Slicer  4.11
Slicer is a multi-platform, free and open source software package for visualization and medical image computing
qSlicerIO Member List

This is the complete list of members for qSlicerIO, including all inherited members.

description() const =0qSlicerIOpure virtual
fileType() const =0qSlicerIOpure virtual
IOFileType typedefqSlicerIO
IOProperties typedefqSlicerIO
mrmlScene() constqSlicerObject
options() constqSlicerIOvirtual
qSlicerIO(QObject *parent=nullptr)qSlicerIOexplicit
setMRMLScene(vtkMRMLScene *)qSlicerObjectvirtual
Superclass typedefqSlicerIO
userMessages() constqSlicerIO
~qSlicerIO() overrideqSlicerIO