Slicer  5.0
Slicer is a multi-platform, free and open source software package for visualization and medical image computing
Todo List
Member qMRMLLayoutManager::activeMRMLPlotViewNode () const
For now the active view is the first plot view.
Member qMRMLLayoutManager::activeMRMLTableViewNode () const
For now the active view is the first table view.
Member qMRMLLayoutManager::activeMRMLThreeDViewNode () const
For now the active view is the first 3D view.
Member qMRMLLayoutManager::activePlotRenderer () const
For now the active view is the first plot view.
Member qMRMLLayoutManager::activeTableRenderer () const
For now the active view is the first table view.
Member qMRMLLayoutManager::activeThreeDRenderer () const
For now the active view is the first 3D view.
Member qMRMLSceneHierarchyModel::expandColumn
Move the Expanded property to vtkMRMLHierarchyNode.
Class qMRMLTreeView
Rename to qMRMLSceneTreeView In debug mode, pressing the '!' key on the view switches of qMRMLSortFilterProxyModel::filterType, it can be useful to debug the scene model and filters applied to them.
Member qSlicerAbstractCoreModule::isInstalled () const
Ideally this function should be added within the qSlicerLoadableModule.
Member qSlicerAbstractCoreModule::path
Ideally this function should be added within the qSlicerLoadableModule.
Member qSlicerAbstractCoreModule::path () const
Ideally this function should be added within the qSlicerLoadableModule.
Member qSlicerAbstractModuleFactoryManager::searchPaths
In qSlicerAbstractModuleFactoryManager, should the module search recursively descend searchPaths
Member qSlicerCLIModule::moduleLogoToImage (const ModuleLogo &logo)
: Find a better place for this util function
Member qSlicerCorePythonManager::appendPythonPath (const QString &path)
Add these methods to ctkAbstractPythonManager
Member qSlicerModuleFactoryManager::loadModule (const QString &name)
move it as protected
Member qSlicerSettingsExtensionsPanel::onExtensionsPathChanged (const QString &path)
This slot does nothing.
Member vtkMRMLStorageNode::ReadData (vtkMRMLNode *refNode, bool temporaryFile=false)
make temporaryFile a property (similar to what FileName)
Class vtkPluginFilterWatcher
Allow any stream object to be used for the output (not just std::cout)
Member vtkSlicerApplicationLogic::RequestModified (vtkObject *)
Fire RequestProcessedEvent when processing Modified requests.
Member vtkSlicerApplicationLogic::RequestProcessedEvent
Add support for "modified" request.