GetCompressionPresetDisplayNames () |
Returns a list of displayable names of the supported compression presets. More... | |
virtual const std::vector< CompressionPreset > | GetCompressionPresets () |
Get a list of all supported compression presets. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetDefaultWriteFileExtension () |
Return default file extension for writing. More... | |
virtual std::string | GetDisplayNameFromCompressionParameter (const std::string &preset) |
Returns the name of the specified preset. More... | |
virtual void | GetFileExtensionsFromFileTypes (vtkStringArray *inputFileTypes, vtkStringArray *outputFileExtensions) |
virtual char * | GetFileName () |
std::string | GetFileNameWithoutExtension (const char *fileName=NULL) |
std::string | GetFullNameFromFileName () |
std::string | GetFullNameFromNthFileName (int n) |
const char * | GetNthFileName (int n) const |
return the nth file name, null if doesn't exist More... | |
const char * | GetNthURI (int n) |
Get the nth URI from the list of URI's More... | |
virtual int | GetNumberOfCompressionPresets () |
Get the number of compression presets. More... | |
int | GetNumberOfFileNames () const |
See how many file names were generated during ExecuteInformation More... | |
int | GetNumberOfURIs () |
Return how many uri names this storage node holds in it's list More... | |
virtual int | GetReadState () |
Get/Set the state of reading. More... | |
const char * | GetReadStateAsString () |
const char * | GetStateAsString (int state) |
virtual vtkMRMLStorableNode * | GetStorableNode () |
vtkTimeStamp | GetStoredTime () |
virtual std::string | GetSupportedFileExtension (const char *fileName=NULL, bool includeReadable=true, bool includeWriteable=true) |
virtual vtkStringArray * | GetSupportedReadFileTypes () |
virtual vtkStringArray * | GetSupportedWriteFileTypes () |
virtual char * | GetTempFileName () |
virtual char * | GetURI () |
virtual vtkURIHandler * | GetURIHandler () |
virtual int | GetUseCompression () |
virtual char * | GetWriteFileFormat () |
virtual int | GetWriteState () |
Get/Set the state of writing More... | |
const char * | GetWriteStateAsString () |
void | InvalidateFile () |
int | IsFilePathRelative (const char *filepath) |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | ProcessMRMLEvents (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long event, void *callData) VTK_OVERRIDE |
Propagate Progress Event generated in ReadData More... | |
virtual int | ReadData (vtkMRMLNode *refNode, bool temporaryFile=false) |
void | ResetFileNameList () |
Clear the array of file names More... | |
void | ResetNthFileName (int n, const char *fileName) |
Set the nth file in FileNameList, checks that it is already defined More... | |
void | ResetNthURI (int n, const char *uri) |
Set the nth uri in URIList, checks that it is already defined More... | |
void | ResetURIList () |
Clear the array of URIs More... | |
virtual void | SetCompressionParameter (std::string) |
Compression parameter that is used to save the node. More... | |
void | SetDataDirectory (const char *dataDirName) |
Set a new data directory for all files More... | |
virtual void | SetDefaultWriteFileExtension (const char *ext) |
virtual void | SetFileName (const char *) |
virtual void | SetReadState (int) |
void | SetReadStateCancelled () |
void | SetReadStateIdle () |
void | SetReadStatePending () |
void | SetReadStateScheduled () |
void | SetReadStateTransferDone () |
void | SetReadStateTransferring () |
virtual void | SetTempFileName (const char *) |
A temporary file name used to calculate absolute paths More... | |
virtual void | SetURI (const char *) |
Location of the remote copy of this file. More... | |
virtual void | SetURIHandler (vtkURIHandler *uriHandler) |
void | SetURIPrefix (const char *uriPrefix) |
Set a new URI base for all URI's More... | |
virtual void | SetUseCompression (int) |
virtual void | SetWriteFileFormat (const char *) |
Allow to set specific file format that this node will write output. More... | |
virtual void | SetWriteState (int) |
void | SetWriteStateCancelled () |
void | SetWriteStateIdle () |
void | SetWriteStatePending () |
void | SetWriteStateScheduled () |
void | SetWriteStateTransferDone () |
void | SetWriteStateTransferring () |
virtual int | SupportedFileType (const char *fileName) |
virtual void | UseCompressionOff () |
virtual void | UseCompressionOn () |
Use compression on write More... | |
virtual int | WriteData (vtkMRMLNode *refNode) |
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vtkMRMLNode * | AddAndObserveNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID, vtkIntArray *events=0) |
Add and observe a reference node from this node for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
vtkMRMLNode * | AddNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID) |
Convenience method that adds a referencedNodeID at the end of the list. More... | |
void | AddNodeReferenceRole (const char *referenceRole, const char *mrmlAttributeName=0, vtkIntArray *events=0) |
Add a referenceRole. More... | |
virtual void | AddToSceneOff () |
virtual void | AddToSceneOn () |
virtual void | CopyReferences (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
Copy the references of the node into this. More... | |
void | CopyWithoutModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
void | CopyWithScene (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
Copy everything (including Scene and ID) from another node of the same type. More... | |
void | CopyWithSceneWithSingleModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
Copy everything (including Scene and ID) from another node of the same type. More... | |
void | CopyWithSingleModifiedEvent (vtkMRMLNode *node) |
void | DisableModifiedEventOff () |
void | DisableModifiedEventOn () |
virtual int | EndModify (int previousDisableModifiedEventState) |
End modifying the node. More... | |
virtual int | GetAddToScene () |
node added to MRML scene. More... | |
const char * | GetAttribute (const char *name) |
Get value of a name value pair attribute. More... | |
std::vector< std::string > | GetAttributeNames () |
Get all attribute names. More... | |
void | GetAttributeNames (vtkStringArray *attributeNames) |
Get all attribute names. Python-wrappable version. More... | |
virtual char * | GetDescription () |
virtual int | GetDisableModifiedEvent () |
Turn on/off generating InvokeEvent for set macros. More... | |
virtual int | GetHideFromEditors () |
Describes if the node is hidden. More... | |
virtual char * | GetID () |
ID use by other nodes to reference this node in XML. More... | |
virtual int | GetInMRMLCallbackFlag () |
Flags to avoid event loops. More... | |
virtual int | GetModifiedEventPending () |
virtual char * | GetName () |
vtkMRMLNode * | GetNodeReference (const char *referenceRole) |
const char * | GetNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole) |
Utility function that returns the first node id for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
void | GetNodeReferenceIDs (const char *referenceRole, std::vector< const char *> &referencedNodeIDs) |
Return a list of the referenced node IDs. More... | |
void | GetNodeReferenceRoles (std::vector< std::string > &roles) |
void | GetNodeReferences (const char *referenceRole, std::vector< vtkMRMLNode *> &nodes) |
Return a list of the referenced nodes. More... | |
vtkMRMLNode * | GetNthNodeReference (const char *referenceRole, int n) |
Get referenced MRML node for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
const char * | GetNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n) |
Return the string of the Nth node ID for a specific reference role. More... | |
const char * | GetNthNodeReferenceRole (int n) |
int | GetNumberOfNodeReferenceRoles () |
int | GetNumberOfNodeReferences (const char *referenceRole) |
Return the number of node IDs for a specific reference role (and nodes as they always have the same size). More... | |
virtual int | GetSaveWithScene () |
Save node with MRML scene. More... | |
virtual vtkMRMLScene * | GetScene () |
Only the scene can set itself to the node. More... | |
virtual int | GetSelectable () |
Describes if the node is selectable. More... | |
virtual int | GetSelected () |
Get/Set for Selected. More... | |
virtual char * | GetSingletonTag () |
bool | HasNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID) |
Return true if referencedNodeID is in the node ID list for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
virtual void | HideFromEditorsOff () |
virtual void | HideFromEditorsOn () |
virtual void | InvokeCustomModifiedEvent (int eventId, void *callData=NULL) |
This method allows the node to compress events. More... | |
virtual int | InvokePendingModifiedEvent () |
Invokes any modified events that are pending . More... | |
bool | IsSingleton () |
virtual void | Modified () VTK_OVERRIDE |
Customized version of Modified() allowing to compress vtkCommand::ModifiedEvent. More... | |
virtual void | OnNodeAddedToScene () |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) VTK_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | ProcessChildNode (vtkMRMLNode *) |
Set dependencies between this node and a child node when parsing XML file. More... | |
void | RemoveAttribute (const char *name) |
Remove attribute with the specified name. More... | |
void | RemoveNodeReferenceIDs (const char *referenceRole) |
Remove all node IDs and associated nodes for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
void | RemoveNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n) |
Convenience method that removes the Nth node ID from the list. More... | |
virtual void | Reset (vtkMRMLNode *defaultNode) |
Reset node attributes to the initial state as defined in the constructor or the passed default node. More... | |
virtual void | SaveWithSceneOff () |
virtual void | SaveWithSceneOn () |
virtual void | SelectableOff () |
virtual void | SelectableOn () |
virtual void | SelectedOff () |
virtual void | SelectedOn () |
virtual void | SetAddToScene (int) |
void | SetAddToSceneNoModify (int value) |
vtkMRMLNode * | SetAndObserveNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID, vtkIntArray *events=0) |
Set and observe a reference node from this node for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
vtkMRMLNode * | SetAndObserveNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n, const char *referencedNodeID, vtkIntArray *events=0) |
Set and observe the Nth node ID for a specific reference role. More... | |
void | SetAttribute (const char *name, const char *value) |
Set a name value pair attribute. More... | |
virtual void | SetDescription (const char *) |
Text description of this node, to be set by the user. More... | |
void | SetDisableModifiedEvent (int onOff) |
virtual void | SetHideFromEditors (int) |
void | SetInMRMLCallbackFlag (int flag) |
virtual void | SetName (const char *) |
Name of this node, to be set by the user. More... | |
vtkMRMLNode * | SetNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, const char *referencedNodeID) |
Set a reference to a node with specified nodeID from this node for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
vtkMRMLNode * | SetNthNodeReferenceID (const char *referenceRole, int n, const char *referencedNodeID) |
Set a N-th reference from this node with specified referencedNodeID for a specific referenceRole. More... | |
virtual void | SetSaveWithScene (int) |
virtual void | SetScene (vtkMRMLScene *scene) |
virtual void | SetSceneReferences () |
Update the references of the node to the scene. More... | |
virtual void | SetSelectable (int) |
virtual void | SetSelected (int) |
void | SetSingletonOff () |
void | SetSingletonOn () |
virtual void | SetSingletonTag (const char *) |
Tag that make this node a singleton in the scene. More... | |
virtual int | StartModify () |
Start modifying the node. Disable Modify events. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateReferenceID (const char *oldID, const char *newID) |
Update the stored reference to another node in the scene. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateReferences () |
The method should remove all pointers and observations to all nodes that are not in the scene anymore. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateScene (vtkMRMLScene *) |
const char * | URLDecodeString (const char *inString) |
Decode a URL string. More... | |
const char * | URLEncodeString (const char *inString) |
Encode a URL string. More... | |
virtual void | WriteNodeBodyXML (ostream &of, int indent) |
Write this node's body to a MRML file in XML format. More... | |
std::string | XMLAttributeDecodeString (const std::string &inString) |
Decode an XML attribute string. More... | |
std::string | XMLAttributeEncodeString (const std::string &inString) |
Encode an XML attribute string (replaces special characters by code sequences) More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode * | New () |
static vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode * | SafeDownCast (vtkObject *o) |
static void | SetMetaDataDictionaryFromReader (vtkMRMLVolumeNode *, vtkITKArchetypeImageSeriesReader *) |
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static std::string | GetLowercaseExtensionFromFileName (const std::string &filename) |
static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkMRMLStorageNode * | SafeDownCast (vtkObject *o) |
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static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkMRMLNode * | SafeDownCast (vtkObject *o) |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | InitializeSupportedWriteFileTypes () VTK_OVERRIDE |
Initialize all the supported write file types. More... | |
vtkITKArchetypeImageSeriesReader * | InstantiateVectorVolumeReader (const std::string &fullName) |
void | operator= (const vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode &) |
virtual int | ReadDataInternal (vtkMRMLNode *refNode) VTK_OVERRIDE |
Read data and set it in the referenced node. More... | |
vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode () | |
vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode (const vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode &) | |
virtual int | WriteDataInternal (vtkMRMLNode *refNode) VTK_OVERRIDE |
Write data from a referenced node. More... | |
~vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode () | |
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virtual void | InitializeSupportedReadFileTypes () |
void | operator= (const vtkMRMLStorageNode &) |
void | StageReadData (vtkMRMLNode *refNode) |
void | StageWriteData (vtkMRMLNode *refNode) |
virtual void | UpdateCompressionPresets () |
vtkMRMLStorageNode () | |
vtkMRMLStorageNode (const vtkMRMLStorageNode &) | |
~vtkMRMLStorageNode () | |
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virtual const char * | GetMRMLAttributeNameFromReferenceRole (const char *refRole) |
Return the mrml attribute name (if found) associated with a reference role. Return 0 otherwise. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetReferenceRoleFromMRMLAttributeName (const char *attName) |
Return the reference role (if found) associated with the attribute name found in a MRML scene file. Return 0 otherwise. More... | |
virtual char * | GetTempURLString () |
void | GetUpdatedReferencedNodeEventList (int &oldReferencedNodeUseCount, int &newReferencedNodeUseCount, vtkIntArray *oldConsolidatedEventList, vtkIntArray *newConsolidatedEventList, vtkMRMLNode *oldReferencedNode, vtkMRMLNode *newReferencedNode, vtkMRMLNodeReference *referenceToIgnore, vtkIntArray *newEvents) |
virtual void | InvalidateNodeReferences () |
virtual bool | IsReferenceRoleGeneric (const char *refRole) |
Return true if the reference role is generic (ends with '/') or false otherwise. More... | |
virtual void | OnNodeReferenceAdded (vtkMRMLNodeReference *reference) |
virtual void | OnNodeReferenceModified (vtkMRMLNodeReference *reference) |
Called when a referenced node pointer is modified. More... | |
virtual void | OnNodeReferenceRemoved (vtkMRMLNodeReference *reference) |
Called when a referenced node pointer is removed (set to NULL). More... | |
void | operator= (const vtkMRMLNode &) |
void | ParseReferencesAttribute (const char *attValue, std::map< std::string, std::string > &references) |
virtual void | SetTempURLString (const char *) |
Get/Set the string used to manage encoding/decoding of strings/URLs with special characters. More... | |
vtkMRMLNode * | UpdateNodeReferenceEventObserver (vtkMRMLNode *oldReferencedNode, vtkMRMLNode *newReferencedNode, vtkIntArray *newEvents, vtkMRMLNodeReference *referenceToIgnore) |
virtual void | UpdateNodeReferences (const char *referenceRole=NULL) |
virtual void | UpdateNthNodeReference (const char *referenceRole, int n) |
vtkMRMLNode () | |
vtkMRMLNode (const vtkMRMLNode &) | |
virtual | ~vtkMRMLNode () |
critical to have a virtual destructor! More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
int | CenterImage |
int | SingleFile |
int | UseOrientationFromFile |
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std::string | CompressionParameter |
std::vector< CompressionPreset > | CompressionPresets |
std::string | DefaultWriteFileExtension |
List of supported extensions to write in. More... | |
char * | FileName |
std::vector< std::string > | FileNameList |
An array of file names, should contain the FileName but may not More... | |
vtkWeakPointer< vtkMRMLStorableNode > | LastFoundStorableNode |
int | ReadState |
vtkTimeStamp * | StoredTime |
vtkStringArray * | SupportedReadFileTypes |
List of supported extensions to read in. More... | |
vtkStringArray * | SupportedWriteFileTypes |
char * | TempFileName |
char * | URI |
vtkURIHandler * | URIHandler |
std::vector< std::string > | URIList |
An array of URI's, should contain the URI but may not More... | |
int | UseCompression |
char * | WriteFileFormat |
int | WriteState |
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int | AddToScene |
AttributesType | Attributes |
char * | Description |
int | HideFromEditors |
char * | ID |
int | InMRMLCallbackFlag |
Flag to avoid event loops More... | |
vtkCallbackCommand * | MRMLCallbackCommand |
Holders for MRML callbacks. More... | |
vtkObserverManager * | MRMLObserverManager |
char * | Name |
NodeReferenceEventsType | NodeReferenceEvents |
std::map< std::string, std::string > | NodeReferenceMRMLAttributeNames |
NodeReferencesType | NodeReferences |
int | SaveWithScene |
vtkWeakPointer< vtkMRMLScene > | Scene |
int | Selectable |
int | Selected |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > | AttributesType |
typedef std::map< std::string, vtkSmartPointer< vtkIntArray > > | NodeReferenceEventsType |
typedef std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkMRMLNodeReference > > | NodeReferenceListType |
typedef std::map< std::string, NodeReferenceListType > | NodeReferencesType |
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static void | MRMLCallback (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eid, void *clientData, void *callData) |
MRML node for representing a volume storage.
vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode nodes describe the archetybe based volume storage node that allows to read/write volume data from/to file using generic ITK mechanism.
Definition at line 28 of file vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode.h.
Definition at line 32 of file vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode.h.
protected |
protected |
protected |
virtual |
Return true if the reference node is supported by the storage node.
Implements vtkMRMLStorageNode.
virtual |
Return true if the node can be written from. Used by WriteData to know if the file can be written from the reference node. By default it returns the same than CanReadInReferenceNode. Subclasses can reimplement the method.
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLStorageNode.
virtual |
Configure the storage node for data exchange. This is an opportunity to optimize the storage node's settings, for instance to turn off compression.
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLStorageNode.
virtual |
Copy the node's attributes to this object
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLStorageNode.
virtual |
Create instance of the default node. Like New only virtual.
Implements vtkMRMLStorageNode.
virtual |
Center image on read
virtual |
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLStorageNode.
inlinevirtual |
Get node XML tag name (like Storage, Model)
Implements vtkMRMLStorageNode.
Definition at line 59 of file vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode.h.
virtual |
whether to read single file or the whole series
virtual |
protectedvirtual |
Initialize all the supported write file types.
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLStorageNode.
protected |
virtual |
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLStorageNode.
static |
static |
protected |
void vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode::PrintSelf | ( | ostream & | os, |
vtkIndent | indent | ||
) |
protectedvirtual |
Read data and set it in the referenced node.
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLStorageNode.
virtual |
Read node attributes from XML file
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLStorageNode.
static |
virtual |
static |
Provide a uniform way to populate the volume nodes's itk metadatadictionary from the reader. Since itk::MetaDataDictionary is not exposed in python, this method allows it to be set indirectly using only wrapped types.
virtual |
virtual |
Whether to use orientation from file
std::string vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode::UpdateFileList | ( | vtkMRMLNode * | refNode, |
int | move = 0 |
) |
Do a temp write to update the file list in this storage node with all file names that are written when write out the ref node If move is 1, return the directory that contains the written files and only the written files, for use in a move instead of a double write. Otherwise return an empty string.
protectedvirtual |
Write data from a referenced node.
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLStorageNode.
virtual |
Write this node's information to a MRML file in XML format.
Reimplemented from vtkMRMLStorageNode.
protected |
Definition at line 110 of file vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 111 of file vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode.h.
protected |
Definition at line 112 of file vtkMRMLVolumeArchetypeStorageNode.h.