1#ifndef __vtkMRMLROIListNode_h
2#define __vtkMRMLROIListNode_h
15 void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
28 void WriteXML(ostream& of,
int indent)
friend class vtkMRMLScene
char * VolumeNodeID
The ID of the volume node that is associated with the ROI.
int SetNthROILabelText(int n, const char *text)
Get/Set for label text of the Nth ROI.
void SetColor(double c[3])
int GetNthROISelected(int n)
vtkMRMLNode * CreateNodeInstance() override
MRMLNode methods.
void RemoveAllROIs()
Remove all ROIs from the list.
double * GetNthROIRadiusIJK(int n)
double Opacity
Numbers relating to the 3D render of the ROI.
~vtkMRMLROIListNode() override
void SetSelectedColor(double c[3])
int AddROI()
Add an ROI to the list with default values.
double * GetNthROIIJK(int n)
void UpdateScene(vtkMRMLScene *scene) override
int SetNthROIRadiusXYZ(int n, double Radiusx, double Radiusy, double Radiusz)
Get/Set for Nth radius of the ROI in RAS coordinates.
vtkCollection * ROIList
The collection of ROI that make up this list.
void SetSelectedColor(double r, double g, double b)
Get/Set for color for when an ROI is selected.
double * GetNthROIXYZ(int n)
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
int SetNthROIIJK(int n, double i, double j, double k)
void UpdateReferences() override
update display node ids
void SetOpacity(double opacity)
Opacity of the ROI expressed as a number from 0 to 1.
void SetTextScale(double scale)
Get/Set for Text scale.
const char * GetNthROIID(int n)
int SetNthROIID(int n, const char *id)
Get/Set for ID of the Nth ROI.
int SetNthROIXYZ(int n, double x, double y, double z)
double * GetNthROIRadiusXYZ(int n)
void SetVisibility(int visible)
Get/Set for list visibility.
void ProcessMRMLEvents(vtkObject *caller, unsigned long event, void *callData) override
Propagate events generated in mrml.
void ReadXMLAttributes(const char **atts) override
Set node attributes.
void Copy(vtkMRMLNode *node) override
Copy the node's attributes to this object.
void RemoveROI(int i)
Remove an ROI from the list.
void operator=(const vtkMRMLROIListNode &)
static vtkMRMLROIListNode * New()
const char * GetNodeTagName() override
Get node XML tag name (like Volume, Model)
vtkMRMLROINode * GetNthROINode(int n)
int SetNthROIRadiusIJK(int n, double Radiusi, double Radiusj, double Radiusk)
Get/Set for Nth radius of the ROI in IJK coordinates.
const char * GetNthROILabelText(int n)
void SetColor(double r, double g, double b)
Get/Set for ROI and Text color.
void SetAllVolumeNodeID()
Set the Volume node ID for each ROI node in the list.
int GetNumberOfROIs()
Get the number of ROIs in the list.
int SetNthROISelected(int n, int flag)
Get/Set for selected flag of the Nth ROI.
void WriteXML(ostream &of, int indent) override
Write this node's information to a MRML file in XML format.
vtkMRMLROIListNode(const vtkMRMLROIListNode &)
MRML node to represent a 3D ROI.