10#ifndef __vtkMRMLCommandLineModuleNode_h
11#define __vtkMRMLCommandLineModuleNode_h
16#include "vtkMRMLCLIExport.h"
18class ModuleDescription;
26class VTK_MRML_CLI_EXPORT vtkMRMLCommandLineModuleNode :
public vtkMRMLNode
29 static vtkMRMLCommandLineModuleNode *
31 void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
39 void WriteXML(ostream& of,
int indent)
47 {
return "CommandLineModule";}
327 void *callData)
338 vtkInternal * Internal;
26class VTK_MRML_CLI_EXPORT vtkMRMLCommandLineModuleNode :
public vtkMRMLNode {
MRML node for representing the parameters allowing to run a command line interface module (CLI)....
bool IsValidGroupId(unsigned int group) const
std::string GetParameterChannel(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
std::string GetParameterGroupLabel(unsigned int group) const
std::string GetModuleDescriptionAsString() const
static const char * GetRegisteredModuleNameByIndex(int idx)
static vtkMRMLCommandLineModuleNode * New()
int ContinuousOutputUpdateInProgressCount
std::string GetParameterMultiple(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
std::string GetParameterGroupAdvanced(unsigned int group) const
bool IsValidParamId(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
bool SetParameterAsString(const char *name, const std::string &value)
std::string GetModuleVersion() const
vtkMTimeType GetInputMTime() const
@ AutoRunCancelsRunningProcess
@ AutoRunOnAnyInputEvent
Trigger an auto run when an input parameter fires any event.
@ AutoRunOnOtherInputEvents
@ AutoRunOnModifiedInputEvent
@ AutoRunOnChangedParameter
@ AutoRunEnabledMask
Mask used to know if auto run is configured with valid parameters.
static ModuleDescription GetRegisteredModuleDescription(const std::string &name)
void Modified() override
Reimplemented for internal reasons.
std::string GetParameterLabel(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
std::string GetParameterDescription(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
void SetAutoRun(bool enable)
bool SetParameterAsInt(const char *name, int value)
static void RegisterModuleDescription(ModuleDescription md)
void SetModuleDescription(const char *name)
bool SetParameterAsNode(const char *name, vtkMRMLNode *value)
std::string GetParameterGroupDescription(unsigned int group) const
static bool HasRegisteredModule(const std::string &name)
bool WriteParameterFile(const std::string &filename, bool withHandlesToBulkParameters=true)
bool SetParameterAsBool(const char *name, bool value)
unsigned int GetNumberOfParametersInGroup(unsigned int group) const
std::string GetParameterTag(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
void WriteXML(ostream &of, int indent) override
Write this node's information to a MRML file in XML format.
std::string GetParameterValue(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
vtkMTimeType GetParameterMTime() const
std::string GetParameterMaximum(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
std::string GetParameterFlag(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
std::string GetParameterCoordinateSystem(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
const ModuleDescription & GetModuleDescription() const
void StartContinuousOutputUpdate()
unsigned int GetAutoRunDelay() const
std::string GetModuleType() const
void ReadXMLAttributes(const char **atts) override
Set node attributes.
void EndContinuousOutputUpdate()
static int GetNumberOfRegisteredModules()
Methods to manage the master list of module description prototypes.
vtkMRMLNode * CreateNodeInstance() override
Create instance of the default node. Like New only virtual.
std::string GetParameterLongFlag(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
bool IsInputDefaultValue(const std::string &value) const
bool IsContinuousOutputUpdate()
std::string GetParameterAsString(const char *name) const
std::string GetModuleTitle() const
void ProcessMRMLEvents(vtkObject *caller, unsigned long event, void *callData) override
Propagate events generated in mrml.
ModuleDescription & GetModuleDescription()
std::string GetModuleTarget() const
int GetAutoRunMode() const
void SetAutoRunDelay(unsigned int delayInMs)
void SetModuleDescription(const ModuleDescription &description)
std::string GetParameterConstraints(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
std::string GetParameterIndex(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
void SetAutoRunMode(int autoRunMode)
bool SetParameterAsFloat(const char *name, float value)
void SetErrorText(const std::string &text, bool modify=true)
std::string GetParameterMinimum(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
std::string GetErrorText() const
std::string GetParameterFileExtensions(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
bool SetParameterAsDouble(const char *name, double value)
std::string GetParameterArgType(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
const char * GetNodeTagName() override
Get node XML tag name (like Volume, Model)
unsigned int GetNumberOfParameterGroups() const
void SetStatus(int status, bool modify=true)
std::string GetParameterType(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
std::string GetOutputText() const
const char * GetStatusString() const
std::string GetDisplayableStatusString() const
bool ReadParameterFile(const std::string &filename)
std::string GetParameterDefault(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
void SetOutputText(const std::string &text, bool modify=true)
std::string GetParameterName(unsigned int group, unsigned int param) const
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
List of events that can be fired on or by the node.
@ StatusModifiedEvent
Event invoked when the CLI changes of status.
@ Running
State when the CLI is being executed.
@ ErrorsMask
Mask applied when the CLI has been executed with errors.
@ Cancelling
State when the CLI has been requested to be cancelled.
@ CompletedWithErrors
State when the CLI has been executed with errors.
@ BusyMask
Mask used to know if the CLI is in pending mode.
@ Idle
Initial state of the CLI.
@ Scheduled
State when the CLI has been requested to be executed.
vtkMTimeType GetLastRunTime() const
void operator=(const vtkMRMLNode &)