QString acknowledgementText() const override
Acknowledgement of the module.
vtkMRMLAbstractLogic * createLogic() override
Create and return the logic associated to this module.
qSlicerTextsModule(QObject *parent=nullptr)
~qSlicerTextsModule() override
qSlicerAbstractModuleRepresentation * createWidgetRepresentation() override
Create and return the widget representation associated to this module.
QStringList categories() const override
Categories where the module should appear.
QStringList contributors() const override
Contributors of the module.
QStringList associatedNodeTypes() const override
Specify editable node types.
void setup() override
Reimplemented to initialize the Texts IO.
QIcon icon() const override
Icon of the Texts module.
QScopedPointer< qSlicerTextsModulePrivate > d_ptr
QString helpText() const override
Help text of the module.
qSlicerLoadableModule Superclass
QStringList dependencies() const override
Dependencies of the module.
Display name for the module.