15#ifndef __vtkMRMLGlyphableVolumeSliceDisplayNode_h
16#define __vtkMRMLGlyphableVolumeSliceDisplayNode_h
22#include "vtkPolyData.h"
25class vtkTransformPolyDataFilter;
40 void PrintSelf ( ostream& os, vtkIndent indent )
54 void WriteXML ( ostream& of,
int indent )
63 const char*
GetNodeTagName ()
override {
return "GlyphableVolumeSliceDisplayNode";}
void UpdateReferenceID(const char *oldID, const char *newID) override
Update the stored reference to another node in the scene.
virtual void SetSliceGlyphRotationMatrix(vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix)
Set slice to IJK transformation.
vtkPolyData * GetOutputMesh() override
virtual vtkPolyData * GetSliceOutputPolyData()
void SetColorModeToSolid()
Color by solid color (for example the whole fiber bundle red. blue, etc.)
vtkTransformPolyDataFilter * SliceToXYTransformer
const char * GetNodeTagName() override
Get node XML tag name (like Volume, UnstructuredGrid)
void UpdateScene(vtkMRMLScene *scene) override
Finds the storage node and read the data.
vtkAlgorithmOutput * SliceImagePort
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
vtkAlgorithmOutput * GetOutputMeshConnection() override
vtkTransform * SliceToXYTransform
void WriteXML(ostream &of, int indent) override
Write this node's information to a MRML file in XML format.
Display Information: ColorMode for glyphs.
void UpdateReferenceID(const char *oldID, const char *newID) override
Update the stored reference to another node in the scene.
void UpdateAssignedAttribute() override
Update the pipeline based on this node attributes.
void SetColorModeToUseCellScalars()
virtual vtkAlgorithmOutput * GetSliceOutputPort()
void SetColorModeToScalar()
Color according to the tensors using various scalar invariants.
virtual void SetSlicePositionMatrix(vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix)
Set slice to RAS transformation.
vtkMRMLNode * CreateNodeInstance() override
MRMLNode methods.
virtual void SetInputToPolyDataPipeline(vtkAlgorithmOutput *glyphPolyData)
Ignore input polydata as it takes a volume slice as input.
void UpdateReferences() override
static vtkMRMLGlyphableVolumeSliceDisplayNode * New()
void SetColorModeToFunctionOfScalar()
void Copy(vtkMRMLNode *node) override
Copy the node's attributes to this object.
vtkMatrix4x4 * SliceToXYMatrix
virtual void SetColorMode(int)
virtual void SetSliceImagePort(vtkAlgorithmOutput *imagePort)
@ colorModeFunctionOfScalar
@ colorModeUseCellScalars
vtkMRMLGlyphableVolumeSliceDisplayNode(const vtkMRMLGlyphableVolumeSliceDisplayNode &)
~vtkMRMLGlyphableVolumeSliceDisplayNode() override
void ReadXMLAttributes(const char **atts) override
Read node attributes from XML (MRML) file.
void ProcessMRMLEvents(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *) override
alternative method to propagate events generated in Display nodes
void operator=(const vtkMRMLModelDisplayNode &)
friend class vtkMRMLScene